CCAMLR-XXXVII/12 Mostrar menos información |
Actividades y tendencias de la pesca INDNR en 2017/18 y listas de barcos de pesca INDNR Secretaría de la CCRVMA
En este documento se resume información en posesión de la Secretaría en relación con la actividad de los barcos y la pesca INDNR pertinente para la CCRVMA entre octubre de 2017 y agosto de 2018. Se brindan detalles de un intento de desembarque de austromerluza del barco STS-50 —incluido en las listas de barcos de pesca INDNR de la CCRVMA—, la partida no autorizada de dicha embarcación Read More
Presentado por:
Ms Doro Forck (Secretaría de la CCRVMA)
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SC-CAMLR-XXXVI/20 Mostrar menos información |
Plan de Investigación y Seguimiento del Área Marina Protegida en la región del Mar de Ross A. Dunn, M. Vacchi y G. Watters (Co-coordinadores)
Plan de Investigación y Seguimiento del Área Marina Protegida en la región del Mar de Ross
Presentado por:
Mr Alistair Dunn (Nueva Zelandia)
Aprobado por:
Mr Alistair Dunn (Nueva Zelandia)
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4.2.3 |
SC-CAMLR-XXXVII/01 Mostrar menos información |
Informe de los coordinadores del Taller de la CCRVMA para la formulación de una hipótesis sobre la población de Dissostichus mawsoni en el Área 48 (19 al 21 de febrero de 2018, Berlín, Alemania) Coordinadores del taller (C. Darby (Reino Unido) y C. Jones (EE. UU.)) |
4.2.1 |
SC-CAMLR-XXXVII/02 Rev. 1 Mostrar menos información |
Informe Resumido Revisión Independiente de Evaluaciones de Stocks de Austromerluza de la CCRVMA 18 a 22 de Junio, 2018 Norwich, Reino Unido |
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SC-CAMLR-XXXVII/BG/01 Rev. 4 Mostrar menos información |
Catches of target species in the Convention Area CCAMLR Secretariat
This paper presents catches from directed fishing on toothfish, icefish and krill in the Convention Area in 2016/17 and 2017/18, including catches taken during scientific surveys conducted in accordance with Conservation Measure 24-01. Monthly catch totals for 2017/18, based on data reported to 3020 September 2018, are presented with dates of closures of Read More
Presentado por:
Mr Tim Jones (Secretaría de la CCRVMA)
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SC-CAMLR-XXXVII/BG/21 Mostrar menos información |
Marine debris and entanglements at Bird Island and King Edward Point, South Georgia, Signy Island, South Orkneys and Goudier Island, Antarctic Peninsula 2017/18 C. Waluda
Marine debris data were collected at Bird Island and King Edward Point, South Georgia, at Signy Island, South Orkneys and at Goudier Island, Antarctic Peninsula for the period April 2017 to March 2018. Surveys of beached marine debris at Bird Island recorded a total of 371 items during austral winter (April to September 2017) and 111 items during summer (October 2017 to March 2018). Thirteen Read More
Presentado por:
Dr Chris Darby
Aprobado por:
Dr Chris Darby
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6.4 |
SC-CAMLR-XXXVII/BG/23 Mostrar menos información |
Efficiency of the multi-year research programs for the Dissostichus species exploratory fishery: comments on the multi-Member research in the East Antarctic (Division 58.4.1) Delegation of the Russian Federation |
4.2.2 |
WG-FSA-18/01 Mostrar menos información |
Analyses of ice conditions in the research area proposed by Ukraine for a multi-year Dissostichus research program in Statistical Subarea 48.1 H. Pehlke, S. Hain, K. Teschke and T. Brey
The Ukraine submitted to WG SAM 2018 a proposal for a new toothfish research program in Subarea 48.1 (see document WG-SAM-18/11). The research area, which Ukraine intends to use for the new fisheries research program, is located within CCAMLR Subarea 48.1. Detailed analyses of the sea ice concentration and the repeated accessibility of this research area were carried out using the method Read More
Presentado por:
Dr Katharina Teschke (Alemania)
Aprobado por:
Professor Thomas Brey
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4.2.1 |
WG-FSA-18/02 Mostrar menos información |
On multi-year variability of the Patagonian toothfish (Dissostichus eleginoides) size composition in longline catches in the South Georgia maritime zone N.N. Kukharev and A.F. Petrov
The multi-year variability of the Patagonian toothfish (Dissostichus eleginoides) size composition in longline catches in the South Georgia maritime zone in context of the fishery management is discussed.
Presentado por:
Dr Svetlana Kasatkina (Federación de Rusia)
Aprobado por:
Dr Svetlana Kasatkina (Federación de Rusia)
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3.2 |
WG-FSA-18/03 Mostrar menos información |
Finding of a tag on toothfish from the stomach of Dissostichus mawsoni L. Pshenichnov and P. Zabroda
In the stomachs of caught Dissostichus mawsoni, specimen of the Dissostichus species with tag found.
Presentado por:
Dr Leonid Pshenichnov (Ucrania)
Aprobado por:
Dr Kostiantyn Demianenko (Ucrania)
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4.2.3 |
WG-FSA-18/04 Mostrar menos información |
Brief report on the results of oceanological work of Ukrainian vessels in the CCAMLR area in the season 2017/18 V. Paramonov and L. Pshenichnov
In the fishing season of 2018, three Ukrainian fishing vessels SIMEIZ, KOREIZ, CALIPSO collected oceanographic data (salinity and temperature) in Subareas 88.1, 88.2, 48.2. Some preliminary results presented.
Presentado por:
Dr Leonid Pshenichnov (Ucrania)
Aprobado por:
Dr Kostiantyn Demianenko (Ucrania)
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4.2.4 |
WG-FSA-18/05 Mostrar menos información |
Hydroacoustic data obtained around Elephant Island and South Orkney Islands during austral summer 2018 N.A. Alegría and P.M. Arana
This document presents the analysis of acoustic data obtained during the austral summer of 2018 as a complement to finfish research in Subareas 48.1 and 48.2 using bottom trawling nets. The acoustic information survey was carried out with a SIMRAD EK80 wide band scientific echosounder at a frequency of 38 kHz and a SIMRAD ES70 fishing echosounder equipped with a 120 kHz frequency transducer. Read More
Presentado por:
Dr César Cárdenas (Chile)
Aprobado por:
Dr César Cárdenas (Chile)
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4.2.4 |
WG-FSA-18/06 Mostrar menos información |
Preliminary insights of Antarctic toothfish sub-adults life-history traits from the southern Weddell Sea (Subarea 48.5) M. La Mesa, F. Donato and E. Riginella
A few sub-adults of the Antarctic toothfish (Dissostichus mawsoni) were collected by bottom trawling carried out by the RV Polarstern in the southern Weddell Sea (Subarea 48.5) (PS82, ANT-XXIX/9, 19 December 2013 - 5 March 2014). Fishes were caught on the shelf and slope off the Riiser-Larsen Ice Shelf. In this document we report first data on individual age, gonad stage of Read More
Presentado por:
Dr Mario La Mesa (Italia)
Aprobado por:
Dr Marino Vacchi (Italia)
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4.2.1 |
WG-FSA-18/07 Mostrar menos información |
Managing the Ross Sea toothfish fisheries – A response to the consultation responses (COMM CIRC 18/39) CCAMLR Secretariat
In 2017 the fishery in the Northern Area of the Ross Sea Area 88.1 was opened for one day, closed for 2 days, and then re-opened, a situation that was criticised by some Members. The Secretariat has taken note of the responses to the consultation released in COMM CIRC 18/21 (CCAMLR Secretariat catch and effort monitoring procedure) and proposes a revised approach for catch and effort Read More
Presentado por:
Ms Belinda Blackburn (Secretaría de la CCRVMA)
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4.2.3 |
WG-FSA-18/08 Rev. 1 Mostrar menos información |
Informing the Working Group on Fish Stock Assessment about the revisions of the WSMPA proposal S. Hain, K. Teschke, H. Pehlke and T. Brey on behalf of the German Weddell Sea MPA project team
Following the submission of a first draft Conservation Measure for establishing a MPA in the Weddell Sea (WSMPA) to CCAMLR 2016, Germany has carried out further work on the WSMPA proposal and the EU has submitted a revised CM proposal to CCAMLR 2018.
This document is based on similar documents submitted to WG SAM 2018 and the CCAMLR Workshop on Spatial Management (WS-SM-18). It intends Read More
Presentado por:
Dr Katharina Teschke (Alemania)
Aprobado por:
Professor Thomas Brey
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WG-FSA-18/09 Mostrar menos información |
Implementation of by-catch move-on rules in exploratory fisheries CCAMLR Secretariat
The implementation of by-catch move-on rules is presented based on the analysis of catch and location data from CCAMLR exploratory fisheries from 2010 to 2018. Conservation Measure 33-03 specified a haul-specific move-on rule for any by-catch taxa and a cumulative catch move-on rule specifically for Macrourids. The results indicate a very low incidence of triggering either rule and only 5 Read More
Presentado por:
Ms Doro Forck (Secretaría de la CCRVMA)
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6.1 |
WG-FSA-18/10 Mostrar menos información |
Fish by-catch in the krill fishery: 2018 update CCAMLR Secretariat
Data on fish bycatch in the krill fishery from commercial catch data (120 949 hauls) and CCAMLR SISO data (17 455 hauls) up to 20 Sept 2018 was used to examine the frequency of occurrence, length-frequency distribution and geographic provenance of the key fish taxa reported. There is an increase in the data quality from the observer scheme and an increase in the frequency of fish bycatch in Read More
Presentado por:
Ms Belinda Blackburn (Secretaría de la CCRVMA)
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6.1.1 |
WG-FSA-18/11 Rev. 1 Mostrar menos información |
Implementation of the CCAMLR Scheme of International Scientific Observation during 2017/18 CCAMLR Secretariat
This paper provides a summary of data collected by Scientific Observers operating in the Convention Area on board fishing vessels during the 2018 season (based on data received by the Secretariat up to 8 October 2018). Developments in the Scheme of International Scientific Observation Program are discussed with several metrics of observer performance presented, demonstrating an improved Read More
Presentado por:
Ms Belinda Blackburn (Secretaría de la CCRVMA)
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WG-FSA-18/12 Mostrar menos información |
Estimates of local biomass with uncertainty for Antarctic (Dissostichus mawsoni) and Patagonian (D. eleginoides) toothfish in research blocks in Subareas 48.6 and 58.4 CCAMLR Secretariat
Local biomass of toothfish in research blocks in Subareas 48.6 and 58.4 have been estimated using a CPUE-by-seabed-area analogy method and Chapman tag-recapture methods following the advice of WG-SAM. The trend analysis decision rules developed by WG-FSA 17 were applied to provide catch limits for 2018/19. The only research blocks in which there were adequate recaptures were 486_2, 486_3 and Read More
Presentado por:
Ms Belinda Blackburn (Secretaría de la CCRVMA)
Aprobado por:
Ms Belinda Blackburn (Secretaría de la CCRVMA)
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4.1.1 |
WG-FSA-18/13 Rev. 1 Mostrar menos información |
Summary of incidental mortality associated with fishing activities collected in scientific observer and vessel data during the 2018 season CCAMLR Secretariat
This paper summarises data collected by Scheme of International Scientific Observation observers, and vessels for incidental interactions between fishing vessels, seabirds and marine mammals during the course of fishing activities during the 2018 season. Incidental mortality numbers for longline fisheries in which seabird mortalities have been reported are presented with the data from Read More
Presentado por:
Ms Belinda Blackburn (Secretaría de la CCRVMA)
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6.2 |
WG-FSA-18/14 Mostrar menos información |
Meta-analysis of catch reporting in CCAMLR exploratory fisheries CCAMLR Secretariat
The Secretariat has prepared a meta-analysis of the target and by-catch reported in CCAMLR exploratory fisheries (as an update to WG-FSA-15/04 Rev. 1). The number of fish belonging to target species divided by the total number of fish caught (the target catch ratio) is used as simple metric of the relative level of target and by-catch reported for each haul. This index showed little variation Read More
Aprobado por:
Ms Doro Forck (Secretaría de la CCRVMA)
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6.1.1 |
WG-FSA-18/15 Mostrar menos información |
Measurement of capacity in CCAMLR exploratory fisheries in Subareas 88.1 and 88.2: Secretariat update 2018 CCAMLR Secretariat
This paper presents an update of the metrics of capacity and capacity utilisation presented in WG-SAM-14/19 and WG-FSA-15/09 in order to monitor trends in capacity in exploratory toothfish fisheries in Subareas 88.1 and 88.2. The updated metrics show the same pattern as in previous updates and do not indicate an excess of capacity in the fishery. Interpretation of data for 2018 should be Read More
Presentado por:
Ms Belinda Blackburn (Secretaría de la CCRVMA)
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4.2.3 |
WG-FSA-18/16 Rev. 1 Mostrar menos información |
Research proposal for Dissostichus spp. in Subarea 88.3 by Ukraine in 2019 Delegation of Ukraine
The research of Dissostichus in Subarea 88.3 carried out by Chile in 1998, New Zealand in 2005, Russia in 2011 and 2012 and the Republic of Korea in 2017 and 2018. It was noted that no tagged fishes were recaptured during the previous research activities. Studies are planned to be conducted from January to March, as ice conditions permit. It is planned that the number of longline sets Read More
Presentado por:
Dr Kostiantyn Demianenko (Ucrania)
Aprobado por:
Dr Kostiantyn Demianenko (Ucrania)
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4.2.3 |
WG-FSA-18/17 Mostrar menos información |
Analysis of gear loss by fishing vessels in the CCAMLR Convention Area as contribution to the marine debris program CCAMLR Secretariat
CCAMLR has monitored marine debris in the Convention Area since the establishment of the marine debris program in 1989. In 2017, WG-FSA recommended that lost fishing gear reported from vessels be included in annual updates on marine debris. Rates of hook loss in longline fisheries revealed a significant variation in the reporting rates between CCAMLR fisheries. When gear was reported lost Read More
Presentado por:
Ms Belinda Blackburn (Secretaría de la CCRVMA)
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6.4 |
WG-FSA-18/18 Mostrar menos información |
Report on the CCAMLR Marine Debris monitoring program: 2018 update CCAMLR Secretariat
Data from South Africa, the United Kingdom, the United States and France were received for the 2018 marine debris monitoring season. Debris items collected during beach surveys remain predominantly packaging items and plastics. There is no evidence of an increase in debris at monitored sites, but it remains ubiquitous in the CCAMLR area. Due to the limited scope of submitted data, as well as Read More
Presentado por:
Ms Belinda Blackburn (Secretaría de la CCRVMA)
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6.4 |
WG-FSA-18/19 Mostrar menos información |
Mesozooplankton distribution and community structure in the Pacific and Atlantic sectors of the Southern Ocean during austral summer 2017/18: a pilot study conducted from Ukrainian longliners E.A. Pakhomov, L.K. Pshenichnov, A. Krot, V. Paramonov, I. Slypkо and P. Zabroda
Preliminary results of the pilot study of the mesozooplankton in the region between the Ross and Scotia Seas during November 2017 – April 2018 are presented. In total, 53 zooplankton samples were collected in the top 100 m water layer using vertical tows of the 0.1 m-2 Juday net from four Ukrainian longliners operating during the Antarctic toothfish fishery. While providing basic Read More
Presentado por:
Dr Leonid Pshenichnov (Ucrania)
Aprobado por:
Dr Kostiantyn Demianenko (Ucrania)
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4.2.4 |
WG-FSA-18/20 Rev. 1 Mostrar menos información |
Research proposal for Dissostichus spp. in Subarea 48.1 by Ukraine in 2019 Delegation of Ukraine
Ukraine proposes to carry out a scientific survey of Dissostichus spp. by bottom longline in the eastern part of Subarea 48.1.
Presentado por:
Dr Kostiantyn Demianenko (Ucrania)
Aprobado por:
Dr Kostiantyn Demianenko (Ucrania)
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4.2.1 |
WG-FSA-18/21 Mostrar menos información |
Trophic niche of the Antarctic toothfish caught in SSRU 88.3 as inferred from fatty acids and stable isotopes C.-K. Kang, S.-G. Choi, H.Y. Kang, Y.-J. Lee, S. Chung and D.H. An
To highlight ontogenetic and geographical variability in resource utilization of Antarctic toothfish, we investigated neutral fatty acid (NFA) profiles and stable isotopes (SIs) in muscles of toothfish and their potential prey (bycatch and stomach contents), captured in fisheries in the Small Scale Research Units (SSRUs) 88.3 (the Pacific Ocean sector, POS) in austral summer during 2016–2018, Read More
Presentado por:
Dr Sangdeok Chung (República de Corea)
Aprobado por:
Dr Seok-Gwan Choi (República de Corea)
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4.2.3 |
WG-FSA-18/22 Mostrar menos información |
Depth and temperature preferences of Antarctica toothfish (Dissostichus mawsoni) from a pilot popup satellite archival tag study in the Mawson Sea C.H. Lam, S.-G. Choi, E. Kim, S. Chung, J. Lee and D.H. An
Data retrieved from five popup satellite-tagged Antarctic toothfish (Dissostichus mawsoni) released in the Mawson Sea were analyzed. Toothfish were at liberty for 36-366 days, and yielding yearlong, 15-second data records from a single, recaptured individual. These fish occupied an overall depth range of 326 to 1824 m and a temperature range of -1.95 to 0.7°C. Through Read More
Presentado por:
Dr Sangdeok Chung (República de Corea)
Aprobado por:
Dr Seok-Gwan Choi (República de Corea)
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4.2.2 |
WG-FSA-18/23 Mostrar menos información |
Report on recent French catches of sea pens (Pennatulacea) in Lena Bank (CCAMLR sector 58.4.4b) A. Martin, J. Blettery and M. Eléaume
Important catches of sea pens (Pennatulacea, NTW) in the 58.4.4b sector (Lena bank) have been reported during the CCAMLR SAM Working Group 2018 (see WG-SAM-18/31 "Annual report of research fishing operations at Division 58.4.4b in 2016/17 fishing season" by Japanese and French delegations).
Detail of French catches, with abundances and weights are provided here (Tab.1). Data and Read More
Presentado por:
Mr Alexis Martin (Francia)
Aprobado por:
Dr Marc Eléaume (Francia)
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6.3 |
WG-FSA-18/24 Mostrar menos información |
Diet composition and feeding strategy of Antarctic toothfish, Dissostichus mawsoni in the research blocks 58 and 88 for the exploratory longline fishery in 2014–2018 of Korea G.W. Baeck, S.-G. Choi, S. Chung and D.H. An
The stocks of Antarctic toothfish, Dissostichus mawsoni were a relatively economically and ecologically important fishery resource in the waters of Antarctic. However, there is not enough data and information to assess the robust stocks and deliberate proper measurements for sustainable utilize, especially relate to diet and feeding strategy which may lead to think about Read More
Presentado por:
Dr Sangdeok Chung (República de Corea)
Aprobado por:
Dr Seok-Gwan Choi (República de Corea)
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4.2.2 |
WG-FSA-18/25 Mostrar menos información |
Sharks by-catch observed on bottom longlines fishery off the Kerguelen Islands in 2006–2016, with a focus on Etmopterus viator C. Chazeau, S.P. Iglésias, N. Gasco, A. Martin and G. Duhamel
Data collected by fishery observers aboard French deep-sea bottom longline vessels, targeting Patagonian toothfish (Dissostichus eleginoides), were examined to quantify and describe shark bycatch within the Kerguelen EEZ (northern part of the plateau). From 2006 to 2016, crew reported the total catches of the line and observers were asked to identify and count fish bycatch on 25% of the total Read More
Presentado por:
Ms Charlotte Chazeau (Francia)
Aprobado por:
Dr Marc Eléaume (Francia)
Paper submitted in CCAMLR Science for the Kerguelen Plateau Symposium
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6.1 |
WG-FSA-18/26 Mostrar menos información |
Preliminary tag-recapture based population assessment of Antarctic toothfish in Subarea 48.4 T. Earl and A. Riley
The stock of Antarctic toothfish (D. mawsoni) in CCAMLR subarea 48.4 is estimated from tagging returns to be 982 tonnes in 2018. Applying the CCAMLR agreed precautionary assumption of average biomass across the time series and harvest rate of γ = 0.038, implies a 2018/19 yield of 37 tonnes, unchanged from the 2017/18 catch limit.
Historically, a precautionary approach has been Read More
Presentado por:
Ms Georgia Robson (Reino Unido)
Aprobado por:
Dr Chris Darby
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3.2.1 |
WG-FSA-18/27 Mostrar menos información |
Stock status and population assessment of the Antarctic starry skate (Amblyraja georgiana) in Subarea 48.3 M. Söffker, N.D. Walker, M. Belchier and J. Ellis
The Antarctic starry skate (Amblyraja georgiana), is currently listed as “Data Deficient” by IUCN (Endicott & Kyne 2009) and is one of the main by-catch species in the longline fishery for Patagonian toothfish (Dissostichus eleginoides) around South Georgia in the Southern Ocean. Information is lacking particularly in relation to catches, population trends, and taxonomic Read More
Presentado por:
Ms Georgia Robson (Reino Unido)
Aprobado por:
Dr Chris Darby
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6.1.1 |
WG-FSA-18/28 Mostrar menos información |
Report on fish by-catch on exploratory fishing in Divisions 58.4.1 and 58.4.2 C. Péron, P. Yates, D. Maschette, C. Chazeau, P. Ziegler, D. Welsford, N. Gasco and G. Duhamel
In this paper, we report on fish by-catch during exploratory fishing activities undertaken in Divisions 58.4.1 and 58.4.2 during the 2012 to 2018 seasons. Fish by-catch comprised 14 species or groups of species. In 2018, by-catch represented 12% of the total catch (43 tonnes over 307 tonnes of Dissostichus spp.) in Divisions 58.4.1 and 58.4.2. 98% of the biomass was represented by 2 Read More
Presentado por:
Ms Charlotte Chazeau (Francia)
Aprobado por:
Dr Marc Eléaume (Francia)
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6.1 |
WG-FSA-18/29 Mostrar menos información |
New C2 form project N. Gasco, C. Chazeau, A. Martin, P. Pruvost, C. Péron and G. Duhamel
Data collection at sea is based on forms provided by CCAMLR. This paper provides proposals for future changes in the skipper’s forms to be considered by the working group.
Presentado por:
Mr Nicolas Gasco (Francia)
Aprobado por:
Dr Marc Eléaume (Francia)
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WG-FSA-18/30 Mostrar menos información |
Improving observer’s identification skills for better data quality through a phone application N. Gasco, A. Martin, C. Chazeau, C. Péron, P. Pruvost and G. Duhamel
The quality of observer’s data is obviously a very important point to produce the best advices on fishery management. This paper presents the use of an application on smart phone to help observers memorizing species name.
Presentado por:
Mr Nicolas Gasco (Francia)
Aprobado por:
Dr Marc Eléaume (Francia)
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WG-FSA-18/31 Mostrar menos información |
Outline for year 3 of the 3-year longline survey to determine toothfish population connectivity between Subareas 48.2 and 48.4 G. Robson, P. Hollyman and C. Darby
This paper outlines the specific research objectives and plan to achieve them for the third and final year of an agreed 3-year longline survey, in the wider context of connecting the recently undertaken surveys in Subarea 48.2 with the established fishery in Subarea 48.4. The overall research objectives include determining population connectivity between these Subareas, improving understanding Read More
Presentado por:
Ms Georgia Robson (Reino Unido)
Aprobado por:
Dr Chris Darby
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4.2.1 |
WG-FSA-18/32 Rev. 1 Mostrar menos información |
Research program on study of life cycle, species composition, biology and resource potential of craboids (Anomura, Decapoda) in the Pacific Ocean Antarctic Area in 2018–2021 by the Russian Federation Delegation of the Russian Federation
Russian program provides proposals to study the species composition, biology, life cycle, distribution and structure of craboids stock (Anomura, Decapoda) and assess their resource potential in the Bellingshausen Sea (Subarea 88.3) and Amundsen Sea (Subarea 88.2).
Presentado por:
Dr Svetlana Kasatkina (Federación de Rusia)
Aprobado por:
Dr Svetlana Kasatkina (Federación de Rusia)
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4.2.4 |
WG-FSA-18/33 Rev. 1 Mostrar menos información |
Research program to examine the life cycle and resource potential of Dissostichus species in the Special Research Zone within the Ross Sea region marine protected area (RSRMPA) in 2018–2027 Delegation of the Russian Federation
The Russian Federation is going to continue investigation for toothfish in Ross Sea. The previous Russian program was undertaken in the Subarea 88.2 in 2010–2012. This paper presents the research program in the frame of the research and monitoring associated with the Ross Sea region marine protected area.
Russian research program have objectives to investigate the life-cycle, Read More
Presentado por:
Dr Svetlana Kasatkina (Federación de Rusia)
Aprobado por:
Dr Svetlana Kasatkina (Federación de Rusia)
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4.2.4 |
WG-FSA-18/34 Mostrar menos información |
Proposed continuation of a multi-Member longline survey on Antarctic toothfish (Dissostichus mawsoni) in Statistical Subarea 48.6 in 2018/19 by Japan, South Africa and Spain Delegations of Japan, South Africa and Spain
A collaborative research program is being undertaken by Japan and South Africa since 2013 to enhance data collection and analysis in the Subarea 48.6. In the last WG-SAM Spain has proposed to join the former proposal in order to contribute to the data acquisition and to speed up the integrated assessments of the D.mawsoni stock in this subarea.
The Working Group recommended Read More
Presentado por:
Mr Roberto Sarralde Vizuete (España)
Aprobado por:
Mr Roberto Sarralde Vizuete (España)
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4.2.1 |
WG-FSA-18/35 Mostrar menos información |
Preliminary results from the second year of a three-year survey into the connectivity of toothfish species in Subareas 48.2 and 48.4 – update to WG-SAM-18/30 G. Robson, M. Söffker, E. MacLeod and P. Hollyman |
4.2.1 |
WG-FSA-18/36 Mostrar menos información |
Summary of the toothfish fishery and tagging program in the Amundsen Sea region (SSRUs 882C–H) to 2017/18 S. Mormede and S. Parker
The Amundsen Sea region toothfish fishery has been operating since 2003. In 2015, a research plan was developed to estimate the toothfish biomass the area, particularly in the South.
The biological characterisation of the fishery shows a truncation of the right-hand limb of the age distribution between 2004 and 2014. No age data are currently available after 2014. We recommend that Read More
Presentado por:
Mr Alistair Dunn (Nueva Zelandia)
Aprobado por:
Mr Alistair Dunn (Nueva Zelandia)
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4.2.3 |
WG-FSA-18/37 Mostrar menos información |
Progress towards an assessment of Antarctic toothfish (Dissostichus mawsoni) in Subarea 88.2 SSRUs 882C–H for the years 2002/03 to 2017/18 using a two-area model S. Mormede and S. Parker
This paper presents further progress towards an integrated stock assessment model for Antarctic toothfish (Dissostichus mawsoni) in the Amundsen Sea region, defined here as SSRUs 88.2C–H. The region is split into two areas: the North (SSRU 88.2H) comprising large mature fish, and the South (SSRUs 88.2C–G) comprising a mix of large mature fish and small immature fish.
Two-area Read More
Presentado por:
Mr Alistair Dunn (Nueva Zelandia)
Aprobado por:
Mr Alistair Dunn (Nueva Zelandia)
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4.2.3, 4.1.3 |
WG-FSA-18/38 Rev. 1 Mostrar menos información |
Proposal for a skate tagging program in the Ross Sea region to estimate the local biomass trend for starry skates (Amblyraja georgiana) S. Parker and M. Francis
To progress development of a semi-quantitative and spatially explicit risk assessment for skates in the Ross Sea region, we summarise skate catch and mark-recapture data through the 2016/17 fishing season, noting that on average 89% of skates by weight are released alive (45 of 51 t annually).
Catch data show that most of the skate catch consists of Amblyraja georgiana and that Read More
Presentado por:
Mr Alistair Dunn (Nueva Zelandia)
Aprobado por:
Mr Alistair Dunn (Nueva Zelandia)
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6.1.1 |
WG-FSA-18/39 Mostrar menos información |
Research results from the SPRFMO exploratory fishing program for Antarctic toothfish 2016 and 2017 J.M. Fenaughty, M. Cryer and A. Dunn
The New Zealand vessel San Aspiring carried out an exploratory research program for toothfish in the South Pacific Regional Fisheries Management Organisation (SPRFMO) Convention Area during August 2016 (Fenaughty et al. 2016) and September 2017. Analysis of the information collected showed high catch rates of post-spawning Antarctic toothfish, similar in magnitude to catch rates in the north Read More
Presentado por:
Mr Alistair Dunn (Nueva Zelandia)
Aprobado por:
Mr Alistair Dunn (Nueva Zelandia)
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4.2.4 |
WG-FSA-18/40 Mostrar menos información |
Proposal for a winter longline survey of Antarctic toothfish in the northern region of Subareas 88.1 and 88.2 Delegation of New Zealand
We propose to test three hypotheses to describe the reproductive ecology of Antarctic toothfish (Dissostichus mawsoni):
1) Antarctic toothfish eggs are buoyant and accumulate under sea ice. If true, this would retain eggs near the spawning locations under the vast sea ice extent and once broken up in the spring, may provide access to a productive pagophilic ecosystem Read More
Presentado por:
Mr Alistair Dunn (Nueva Zelandia)
Aprobado por:
Mr Alistair Dunn (Nueva Zelandia)
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4.2.3 |
WG-FSA-18/41 Mostrar menos información |
Proposal to continue the time series of research surveys to monitor abundance of Antarctic toothfish in the southern Ross Sea, 2018–2022 S.M. Hanchet, K. Large, S.J. Parker, S. Mormede and A. Dunn
This paper proposes to continue the Ross Sea shelf toothfish survey for the next five years, 2018–2022. The first objective of the survey is to monitor toothfish recruitment in the southern Ross Sea (core strata). This is a continuation of the yearly time series of research surveys of these strata carried out since 2012. It is important to continue the time series as the data collected provide Read More
Presentado por:
Mr Alistair Dunn (Nueva Zelandia)
Aprobado por:
Mr Alistair Dunn (Nueva Zelandia)
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4.2.3 |
WG-FSA-18/42 Mostrar menos información |
Revised joint research proposal for Dissostichus spp. in Subarea 88.3 by Korea and New Zealand Delegations of the Republic of Korea and New Zealand
A research plan for this subarea was commenced by Korea in 2016 and a revised collaborative proposal was submitted to WG-FSA-17 by Korea and New Zealand. This joint research proposal was for an additional 3 years covering the period 2018, 2019 and 2020. It was designed to build on Korea’s previous research by continuing to focus on those research blocks where tagged fish have previously been Read More
Presentado por:
Mr Alistair Dunn (Nueva Zelandia)
Aprobado por:
Mr Alistair Dunn (Nueva Zelandia)
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4.2.3 |
WG-FSA-18/43 Mostrar menos información |
A new method to produce high resolution maps of effort and catches in longline fisheries N. Gasco, C. Péron, C. Chazeau, A. Martin, P. Pruvost and G. Duhamel
Fishing vessels using ~10 km long bottom longline operate in the French EEZ of Kerguelen and Crozet and report catches by species along with geographical coordinates. This papers presents a new method to better take into account the information associated to the path of the line instead of only the mid-point as commonly used to calculate catch rates.
Presentado por:
Mr Nicolas Gasco (Francia)
Aprobado por:
Ms Doro Forck (Secretaría de la CCRVMA)
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8 |
WG-FSA-18/44 Mostrar menos información |
Revised continuation proposal of a multi-Member longline survey on Patagonian toothfish (Dissostichus eleginoides) in Division 58.4.4b in 2018/19 by Japan and France Delegations of Japan and France
Japan and France revised a plan to continue to investigate the populations of Patagonian toothfish (Dissostichus eleginoides) in the Division 58.4.4b during the next fishing season (2018/19) from 2017/18 onwards, using standardized longline gear, and established tagging techniques. The proposed research is relevant and take into account issues raised by the Scientific Committee (SC- Read More
Presentado por:
Dr Takehiro Okuda (Japón)
Aprobado por:
Ms Doro Forck (Secretaría de la CCRVMA)
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4.2.2 |
WG-FSA-18/45 Mostrar menos información |
Spatial distribution and population structure of juvenile Antarctic toothfish (Dissostichus mawsoni) in the South Shetland Islands (Subarea 48.1) M. La Mesa, E. Riginella and C.D. Jones
In the present study we provide new insights on the spatial distribution and population structure of juvenile D. mawsoni caught during bottom trawl survey on the shelves around the South Shetland Islands (CCAMLR Subarea 48.1). Fish samples were collected during five summer cruises conducted from 2001 to 2007. Juveniles were relatively evenly distributed on the shelves around Elephant Read More
Presentado por:
Dr Mario La Mesa (Italia)
Aprobado por:
Dr Marino Vacchi (Italia)
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4.2.1 |
WG-FSA-18/46 Mostrar menos información |
Summary of the toothfish fishery and tagging program in the Ross Sea region (Subarea 88.1 and SSRUs 882A–B) through 2017/18 S. Mormede and S. Parker
This report summarises the toothfish fishery in the Ross Sea region (Subarea 88.1 and SSRUs 88.2AB) together with biological characteristics of the catch of Antarctic toothfish through the 2018 season. Despite 2018 being the first year of implementation of the Ross Sea region Marine Protected Area, most of fishing effort was carried out in the historically fished areas. There was a small Read More
Presentado por:
Mr Alistair Dunn (Nueva Zelandia)
Aprobado por:
Mr Alistair Dunn (Nueva Zelandia)
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4.2.3 |
WG-FSA-18/47 Mostrar menos información |
A comparative morphometric analysis of sagittal otoliths of three icefishes (Channichthyidae) in Antarctic waters G. Plaza, C. Rodríguez-Valentino and P.M. Arana
In the present study a comparative morphometric analysis of sagittal otoliths was performed in three Channichthyids (Pseudochaenichthys georgianus, Chaenocephalus aceratus and Chaenocephalus gunnari) collected during a research survey carried out between January 23 and February 13, 2016, along the continental shelf and slope around Elephant Island (Subarea 48.1) and Read More
Presentado por:
Dr César Cárdenas (Chile)
Aprobado por:
Dr César Cárdenas (Chile)
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4.2.4 |
WG-FSA-18/48 Rev. 1 Mostrar menos información |
Description of the tagging process and the development of a cradle for optimum landing and measuring of large fish followed by the Spanish F/V Tronio R. Sarralde, C. Heinecken and P. Lafite
During the 2017/18 season the Spanish F/V Tronio fished in Statistical Subarea 88.1 and Division 58.4.1 where the latter area required a tag rate of five fish per ton greenweight caught and also where the overall size of the fish exceeds 115cm. The tagging station on the FV Tronio is on the upper deck above the hauling station providing easy access to retrieve smaller fish directly from the Read More
Presentado por:
Mr Roberto Sarralde Vizuete (España)
Aprobado por:
Mr Roberto Sarralde Vizuete (España)
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4.1.2 |
WG-FSA-18/49 Rev. 1 Mostrar menos información |
Progress report on the research for Dissostichus spp. in Subarea 48.2 by the Ukraine in 2015-2018 and notification of research in 2019 Delegation of Ukraine
The four years of survey and observations of Dissostichus spp. in Statistical Subarea 48.2 on board the Ukrainian vessel SIMEIZ. Survey was conducted in accordance with the recommendations of the Scientific Committee and Commission. Obtained data will be used for the future biomass estimation of the target species and making decision for the possible future fishing Read More
Presentado por:
Dr Kostiantyn Demianenko (Ucrania)
Aprobado por:
Dr Kostiantyn Demianenko (Ucrania)
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4.2.1 |
WG-FSA-18/50 Mostrar menos información |
Annual report of research fishing operations at Division 58.4.3a in the 2017/18 fishing season Delegations of France and Japan
This paper presents the annual report of a multi-Member longline survey on Patagonian toothfish (Dissostichus eleginoides) in Division 58.4.3a in the 2017/18 fishing season by France and Japan. One fishing cruise by French vessel (“Mascareignes III”) took place in May 2018 and caught 2.5 tonnes of D. eleginoides in 58.4.3a. The data set, C2 and Observer data, were Read More
Presentado por:
Dr Clara Péron (Francia)
Aprobado por:
Dr Marc Eléaume (Francia)
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4.2.2 |
WG-FSA-18/51 Mostrar menos información |
Preliminary report on invertebrate by-catch in research blocks 58.4.1, 58.4.2, 54.4.3a and 58.4.4b M. Eléaume, C. Chazeau, A. Martin and J. Blettery
Macrobenthos by-catch are used to identfy Vulnerable Marine Ecosystems (VME). These VME indicators have been recorded as part of the C2 and also as part of observers data since CM 22.07 has been published in 2013. Here we report on VME bycatch in research blocks 58.4.1, 58.4.2, 54.4.3a and 58.4.4b. We looked at spatial variation of VME units at different scales, and analysed taxa spatial Read More
Presentado por:
Dr Marc Eléaume (Francia)
Aprobado por:
Dr Marc Eléaume (Francia)
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6.3 |
WG-FSA-18/52 Mostrar menos información |
Subarea 48.2 research and research proposals for 2019 – overview G. Robson, L. Pshenichnov, D. Marichev and C. Darby
Following proposals submitted to WG-FSA-16 and WG-SAM-17, the following research objectives were identified as common for surveys in 48.2 (WG-FSA-16/40 Rev. 1, WG-SAM-17/24, WG-SAM-17/26):
Work towards quantifying regional biomass and distribution of D. mawsoni
Develop stock identity and stock distribution hypotheses for D. mawsoni and Read More
Presentado por:
Dr Chris Darby
Aprobado por:
Dr Chris Darby
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4.2.1 |
WG-FSA-18/53 Rev. 1 Mostrar menos información |
Information about tagged Patagonian toothfish (Dissostichus eleginoides) tagged in the CCAMLR Convention Area and recovered in the SIOFA management area by two Spanish vessels in 2017/18 R. Sarralde and S. Barreiro
Data from tagged patagonian toothfish recaptured in the SIOFA area are not usually reported as there are not a tagging program for the fishing vessels operating in the area. Most of the notified recaptures come from fish tagged in the CCAMLR Convention Area. Eleven tagged specimens of patagonian toothfish (D. eleginoides) that have been released in the CCAMLR management area have been Read More
Presentado por:
Mr Roberto Sarralde Vizuete (España)
Aprobado por:
Mr Roberto Sarralde Vizuete (España)
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4.2.4 |
WG-FSA-18/54 Rev. 1 Mostrar menos información |
Update of ongoing work on age and growth of Antarctic toothfish (Dissostichus mawsoni) from Division 58.4.1 by Australia and Spain L.J. López-Abellán, M.T.G. Santamaría, R. Sarralde, S. Barreiro, B. Farmer and T. Barnes
Spain and Australia are conducting fishing research in the 58.4.1 Division from 2013 and 2017 respectively, in order to get data and biological samples which enable an assessment of Antarctic toothfish in this so called “data poor” area at the end of the whole experience. From the five surveys completed, the last two have been in coordination between the five proponents, namely Australia, Read More
Presentado por:
Mr Roberto Sarralde Vizuete (España)
Aprobado por:
Mr Roberto Sarralde Vizuete (España)
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4.2.2 |
WG-FSA-18/55 Mostrar menos información |
Estimates of abundance of Dissostichus eleginoides and Champsocephalus gunnari from the random stratified trawl survey in the waters surrounding Heard Island in Division 58.5.2 for 2018 G. Nowara, T. Lamb and P. Ziegler
The annual random stratified trawl survey (RSTS) of 2018 around Heard Island and McDonald Island (HIMI) in Division 58.5.2 took place from the end of March to the end of April, with the completion of 163 stations plus eight extra fine mesh hauls. The survey was conducted on the FV Atlas Cove. Sampling protocols such as the design and the duration of the hauls were similar to recent Read More
Presentado por:
Dr Philippe Ziegler (Australia)
Aprobado por:
Dr Dirk Welsford (Australia)
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3.1.3 |
WG-FSA-18/56 Mostrar menos información |
A preliminary assessment for mackerel icefish (Champsocephalus gunnari) in Division 58.5.2, based on results from the 2018 random stratified trawl survey D. Maschette and D. Welsford
The annual random stratified trawl survey was undertaken in Division 58.5.2 in the vicinity of Heard Island and McDonald Islands during April 2018. This paper provides an updated growth model and a preliminary assessment for mackerel icefish (Champsocephalus gunnari) population structure, abundance and yield in Division 58.5.2 to the west of 79o 20’ E using standard CCAMLR Read More
Presentado por:
Dr Philippe Ziegler (Australia)
Aprobado por:
Dr Dirk Welsford (Australia)
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3.1.3 |
WG-FSA-18/57 Mostrar menos información |
Report on fishing effort and seabird interactions during the season extension trials in the longline fishery for Dissostichus eleginoides in Statistical Division 58.5.2 T. Lamb
CCAMLR-XXXIV (para. 5.68) endorsed new pre-season (1–14 April) and post-season (15–30 November) trial season extensions, in addition to an existing pre-season (15–30 April) and trial post-season (1–14 November) extension in the Patagonian toothfish longline fishery in Statistical Division 58.5.2 (WG-FSA-15/48).
Australia undertook to report annually on the results of all the trials Read More
Presentado por:
Dr Philippe Ziegler (Australia)
Aprobado por:
Dr Dirk Welsford (Australia)
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6.2 |
WG-FSA-18/58 Rev. 1 Mostrar menos información |
Report on Dissostichus mawsoni exploratory fishery research in East Antarctica (Divisions 58.4.1 and 58.4.2) between the 2011/12 and 2017/18 fishing seasons P. Yates and P. Ziegler
This document provides a summary of progress towards milestones and responses to recommendations from WG-SAM, WG-FSA and the Scientific Committee relating to the multi-Member research plan for the toothfish exploratory fishery in Divisions 58.4.1 and 58.4.2 between 2011/12 and 2017/18.
Table 1 provides a summary of responses to the recommendations with references to the associated Read More
Presentado por:
Dr Philippe Ziegler (Australia)
Aprobado por:
Dr Dirk Welsford (Australia)
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4.2.2, 4.1.3 |
WG-FSA-18/59 Mostrar menos información |
Proposal for multi-Member research on the Dissostichus mawsoni exploratory fishery in East Antarctica (Divisions 58.4.1 and 58.4.2) from 2018/19 to 2021/22 Delegations of Australia, France, Japan, Republic of Korea and Spain
Exploratory fishing for toothfish (Dissostichus mawsoni) in East Antarctica (Divisions 58.4.1 and 58.4.2) began in 2003. Robust stock assessments and catch limits according to CCAMLR decision rules remain to be determined for these Divisions. WG-FSA-16/29 outlined the first multi-member toothfish exploratory fishery research plan up to 2017/18 for East Antarctica, which the Read More
Presentado por:
Dr Philippe Ziegler (Australia)
Aprobado por:
Dr Dirk Welsford (Australia)
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4.2.2 |
WG-FSA-18/60 Mostrar menos información |
Analyses of illegal, unreported and unregulated (IUU) fishing activities in Divisions 58.4.1 during the 2013/14 season and 58.4.3b during the 2014/15 season Delegation of Australia and CCAMLR Secretariat
Following Operation Sparrow 2, WG-FSA-17 noted the unprecedented availability of catch data from four IUU vessels including reported removals, video footage, and catch in gillnets recovered by an NGO vessel. As requested in WG-FSA-17 paragraph 2.16, this document provides an analysis of the spatio-temporal distributions of catch and effort by the Chang Bai, Nihewan and Read More
Presentado por:
Dr Philippe Ziegler (Australia)
Aprobado por:
Dr Dirk Welsford (Australia)
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4.2.2 |
WG-FSA-18/61 Mostrar menos información |
Revised continuation proposal of multi-Member research on Patagonian toothfish (Dissostichus eleginoides) exploratory fishery in 2018/19 in Division 58.4.3a by France and Japan Delegations of France and Japan
France and Japan revised a research plan to continue investigating the populations of Patagonian toothfish (D. eleginoides) in the Division 58.4.3a during the next fishing seasons from 2017/18 onwards, using standardized longline gear and established observation and tagging programs.
In this Division, research fishing has been conducted by France and Japan since 2012 in the Read More
Presentado por:
Dr Clara Péron (Francia)
Aprobado por:
Dr Marc Eléaume (Francia)
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4.2.2 |
WG-FSA-18/62 Mostrar menos información |
Baited Remote Underwater Video (BRUV) system to monitor Antarctic toothfish distribution and abundance: pilot study results and future design D. Di Blasi, S. Canese, E. Carlig, L. Ghigliotti, S.J. Parker and M. Vacchi
The Antarctic toothfish (Dissotichus mawsoni) is an ecologically and commercially relevant fish. Lacks of information on the species come from the traditional fishery-based methodology to collect samples, which does not cover all the areas of its distribution. Here we want to promote an alternative non-extractive methodology to expand the routine collection of data in areas not Read More
Presentado por:
Dr Davide Di Blasi
Aprobado por:
Dr Marino Vacchi (Italia)
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4.2.3 |
WG-FSA-18/63 Rev. 1 Mostrar menos información |
Indicative trends in by-catch of sharks in the CAMLR Convention Area C.D. Jones
Conservation Measure 32-18 on the conservation of sharks specifies that “directed fishing on shark species in the Convention Area for purposes other than scientific research, is prohibited.” Further, that “any by-catch of sharks shall, as far as possible, be released alive.” Here, we examine trends in shark by-catch in the CAMLR Convention Area using information reported by vessels and Read More
Presentado por:
Dr Christopher Jones (Estados Unidos de América)
Aprobado por:
Dr George Watters (Estados Unidos de América)
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6.1.1 |
WG-FSA-18/64 Mostrar menos información |
Progress update on Antarctic toothfish inter-connectivity project D. Maschette, A. Polanowsk, B. Deagle, D.C. Welsford and P. Ziegler
Here we provide a progress update on the Antarctic toothfish genetic connectivity project (WS-DmPH-18/08). A total of 4237 tissue samples have been made available for this project from nine CCAMLR members with the vast majority of these collected during the 2017/18 season. Of the planned 550 sample sequences, DNA has been extracted so far from 473 samples with 304 samples containing Read More
Presentado por:
Mr Dale Maschette (Australia)
Aprobado por:
Mr Tim Jones (Secretaría de la CCRVMA)
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4.2.4 |
WG-FSA-18/65 Mostrar menos información |
Reproductive ecology of Antarctic toothfish, Dissostichus mawsoni (Norman, 1937) (Actinopterygii: Nototheniidae), in the Antarctic waters (SSRUs 58 and 88) J.-W. Kim, S.-G. Choi, S. Chung and D.H. An
Total numbers of Antarctic toothfish collected in the CCAMLR Conservation Zone were 600 fish which consist of 306 fish from the 58 area and 294 fish from the 88 area during February through March, 2016. Female ratios were found to be 0.49 in both areas, showing higher female occurrence with higher total length. The ratio of female among the 857 specimens of Antarctic toothfish collected from Read More
Presentado por:
Dr Sangdeok Chung (República de Corea)
Aprobado por:
Dr Seok-Gwan Choi (República de Corea)
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4.2.2 |
WG-FSA-18/66 Mostrar menos información |
Towards further development of stock assessment of stock abundance for Subarea 48.6 taking into account the developments since 2012 – a discussion paper Delegations of Japan and South Africa
This paper outlines stock assessment related work that has been done in Subarea 48.6 since 2012 and some review of work that could offer lessons in how to advance stock assessment in Subarea 48.6 in 2019.
Presentado por:
Mr Sobahle Somhlaba (Sudáfrica)
Aprobado por:
Mr Johannes de Goede (Sudáfrica)
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4.2.1, 4.1.3 |
WG-FSA-18/67 Mostrar menos información |
Annual report of research fishing operations at Division 58.4.4b in the 2017/18 fishing season Delegations of Japan and France
This paper represents the annual report of a multi-member longline survey on Patagonian toothfish (Dissostichus eleginoides) at Division 58.4.4b in the 2017/18 fishing season by France and Japan. One fishing cruise by French vessel (Ile Bourbon) took place in March 2018 and caught 1.6 tonne of D. eleginoides in 58.4.4b_2. The data set, C2 and Observer data, was Read More
Presentado por:
Dr Takehiro Okuda (Japón)
Aprobado por:
Ms Belinda Blackburn (Secretaría de la CCRVMA)
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4.2.2 |
WG-FSA-18/68 Mostrar menos información |
Spatial pattern of major by-catch fishes at Division 58.4.4b during 2012/13–2016/17 Delegations of Japan and France
This paper represents the by-catch analysis results of a multi-Member longline survey on Patagonian toothfish (Dissostichus eleginoides) at Division 58.4.4b by France and Japan. The data set, C2 and scientific observer data, was provided by the CCAMLR Secretariat on the 3th August, 2018. In this paper, the C2 data from 2012/2013 to 2016/2017 fishing seasons was used for Read More
Presentado por:
Dr Takehiro Okuda (Japón)
Aprobado por:
Ms Belinda Blackburn (Secretaría de la CCRVMA)
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6.1 |
WG-FSA-18/69 Mostrar menos información |
Spatial pattern of major by-catch fishes at Division 58.4.3a during 2012/13–2016/17 Delegations of Japan and France
This paper represents the bycatch analysis results of a multi-Member longline survey on Patagonian toothfish (Dissostichus eleginoides) at Division 58.4.3a by France and Japan. The data set, C2 and scientific observer data, was provided by the CCAMLR Secretariat on the 3th August, 2018. In this paper, the C2 data from 2012/2013 to 2016/2017 fishing seasons was used for Read More
Presentado por:
Dr Takehiro Okuda (Japón)
Aprobado por:
Ms Belinda Blackburn (Secretaría de la CCRVMA)
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6.1 |
WG-FSA-18/70 Mostrar menos información |
Spatial pattern of major by-catch fishes at Subarea 48.6 during 2012/13–2016/17 Delegations of Japan and South Africa
This paper represents the by-catch analysis results of a multi-Member longline survey on Antarctic toothfish (Dissostichus mawsoni) at Subarea 48.6 by Japan and South Africa. The data set, C2 and scientific observer data, was provided by the CCAMLR Secretariat on the 3th August, 2018. In this paper, the C2 data from 2012/2013 to 2016/2017 fishing seasons was used for Read More
Presentado por:
Dr Takehiro Okuda (Japón)
Aprobado por:
Ms Belinda Blackburn (Secretaría de la CCRVMA)
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6.1 |
WG-FSA-18/71 Mostrar menos información |
Annual report of research fishing operations at Subarea 48.6 in the 2017/18 fishing season Delegations of Japan and South Africa
This paper represents the annual report of a multi-Member longline survey on Antarctic toothfish (Dissostichus mawsoni) at Subarea 48.6 in the 2017/18 fishing season by Japan and South Africa. The data set, C2 and Observer data, was provided by the CCAMLR Secretariat on the 3th August, 2018. In this paper, the data set during current fishing season (2017/18) was used Read More
Presentado por:
Dr Takehiro Okuda (Japón)
Aprobado por:
Ms Belinda Blackburn (Secretaría de la CCRVMA)
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4.2.1 |
WG-FSA-18/72 Mostrar menos información |
Preliminary results of stock estimation for D. mawsoni using CASAL in the research block 48.6_2 T. Okuda
A preliminal CASAL model was constructed for D. mawsoni at the research block 48.6_2. The model assumes that single sex and age structured model without considering IUU. Tag release data during 2012–2017 was used. Catch data during 2006–2017 was used as fishery data.
In the MPD, age and CPUE fit well. On the otherhands, fit of tag release are relatively low level, Read More
Presentado por:
Dr Takehiro Okuda (Japón)
Aprobado por:
Ms Belinda Blackburn (Secretaría de la CCRVMA)
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4.2.1, 4.1.3 |
WG-FSA-18/73 Mostrar menos información |
Genetic analysis of skates (Amblyraja spp.) caught as by-catch around South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands W.P. Goodall-Copestake, S. Perez-Espona, P. Hollyman and M. Belchier
Skates are frequently caught as by-catch during commercial longline fishing operations within CCAMLR subareas 48.3 and 48.4. Morphological evaluations of the by-catch in these subareas indicate that up to three species from the skate genus Amblyraja occur: A. georgiana, A. georgiana sp. anon and Amblyraja taaf. In this report, we present results from the Read More
Presentado por:
Ms Georgia Robson (Reino Unido)
Aprobado por:
Ms Doro Forck (Secretaría de la CCRVMA)
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6.1.1 |
WG-FSA-18/74 Mostrar menos información |
Ageing two myctophid fishes using otolith from king and macaroni penguins in the Marion Island and its implication to feeding preference of penguins on those myctophids M. Duan, G.P. Zhu, A. Makhado and L. Wei
Myctophids apparently represent the second largest (after krill) and most widely distributed biological resources in the Antarctic waters, which are the important food sources of top predators, particularly penguins. However, the information on age of those fishes are very limited and inconsistent. Moreover, the data on trophic relationship between penguins and myctophid fishes are scarce, so Read More
Presentado por:
Professor Guoping Zhu
Aprobado por:
Dr Xianyong Zhao (China)
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6.1 |
WG-FSA-18/75 Mostrar menos información |
Otolith chemistry reveals local population structure of Antarctic toothfish (Dissostichus mawsoni) within the CCAMLR Subarea 48.6 L. Wei, G.P. Zhu, S. Somhlaba, X.Y. Yu and M. Duan
Antarctic toothfish Dissostichus mawsoni is an important fish species with ecological and economical value and that distributed in the high latitude of the Southern Ocean. The CCAMLR subarea 48.6 is one of an important fishing zone, however, the local population structure of D. mawsoni is unknown in this regions, which hampered the understanding on population dynamics of this Read More
Presentado por:
Professor Guoping Zhu
Aprobado por:
Dr Xianyong Zhao (China)
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4.2.1 |
WG-FSA-18/76 Mostrar menos información |
Fatty acids composition of spiny icefish Chaenodraco wilsoni in the Bransfield Strait and its implication to local food availability Q.Y. Yang, G.P. Zhu and K. Reid
Spiny icefish (Chaenodraco wilsoni) is an important species of crocodile icefish native to the high-Antarctic of the Southern Ocean, including the Bransfield Strait. The water mass in the Strait is complex, with warm, low-salinity surface waters found in the western and northern BS and colder, more saline waters of the Weddell Sea over the broad continental shelf near d′Urville and Read More
Presentado por:
Professor Guoping Zhu
Aprobado por:
Dr Xianyong Zhao (China)
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6.1 |
WG-FSA-18/P01 Mostrar menos información |
New Antarctic deep-sea weird leech (Hirudinida: Piscicolidae): morphological features and phylogenetic relationships A. Utevsky and S. Utevsky
A new fish leech Ambulobdella shandikovi n. g., n. sp. (Hirudinida: Piscicolidae), a parasite of Whitson’s grenadier Macrourus whitsoni (Regan) (Macrouridae: Gadiformes) collected in the Ross Sea at depths from 1,221 to 1,433 m, is described and compared with related taxa based on morphological and molecular characters. Ambulobdella shandikovi n. sp. is Read More
Presentado por:
Dr Leonid Pshenichnov (Ucrania)
Aprobado por:
Dr Kostiantyn Demianenko (Ucrania)
Syst. Parasitol., (2018). Springer, Netherlands, doi: This article was registered in the Official Register of Zoological Nomenclature (ZooBank) as 0FFF1867-BF3B-4D2B-83EFBE894F838912
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WG-SAM-18/33 Rev. 1 Mostrar menos información |
Annex to WS-DmPH-18 report: Towards the development of a stock hypothesis for Antarctic toothfish (Dissostichus mawsoni) in Area 48 M. Söffker, A. Riley, M. Belchier, K. Teschke, H. Pehlke, S. Somhlaba, J. Graham, T. Namba, C.D. van der Lingen, T. Okuda, C. Darby, O.T. Albert, O.A. Bergstad, P. Brtnik, J. Caccavo, A. Capurro, C. Dorey, L. Ghigliotti, S. Hain, C. Jones, S. Kasatkina, M. La Mesa, D. Marichev, E. Molloy, C. Papetti, L. Pshenichnov, K. Reid, M.M. Santos and D. Welsford |
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