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Data requirements for research fishing

Request Meeting Document
Document Number:
Submitted By:
Sarah Mackey (CCAMLR Secretariat)

There are currently two sets of requirements for reporting data from vessels conducting fishing for research purposes (i.e. research fishing): (1) research fishing conducted under Conservation Measure 24-01 (scientific research) requires that catch, effort and biological data be reported on a haul-by-haul basis using the format used by research vessels (data form C4); and (2) research fishing under CM 41-01 (exploratory fisheries) requires that catch, effort and biological data be reported on a haul-by-haul basis using the formats used during commercial fishing by vessels (data form C2) and carrying scientific observers (cruise reports and logbooks).

This paper reviews the data collection and reporting requirements for research fishing. A harmonised approach is proposed to WG-SAM for consideration. The proposal would see fishing vessels use form C2 throughout their campaigns, with scientific observer continuing to use cruise reports and logbooks, and any supplementary data requirements for research fishing being reported on a separate form.