Número de documento:
Presentado por:
Dr Martin Collins (Reino Unido)
Aprobado por:
Dr Martin Collins (Reino Unido)
Punto(s) de la agenda
The krill fishery management strategy endorsed by CCAMLR in 2019 requires: krill biomass estimates, a yield model to estimate harvest rates, and a Spatial Overlap Analysis (previously Risk Assessment) to spread the catch limit among Management Units. We report on the progress and workplan to conduct the Spatial Overlap Analysis in Subareas 48.2 and 48.3. While work is underway in Subarea 48.3, we highlight that the data set we have currently identified for 48.2 is limited and we are seeking additional data to inform analyses. We therefore kindly request Members to provide any available data that may supplement our analyses in either Subarea, with particular emphasis on Subarea 48.2.