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Determination of local density of Dissostichus eleginoides in Subarea 48.3 - CCAMLR protocol local depletion experiment Ihn Sung 66 - January 1994

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C. Jones and G. Parkes (United Kingdom)
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A long lining stock depletion trial was undertaken by the Korean longliner Ihn Sung 66 in January 1994 in accordance with CCAMLR Conservation Measure 69/XII and the Experimental Protocol circulated by the Secretariat in COMM CIRC 93/50. The results of this experiment are presented. Leslie and DeLury methods are tested using simulations to determine the most appropriate method. The Leslie method is applied using a specialized Catch and Effort Data Analysis computer package (CEDA) to calculate local abundance. Various alternative error models are investigated to estimate confidence intervals for the local stock estimate. The initial population size was estimated to be 2914 fish. Assuming a fishable area of 50 nm2 this represented a density of 0.5kg/nm2 Suggestions are made for the design of future depletion experiments.