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Progress report on the Korean research fishing by longline fishery for Dissostichus spp. in Subarea 88.3 in 2015/16

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Número de documento:
Delegation of the Republic of Korea
Presentado por:
Dr Seok-Gwan Choi (República de Corea)
Aprobado por:
Dr Seok-Gwan Choi (República de Corea)

Korean research fishing was conducted in Subarea 88.3 from 8 February 2016 to 5 March 2016 in 2015/16 fishing season. The total number of days fished are 41 of 76 days stayed in the fishing grounds. The total catch of D. mawsoni was 106,241 kg with 5,227 individuals, and their CPUE recorded 0.19 kg/hook. 566 individuals of D. mawsoni were tagged and released. Tagging rate and tag overlap statistics in Subarea 88.3 were 5.3 and 82%, respectively. Length frequency of D. mawsoni had two peaks and both small and large individuals are believed to inhabit area 88.3. The maturity of D. mawsoni dominated that stage 1 and 2 had high proportion among the maturity stages during the survey period. To get biological information of species in detail, otolith, stomach contents, gonad and muscle were collected from each individual of D. mawsoni. We also collected temperature and salinity using CTD at 9 stations.