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Perfluorinated compounds in muscle tissues of Antarctic toothfish in Division 58.4.1 and 58.4.2 of Antarctic Sea

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Número de documento:
Delegation of the Republic of Korea
Presentado por:
Dr Seok-Gwan Choi (República de Corea)
Aprobado por:
Dr Seok-Gwan Choi (República de Corea)

We measured concentrations of 15 perfluorinated compounds (PFCs) in muscle tissues of Antarctic toothfish (n=113), and investigated accumulation patterns of PFCs in female and male muscles. The total PFCs (Σ15PFCs) were ND (not detected) to 2.98 ng/g wet weight (ww) in muscle tissues with 0.32 ng/g ww of median concentration. The main compounds among PFCs were perfluoro-n-hexanoic acid and perfluoro-n-pentanoic acid. PFCs concentrations and compositions were significantly different between male and female. The levels of PFCs in the present study are comparable to those reported in 31 fish species from Korean coastal waters (0.27-4.81 ng/g ww). The concentrations of Perfluoro-1-octanesulfonate in the present study were much lower than environmental quality standard for biota (9.1 ng/g ww) by EU Water Framework Directive.