SC-CAMLR-XII/01 Mostrar menos información |
Provisional Agenda for the Twelfth Meeting of the Scientific Committee for the Conservation of Antarctic Marine Living Resources |
SC-CAMLR-XII/02 Mostrar menos información |
Annotated Provisional Agenda for the Twelfth Meeting of the Scientific Committee for the Conservation of Antarctic Marine Living Resources |
SC-CAMLR-XII/03 Mostrar menos información |
Report of the Working Group for the CCAMLR Ecosystem Monitoring Program
(Seoul, Republic of Korea, 16 to 23 August 1993) |
SC-CAMLR-XII/04 Mostrar menos información |
Report of the Fifth Meeting of the Working Group on Krill
(Tokyo, Japan, 4 to 12 August 1993) |
SC-CAMLR-XII/05 Mostrar menos información |
Report of the Working Group on Fish Stock Assessment (Hobart, Australia, 12 to 19 October 1993) |
SC-CAMLR-XII/06 Mostrar menos información |
Vacant |
SC-CAMLR-XII/07 Mostrar menos información |
Publication policy - CCAMLR Science journal Secretaría |
SC-CAMLR-XII/08 Mostrar menos información |
Acquisition of sea ice data for CEMP indices Secretaría |
SC-CAMLR-XII/09 Mostrar menos información |
Draft management plan for the protection of Cape Shirreff and the San Telmo Islands, South Shetland Islands, as a site included in the CCAMLR Ecosystem Monitoring Program |
SC-CAMLR-XII/BG/01 Mostrar menos información |
Summary of fishery statistics for 1993 Secretariat |
SC-CAMLR-XII/BG/02 Mostrar menos información |
CCAMLR databases and data availability Secretariat |
SC-CAMLR-XII/BG/03 Mostrar menos información |
Report of a coordination meeting of the Conveners of the Working Groups on Krill, CEMP and Fish and the Chairman of the Scientific Committee |
SC-CAMLR-XII/BG/04 Mostrar menos información |
An exploratory fishing expedition for Dissostichus eleginoides around the South Sandwich Islands, Antarctica Delegations of Chile and United Kingdom
An exploratory fishing survey was undertaken around the South Sandwich Islands ( FAO Subarea 48.4 ), to establish the presence and abundance of the Patagonian Tootfish Dissostichus eleginoides with a view to opening a new fishery under the auspices of the Commission for the Conservation of Antarctic Marine Living Resources (CCAMLR). The survey was undertaken by the Chilean long-liner B/F Read More
Presentado por:
Admin Admin (Secretaría de la CCRVMA)
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SC-CAMLR-XII/BG/05 Mostrar menos información |
SCAR-COMNAP proposal for an Antarctic data management system Secretariat |
SC-CAMLR-XII/BG/06 Mostrar menos información |
Entanglement of Antarctic fur seals Arctocephalus gazella in man-made debris at Bird Island, South Georgia during the 1992 winter and 1992/93 pup-rearing season Delegation of United Kingdom
Surveys of Antarctic fur seals entangled in man-made marine debris were carried out for the third consecutive winter and fifth consecutive summer at Bird Island, South Georgia. In the 1992 winter an unprecedented number of 97 entangled seals were seen, a ten-fold increase on the previous two years and with twice as many seals suffering serious injuries. Almost all animals involved were Read More
Presentado por:
Admin Admin (Secretaría de la CCRVMA)
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SC-CAMLR-XII/BG/07 Mostrar menos información |
Records of fishing hooks associated with albatrosses at Bird Island, South Georgia, 1992/93 Delegation of United Kingdom
At least six instances of long-line fishing gear (especially hooks) in association with breeding black-browed and wandering albatrosses were recorded at Bird Island, South Georgia in 1992J93. Although similar observations had been made in previous seasons, this is the highest incidence yet recorded in a single season.
Presentado por:
Admin Admin (Secretaría de la CCRVMA)
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SC-CAMLR-XII/BG/08 Rev. 1 Mostrar menos información |
Seabird interactions with long-lining operations during an exploratory fishing cruise for Dissostichus eleginoides to South Sandwich Islands, Antarctica Delegations of United Kingdom and Chile
During seven operations involving the setting and hauling of long-lines to catch Dissostichus eleginoides around the South Sandwich Islands ( Statistical Sub-area 48.4 ), actual y potential interactions with seabirds were assessed. Bird numbers increased rapidly after dawn and large numbers of Cape, giant and storm petrels and smaller numbers of white-chinned petrels and black-browed Read More
Presentado por:
Admin Admin (Secretaría de la CCRVMA)
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SC-CAMLR-XII/BG/09 Mostrar menos información |
Observer’s report from the 1993 meeting of the Scientific Committee of the International Whaling Commission Observer (W.K. de la Mare, Australia) |
SC-CAMLR-XII/BG/10 Mostrar menos información |
Southern Ocean cephalopods symposium Delegation of United Kingdom |
SC-CAMLR-XII/BG/11 Mostrar menos información |
Fishing and conservation in southern waters Delegation of Germany
Fishing in the Southern Ocean commenced on finfish in 1969/70 and on krill in 1972/73. The former Soviet Union has been the most important fishing nation, taking 80-90 % of the entire catch. Up to 1992/93, more than 3 million tonnes of finfish had been harvested, mainly around South Georgia and the Kerguelen Islands. After 15 years of exploitation, most fish stocks have been heavily depleted. Read More
Presentado por:
Admin Admin (Secretaría de la CCRVMA)
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SC-CAMLR-XII/BG/12 Mostrar menos información |
FAO ad hoc consultation on the role of regional fishery agencies in relation to high seas fishery statistics Secretariat |
SC-CAMLR-XII/BG/13 Mostrar menos información |
Observations on CCAMLR specifications for streamer lines to reduce longline by-catch of seabirds Delegation of New Zealand |
SC-CAMLR-XII/BG/14 Mostrar menos información |
Incidental capture of seabirds by Japanese southern bluefin tuna longline vessels in New Zealand waters 1988 -1992 Delegation of New Zealand |
SC-CAMLR-XII/BG/15 Mostrar menos información |
Oiled penguins observed at Bird Island, South Georgia, 1992/1993 Delegation of United Kingdom
In the first observation of oiled seabirds at Bird Island, South Georgia since the station was opened in 1975, six freshly-oiled penguins (one chinstrap, five gentoos) were recorded ashore in July and August 1993. Because gentoo penguins feed very close inshore in winter they must have been contaminated near Bird Island from pollution originating nearby. Krill fishing boats, operating within Read More
Presentado por:
Admin Admin (Secretaría de la CCRVMA)
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SC-CAMLR-XII/BG/16 Mostrar menos información |
The SCAR Antarctic digital topographic database Delegation of United Kingdom
The Antarctic digital topographic database is the outcome of a truly international collaborative project between 11 nations. Data capture was co-ordinated in the UK, under the auspices of the Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research (SCAR), during a two-year period. Over 200 maps, at scales ranging from 1:200 000 to 1:5 000 000, were digitized for the project and reference was made to a Read More
Presentado por:
Admin Admin (Secretaría de la CCRVMA)
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SC-CAMLR-XII/BG/17 Mostrar menos información |
Impacto antropico en Cabo Shirreff, Isla Livingston, Antartica Delegación de Chile
El objetivo de este trabajo es presentar una síntesis de evidencias del impacto humano en Cabo Shirreff (62"27'S., 61l'47'W), isla Livingston, sobre la base de antecedentes históricos y observaciones de terreno. En un acercamiento cronológico arbitrario se ha establecido tres periodos: Antiguo, reciente y actual.
El primero dice relación con los naufragios de antiguas embarcaciones, Read More
Presentado por:
Admin Admin (Secretaría de la CCRVMA)
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SC-CAMLR-XII/BG/18 Mostrar menos información |
Report on measures on board Russian vessels in 1992/93 to avoid incidental mortality of seabirds Delegation of Russia |
SC-CAMLR-XII/BG/19 Mostrar menos información |
Notes on management under uncertainty Observer (Ukraine) |
SC-CAMLR-XII/BG/20 Mostrar menos información |
Report of the SC-CAMLR Observer at the SCAR Planning Workshop for the Antarctic Pack-ice Seals (APIS) Program |
SC-CAMLR-XII/BG/21 Mostrar menos información |
Population dynamics of black-browed and grey-headed albatrosses Diomedea melanophris and D. chrysostoma at Bird Island, South Georgia Delegation of United Kingdom
Population dynamics of Black-browed and Grey-headed Albatrosses were studied at Bird Island, South Georgia for 17 consecutive years (1975-1991). Over this period almost all the Grey-headed Albatross colonies decreased, at an average rate of 1.8% per annum. Although the total Black-browed Albatross population increased (at 0.8% pa.), 14 of the 23 colonies (including both study colonies) Read More
Presentado por:
Admin Admin (Secretaría de la CCRVMA)
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SC-CAMLR-XII/BG/22 Mostrar menos información |
Co-operative mechanisms for the conservation of albatross Delegation of Australia |
SC-CAMLR-XII/BG/23 Mostrar menos información |
Report of the CCAMLR Observer to ICES CCAMLR Observer (D. Agnew, Secretariat) |
SC-CAMLR-XII/BG/24 Mostrar menos información |
Cooperation with IWC Secretariat |
SC-CAMLR-XII/BG/25 Mostrar menos información |
Towards the development of an international Globec southern ocean program SCAR Observer |
SC-CAMLR-XII/BG/26 Mostrar menos información |
Antarctic ozone depletion: impacts of elevated uv-b levels on the Southern Ocean ecosystem ASOC Observer |
SC-CAMLR-XII/BG/27 Mostrar menos información |
Definitions and applicability of various criteria to the management of marine living resources Observer (Ukraine) |