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Preliminary results on the distribution of fin whales on the northern Antarctic Peninsula

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Número de documento:
E. Seyboth, L. Dalla Rosa, G. Watters and E.R. Secchi
Presentado por:
Dr Elisa Seyboth
Aprobado por:
Mr Benhur Peruch Viana (Brasil)

Results presented here contribute to the currently poor knowledge of fin whales (Balaenoptera physalus) in Southern Ocean, based on preliminary results regarding the distribution of the species around the northern Antarctic Peninsula. We show a broad view of the sightings based on data collected from 2013 to 2018 by the Brazilian Antarctic Program the Polar Vessel (NPo) Almirante Maximiano during the austral summer. Distance sampling methods were used during the cetacean monitoring effort. A total of 630 fin whale individuals were sighted within 287 groups that varied in size form 1 to 31 ( = 5.12). The species seems to the shifting or spreading its distribution to the western side of the Antarctic Peninsula and also to southern regions than previously recorded. We still working on these data and aim to present the results of such further research on the oncoming CCAMLR meetings. The information we are generating with this research is essential for decision makers to consider management strategies to this endangered species and to its main prey item, the Antarctic krill Euphausia superba.