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    Grupo de Trabajo para la Evaluación de las Poblaciones de Peces
    Hobart, Australia
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      Número de documento Nombre Punto(s) de la agenda
      Mostrar menos información
      Provisional Agenda and Annotation to the Provisional Agenda for the 1999 Meeting of the Working Group on Fish Stock Assessment (WG-FSA)
      Mostrar menos información
      Summary of observations aboard longline vessels operating in the Convention Area
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      Summary of observations aboard trawl vessels operating in the Convention Area during the 1998/99 season
      Mostrar menos información
      Summary of observations on compliance with Conservation Measures 29/XVI and 63/XV
      Mostrar menos información
      Estimates of seabed areas within the range of distribution of Dissostichus spp.
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      Research survey data
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      Catch-weighted length frequencies from commercial data
      Mostrar menos información
      Biological characteristics of Antarctic fish stocks in the Southern Scotia Arc region
      K.-H. Kock (Germany), C. Jones (USA) and S. Wilhelms (Germany)
      WG-FSA-99/17 Rev. 1
      Mostrar menos información
      United Kingdom research underway on Southern Ocean seabirds vulnerable to fisheries interactions
      J.P. Croxall (United Kingdom)
      Mostrar menos información
      Seabird mortality on longlines in Australian waters: a case study of progress and policy
      R. Gales, N. Brothers, T. Reid, D. Pemberton and G.B. Baker (Australia)
      Mostrar menos información
      Quantifying habitat use in satellite-tracked pelagic seabirds: application of kernel estimation to albatross locations
      A.G. Wood (United Kingdom), B. Naef-Daenzer (Switzerland), P.A. Prince and J.P. Croxall (United Kingdom)
      Mostrar menos información
      List of participants
      Mostrar menos información
      Foraging location and range of white-chinned petrels Procellaria aequinoctialis breeding in the South Atlantic
      S.D. Berrow, A.G. Wood and P.A. Prince (United Kingdom)
      Mostrar menos información
      Areas and scales of interactions between albatrosses and the marine environment: species, populations and sexes
      P.A. Prince (United Kingdom), H. Weimerskirch (France), A.G. Wood and J.P. Croxall (United Kingdom)
      Mostrar menos información
      The incidental catch of seabirds by longline fisheries: worldwide review and technical guidelines for mitigation
      FAO Fisheries Circular No. 937

      Mostrar menos información
      Effect of a shore-based sampling program on Notothenia coriiceps populations
      R. Casaux and E. Barrera-Oro (Argentina)
      Mostrar menos información
      Foraging ecology of grey-headed mollymawks at Marion Island in relation to longline fishing activity
      D.C. Nel, J.L. Nel, P.G. Ryan, N.T.W. Klages (South Africa), R.P. Wilson (Germany) and G. Robertson (Australia)
      Mostrar menos información
      Factors affecting the number and mortality of seabirds attending trawlers and longliners in the Kerguelen area
      H. Weimerskirch, D. Capdeville and G. Duhamel (France)
      Mostrar menos información
      French research underway on Southern Ocean seabirds vulnerable to fisheries interactions
      H. Weimerskirch (France)
      Mostrar menos información
      Preliminary analysis of seabird by-catch using CCAMLR observer data
      D.J. Agnew and J.P. Croxall (United Kingdom)
      Mostrar menos información
      List of documents
      Mostrar menos información
      Increase in relative abundance of fjord Notothenia rossii in Potter Cover, South Shetland Islands, after the decrease associated with commercial fishing in the area
      E.R. Barrera-Oro, E.R. Marschoff and R.J. Casaux (Argentina)
      Mostrar menos información
      Notes on the availability of three important finfish species in offshore waters of the lower South Shetland Islands (Subarea 48.1)
      C.D. Jones (USA), E.R. Barrera-Oro, E.R. Marschoff and R.J. Casaux (Argentina)
      Mostrar menos información
      Changes in biomass of eight species of finfish around the South Orkney Islands (Subarea 48.2) from three bottom trawl surveys
      C.D. Jones (USA), K.-H. Kock (Germany) and E. Balguerías (Spain)
      Mostrar menos información
      Revised estimates of seabed areas within the 500 m isobath of the South Orkney Islands (Subarea 48.2) and consequences for standing stock biomass estimates of nine species of finfish
      C.D. Jones (USA)
      Mostrar menos información
      Research underway on South African seabirds vulnerable to fisheries interactions
      Delegation of South Africa
      Mostrar menos información
      Avoidance of incidental mortality of seabirds and the implementation of Conservation Measure 169/XVII in Statistical Subarea 88.1 in the 1998/99 season
      J. Molloy and N. Smith (New Zealand)
      Mostrar menos información
      Risk assessment of wandering albatrosses Diomedea exulans, breeding on Marion Island, to by-catch within CCAMLR statistical areas
      D.C. Nel, J. Cooper (South Africa) and G. Robertson (Australia)
      Mostrar menos información
      Longline sink rates on bottom autoline vessels
      N. Smith (New Zealand)
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      Sexual dimorphism and sexual segregation in foraging strategies of northern giant petrels Macronectes halli during incubation
      J. González-Solís, J.P. Croxall and A.G. Wood (United Kingdom)
      Mostrar menos información
      Foraging partitioning between giant petrels Macronectes spp. and its relationship with breeding population changes at Bird Island, South Georgia
      J. González-Solís, J.P. Croxall and A.G. Wood (United Kingdom)
      Mostrar menos información
      Data and resources available to WG-FSA-99
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      Rajid by-catch in the longline fishery for toothfish in Subarea 48.3
      D.J. Agnew, J. Taylor and I. Everson (United Kingdom)
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      Notification of research vessel activity in the Convention Area
      Delegation of the United Kingdom
      WG-FSA-99/42 Rev. 1
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      Seabird by-catch in the Patagonian toothfish longline fishery at the Prince Edward Islands: 1998–1999
      P.G. Ryan and B.P. Watkins (South Africa)
      Mostrar menos información
      Age and growth of Patagonian toothfish (Dissostichus eleginoides) and Antarctic toothfish (D. mawsoni) in waters from the New Zealand Exclusive Economic Zone to CCAMLR Subarea 88.1
      P.L. Horn (New Zealand)
      Mostrar menos información
      Fishes collected during the 1998/99 exploratory fishery by New Zealand in CCAMLR Subarea 88.1 and registered in the national fish collection at the Museum of New Zealand Te Papa Tongarewa
      A. Stewart (New Zealand)
      Mostrar menos información
      Assessing the impact of the proposed exploratory fishery for Dissostichus spp. in CCAMLR Subarea 88.1 in the 1999/2000 season on the family Rajidae
      N. Smith (New Zealand)
      Mostrar menos información
      Genetic studies on toothfish (Dissostichus eleginoides and Dissostichus mawsoni): progress report for CCAMLR
      N. Smith (New Zealand)
      Mostrar menos información
      Satellite tracking of white-chinned petrels and comparison with other Procellariiformes
      A. Catard and H. Weimerskirch (France)
      Mostrar menos información
      Utilización de la tecnica de isoelectroenfoque en la identificación de ejemplares de merluza negra Dissostichus eleginoides (Smitt 1898) en el Atlantico sudoccidental
      Mostrar menos información
      Research underway on New Zealand seabirds vulnerable to fisheries interactions
      J. Molloy (New Zealand)
      Mostrar menos información
      Results of experimental trials of bird by-catch reduction methods conducted by the UK-registered longliner Argos Helena in Statistical Subarea 48.3
      D.J. Agnew, A. Black, J.P. Croxall and G. Parkes (United Kingdom)
      Mostrar menos información
      Variations in condition indices of mackerel icefish at South Georgia from 1972 to 1997
      I. Everson (United Kingdom) and K.-H. Kock (Germany)
      Mostrar menos información
      Undeclared catches of Dissostichus eleginoides (compilation of available data) – report of the subgroup on IUU fisheries
      G. Duhamel, S. Fitch, M. Purves and B. Watkins
      Mostrar menos información
      Protection of young fish and spawning aggregations in the fishery for Champsocephalus gunnari in Subarea 48.3 (South Georgia): a discussion
      G. Parkes (United Kingdom)
      Mostrar menos información
      Progress in Australian initiatives for the conservation of albatrosses
      G.B. Baker, N. Montgomery and A. McNee (Australia)
      Mostrar menos información
      Inter-annual variation in spawning status of mackerel icefish
      I. Everson (United Kingdom) and K.-H. Kock (Germany)
      WG-FSA-99/55 Rev. 1
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      A comparison of the maturity stages used to estimate the reproductive status of mackerel icefish Champsocephalus gunnari
      I. Everson, J. Ellison (United Kingdom) and K.-H. Kock (Germany)
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      An inter-laboratory comparison of ages estimated for Dissostichus eleginoides using otoliths
      J. Ashford (United Kingdom) and P. Horn (New Zealand)
      Mostrar menos información
      Fishing cruise of the Russian trawler Zakhar Sorokin to the Antarctic (Subarea 48.3) from 16 February to 10 March 1999
      V.L. Senioukov and P.N. Kochkin (Russia)
      Mostrar menos información
      On observations of ectoparasites of icefish Champsocephalus gunnari in Subarea 48.3 in March 1999
      V.L. Senioukov (Russia)
      Mostrar menos información
      Relative abundance of seabirds at sea within CCAMLR statistical areas
      E.J. Woehler (Australia), E.J. Appleyard (Secretariat) and D.J. Watts (Australia)
      Mostrar menos información
      Off the hook? Initiatives to reduce seabird by-catch in longline fisheries
      J. Cooper (South Africa), J.P. Croxall (United Kingdom) and K.S. Rivera (USA)
      Mostrar menos información
      Using additional information for generalised yield model
      P.S. Gasiukov (Russia)
      Mostrar menos información
      Australian research underway on seabirds vulnerable to fisheries interactions
      G.B. Baker (Australia)
      Mostrar menos información
      Report on meetings with Norwegian gear manufacturers Mustad and Fiskevegn
      G. Robertson (Australia)
      Mostrar menos información
      Variation in standing stock of the mackerel icefish Champsocephalus gunnari at South Georgia
      I. Everson, G. Parkes (United Kingdom), K.-H. Kock (Germany) and I. Boyd (United Kingdom)
      Mostrar menos información
      On the problem of diurnal migrations of some fish species on the South Georgia shelf (Subarea 48.3)
      I.A. Trunov, J.A. Frolkina and M.P. Konstantinova (Russia)
      Mostrar menos información
      Distribution and some biological features of icefish (Champsocephalus gunnari) at different life cycle stages in the South Georgia subarea
      Zh.A. Frolkina (Russia)
      Mostrar menos información
      Extract from Natural History of British Fishes
      I. Everson (United Kingdom)
      Mostrar menos información
      Working paper on scientific issues related to a unified regulatory framework for CCAMLR based on stages of fishery development
      Mostrar menos información
      Revision of biological and population parameters for Dissostichus eleginoides on the Heard Island Plateau (Division 58.5.2) based on a comprehensive survey of fishing grounds and recruitment areas in the region
      A.J. Constable, R. Williams, T. Lamb and E. van Wijk (Australia)
      Mostrar menos información
      Assessment of yield and status of Macrourus carinatus on BANZARE Bank in the southern Indian Ocean: implications for managing by-catch in CCAMLR fisheries
      E.M. van Wijk, A.J. Constable, R. Williams and T. Lamb (Australia)
      Mostrar menos información
      Secretariat work in support of WG-FSA
      Mostrar menos información
      Preliminary evaluation of global aggregate long-term annual yield for Patagonian toothfish, Dissostichus eleginoides
      A.J. Constable, L.S. Meyer and R. Williams (Australia)
      Mostrar menos información
      1999 Report of the WG-FSA Subgroup on Approaches to Assessments
      A. Constable (Australia), G. Parkes, D. Agnew, G. Kirkwood (United Kingdom), R. Williams (Australia) and D. Ramm (Secretariat)
      Mostrar menos información
      Seabird, seal and fishing vessel interactions in the Heard and MacDonald Islands and Macquarie Island Patagonian toothfish trawl fishery
      G. Robertson and B. Wienecke (Australia)
      Mostrar menos información
      Seabird interactions with longline fishing in the AFZ: 1998 seabird mortality estimates and 1988–1998 trends
      N. Brothers, R. Gales and T. Reid (Australia)
      Mostrar menos información
      Problems with estimation of size at maturity of Dissostichus mawsoni in Subarea 88.1
      G. Patchell (New Zealand)
      Mostrar menos información
      Fishery Data Manual – draft English version
      Mostrar menos información
      Fishery information for WG-FSA-99


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      WG-FSA-99/1 Provisional Agenda and Annotation to the Provisional Agenda for the 1999 Meeting of the Working Group on Fish Stock Assessment (WG-FSA)
      WG-FSA-99/10 Summary of observations aboard longline vessels operating in the Convention Area
      WG-FSA-99/11 Summary of observations aboard trawl vessels operating in the Convention Area during the 1998/99 season
      WG-FSA-99/12 Summary of observations on compliance with Conservation Measures 29/XVI and 63/XV
      WG-FSA-99/13 Estimates of seabed areas within the range of distribution of Dissostichus spp.
      WG-FSA-99/14 Research survey data
      WG-FSA-99/15 Catch-weighted length frequencies from commercial data
      WG-FSA-99/16 Biological characteristics of Antarctic fish stocks in the Southern Scotia Arc region
      K.-H. Kock (Germany), C. Jones (USA) and S. Wilhelms (Germany)
      WG-FSA-99/17 Rev. 1 United Kingdom research underway on Southern Ocean seabirds vulnerable to fisheries interactions
      J.P. Croxall (United Kingdom)
      WG-FSA-99/18 Seabird mortality on longlines in Australian waters: a case study of progress and policy
      R. Gales, N. Brothers, T. Reid, D. Pemberton and G.B. Baker (Australia)
      WG-FSA-99/19 Quantifying habitat use in satellite-tracked pelagic seabirds: application of kernel estimation to albatross locations
      A.G. Wood (United Kingdom), B. Naef-Daenzer (Switzerland), P.A. Prince and J.P. Croxall (United Kingdom)
      WG-FSA-99/2 List of participants
      WG-FSA-99/20 Foraging location and range of white-chinned petrels Procellaria aequinoctialis breeding in the South Atlantic
      S.D. Berrow, A.G. Wood and P.A. Prince (United Kingdom)
      WG-FSA-99/21 Areas and scales of interactions between albatrosses and the marine environment: species, populations and sexes
      P.A. Prince (United Kingdom), H. Weimerskirch (France), A.G. Wood and J.P. Croxall (United Kingdom)
      WG-FSA-99/23 The incidental catch of seabirds by longline fisheries: worldwide review and technical guidelines for mitigation
      FAO Fisheries Circular No. 937
      WG-FSA-99/24 Effect of a shore-based sampling program on Notothenia coriiceps populations
      R. Casaux and E. Barrera-Oro (Argentina)
      WG-FSA-99/25 Foraging ecology of grey-headed mollymawks at Marion Island in relation to longline fishing activity
      D.C. Nel, J.L. Nel, P.G. Ryan, N.T.W. Klages (South Africa), R.P. Wilson (Germany) and G. Robertson (Australia)
      WG-FSA-99/26 Factors affecting the number and mortality of seabirds attending trawlers and longliners in the Kerguelen area
      H. Weimerskirch, D. Capdeville and G. Duhamel (France)
      WG-FSA-99/27 French research underway on Southern Ocean seabirds vulnerable to fisheries interactions
      H. Weimerskirch (France)
      WG-FSA-99/28 Preliminary analysis of seabird by-catch using CCAMLR observer data
      D.J. Agnew and J.P. Croxall (United Kingdom)
      WG-FSA-99/3 List of documents
      WG-FSA-99/30 Increase in relative abundance of fjord Notothenia rossii in Potter Cover, South Shetland Islands, after the decrease associated with commercial fishing in the area
      E.R. Barrera-Oro, E.R. Marschoff and R.J. Casaux (Argentina)
      WG-FSA-99/31 Notes on the availability of three important finfish species in offshore waters of the lower South Shetland Islands (Subarea 48.1)
      C.D. Jones (USA), E.R. Barrera-Oro, E.R. Marschoff and R.J. Casaux (Argentina)
      WG-FSA-99/32 Changes in biomass of eight species of finfish around the South Orkney Islands (Subarea 48.2) from three bottom trawl surveys
      C.D. Jones (USA), K.-H. Kock (Germany) and E. Balguerías (Spain)
      WG-FSA-99/33 Revised estimates of seabed areas within the 500 m isobath of the South Orkney Islands (Subarea 48.2) and consequences for standing stock biomass estimates of nine species of finfish
      C.D. Jones (USA)
      WG-FSA-99/34 Research underway on South African seabirds vulnerable to fisheries interactions
      Delegation of South Africa
      WG-FSA-99/35 Avoidance of incidental mortality of seabirds and the implementation of Conservation Measure 169/XVII in Statistical Subarea 88.1 in the 1998/99 season
      J. Molloy and N. Smith (New Zealand)
      WG-FSA-99/36 Risk assessment of wandering albatrosses Diomedea exulans, breeding on Marion Island, to by-catch within CCAMLR statistical areas
      D.C. Nel, J. Cooper (South Africa) and G. Robertson (Australia)
      WG-FSA-99/37 Longline sink rates on bottom autoline vessels
      N. Smith (New Zealand)
      WG-FSA-99/38 Sexual dimorphism and sexual segregation in foraging strategies of northern giant petrels Macronectes halli during incubation
      J. González-Solís, J.P. Croxall and A.G. Wood (United Kingdom)
      WG-FSA-99/39 Foraging partitioning between giant petrels Macronectes spp. and its relationship with breeding population changes at Bird Island, South Georgia
      J. González-Solís, J.P. Croxall and A.G. Wood (United Kingdom)
      WG-FSA-99/4 Data and resources available to WG-FSA-99
      WG-FSA-99/40 Rajid by-catch in the longline fishery for toothfish in Subarea 48.3
      D.J. Agnew, J. Taylor and I. Everson (United Kingdom)
      WG-FSA-99/41 Notification of research vessel activity in the Convention Area
      Delegation of the United Kingdom
      WG-FSA-99/42 Rev. 1 Seabird by-catch in the Patagonian toothfish longline fishery at the Prince Edward Islands: 1998–1999
      P.G. Ryan and B.P. Watkins (South Africa)
      WG-FSA-99/43 Age and growth of Patagonian toothfish (Dissostichus eleginoides) and Antarctic toothfish (D. mawsoni) in waters from the New Zealand Exclusive Economic Zone to CCAMLR Subarea 88.1
      P.L. Horn (New Zealand)
      WG-FSA-99/44 Fishes collected during the 1998/99 exploratory fishery by New Zealand in CCAMLR Subarea 88.1 and registered in the national fish collection at the Museum of New Zealand Te Papa Tongarewa
      A. Stewart (New Zealand)
      WG-FSA-99/45 Assessing the impact of the proposed exploratory fishery for Dissostichus spp. in CCAMLR Subarea 88.1 in the 1999/2000 season on the family Rajidae
      N. Smith (New Zealand)
      WG-FSA-99/46 Genetic studies on toothfish (Dissostichus eleginoides and Dissostichus mawsoni): progress report for CCAMLR
      N. Smith (New Zealand)
      WG-FSA-99/47 Satellite tracking of white-chinned petrels and comparison with other Procellariiformes
      A. Catard and H. Weimerskirch (France)
      WG-FSA-99/48 Utilización de la tecnica de isoelectroenfoque en la identificación de ejemplares de merluza negra Dissostichus eleginoides (Smitt 1898) en el Atlantico sudoccidental
      WG-FSA-99/49 Research underway on New Zealand seabirds vulnerable to fisheries interactions
      J. Molloy (New Zealand)
      WG-FSA-99/5 Results of experimental trials of bird by-catch reduction methods conducted by the UK-registered longliner Argos Helena in Statistical Subarea 48.3
      D.J. Agnew, A. Black, J.P. Croxall and G. Parkes (United Kingdom)
      WG-FSA-99/50 Variations in condition indices of mackerel icefish at South Georgia from 1972 to 1997
      I. Everson (United Kingdom) and K.-H. Kock (Germany)
      WG-FSA-99/51 Undeclared catches of Dissostichus eleginoides (compilation of available data) – report of the subgroup on IUU fisheries
      G. Duhamel, S. Fitch, M. Purves and B. Watkins
      WG-FSA-99/52 Protection of young fish and spawning aggregations in the fishery for Champsocephalus gunnari in Subarea 48.3 (South Georgia): a discussion
      G. Parkes (United Kingdom)
      WG-FSA-99/53 Progress in Australian initiatives for the conservation of albatrosses
      G.B. Baker, N. Montgomery and A. McNee (Australia)
      WG-FSA-99/54 Inter-annual variation in spawning status of mackerel icefish
      I. Everson (United Kingdom) and K.-H. Kock (Germany)
      WG-FSA-99/55 Rev. 1 A comparison of the maturity stages used to estimate the reproductive status of mackerel icefish Champsocephalus gunnari
      I. Everson, J. Ellison (United Kingdom) and K.-H. Kock (Germany)
      WG-FSA-99/56 An inter-laboratory comparison of ages estimated for Dissostichus eleginoides using otoliths
      J. Ashford (United Kingdom) and P. Horn (New Zealand)
      WG-FSA-99/57 Fishing cruise of the Russian trawler Zakhar Sorokin to the Antarctic (Subarea 48.3) from 16 February to 10 March 1999
      V.L. Senioukov and P.N. Kochkin (Russia)
      WG-FSA-99/58 On observations of ectoparasites of icefish Champsocephalus gunnari in Subarea 48.3 in March 1999
      V.L. Senioukov (Russia)
      WG-FSA-99/59 Relative abundance of seabirds at sea within CCAMLR statistical areas
      E.J. Woehler (Australia), E.J. Appleyard (Secretariat) and D.J. Watts (Australia)
      WG-FSA-99/6 Off the hook? Initiatives to reduce seabird by-catch in longline fisheries
      J. Cooper (South Africa), J.P. Croxall (United Kingdom) and K.S. Rivera (USA)
      WG-FSA-99/60 Using additional information for generalised yield model
      P.S. Gasiukov (Russia)
      WG-FSA-99/61 Australian research underway on seabirds vulnerable to fisheries interactions
      G.B. Baker (Australia)
      WG-FSA-99/62 Report on meetings with Norwegian gear manufacturers Mustad and Fiskevegn
      G. Robertson (Australia)
      WG-FSA-99/63 Variation in standing stock of the mackerel icefish Champsocephalus gunnari at South Georgia
      I. Everson, G. Parkes (United Kingdom), K.-H. Kock (Germany) and I. Boyd (United Kingdom)
      WG-FSA-99/64 On the problem of diurnal migrations of some fish species on the South Georgia shelf (Subarea 48.3)
      I.A. Trunov, J.A. Frolkina and M.P. Konstantinova (Russia)
      WG-FSA-99/65 Distribution and some biological features of icefish (Champsocephalus gunnari) at different life cycle stages in the South Georgia subarea
      Zh.A. Frolkina (Russia)
      WG-FSA-99/66 Extract from Natural History of British Fishes
      I. Everson (United Kingdom)
      WG-FSA-99/67 Working paper on scientific issues related to a unified regulatory framework for CCAMLR based on stages of fishery development
      WG-FSA-99/68 Revision of biological and population parameters for Dissostichus eleginoides on the Heard Island Plateau (Division 58.5.2) based on a comprehensive survey of fishing grounds and recruitment areas in the region
      A.J. Constable, R. Williams, T. Lamb and E. van Wijk (Australia)
      WG-FSA-99/69 Assessment of yield and status of Macrourus carinatus on BANZARE Bank in the southern Indian Ocean: implications for managing by-catch in CCAMLR fisheries
      E.M. van Wijk, A.J. Constable, R. Williams and T. Lamb (Australia)
      WG-FSA-99/7 Secretariat work in support of WG-FSA
      WG-FSA-99/70 Preliminary evaluation of global aggregate long-term annual yield for Patagonian toothfish, Dissostichus eleginoides
      A.J. Constable, L.S. Meyer and R. Williams (Australia)
      WG-FSA-99/71 1999 Report of the WG-FSA Subgroup on Approaches to Assessments
      A. Constable (Australia), G. Parkes, D. Agnew, G. Kirkwood (United Kingdom), R. Williams (Australia) and D. Ramm (Secretariat)
      WG-FSA-99/72 Seabird, seal and fishing vessel interactions in the Heard and MacDonald Islands and Macquarie Island Patagonian toothfish trawl fishery
      G. Robertson and B. Wienecke (Australia)
      WG-FSA-99/73 Seabird interactions with longline fishing in the AFZ: 1998 seabird mortality estimates and 1988–1998 trends
      N. Brothers, R. Gales and T. Reid (Australia)
      WG-FSA-99/74 Problems with estimation of size at maturity of Dissostichus mawsoni in Subarea 88.1
      G. Patchell (New Zealand)
      WG-FSA-99/8 Fishery Data Manual – draft English version
      WG-FSA-99/9 Fishery information for WG-FSA-99