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S. Grant (United Kingdom)

This paper is based on a presentation given at the Joint CEP/SC-CAMLR Workshop (3-4 April 2009). It provides information on the different objectives and types of marine spatial protection and management that can be implemented in Antarctic waters, including details on the tools currently available under CCAMLR and the Antarctic Treaty. The paper aims to bring together the relevant information on the principles and priorities agreed by CCAMLR Members and the ATCPs, so that further progress can be made on establishing effective systems of marine spatial protection. It is concluded that appropriate tools for marine spatial protection and management are already in place, that scientific information is now adequate to make progress, and that practical means to cooperate with the CEP/ATCM are available. The paper therefore recommends that WG-EMM Members should agree to:

  1. Work towards the establishment of effective, representative and coherent spatial protection of marine biodiversity, using the full range of tools available under CCAMLR and the ATCM.
  2. Cooperate as far as possible with the CEP to ensure that such measures are implemented on a scientific basis, and with the aim of achieving harmonised protection for Antarctic marine biodiversity across the Antarctic Treaty System.