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Beach debris survey - Main Bay, Bird Island, South Georgia 1993/94

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Delegation of the United Kingdom
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The fourth year of survey of beach debris at Main Bay, Bird Island reported a 20% decrease in overall debris levels (225 items in 1993/94 compared with 280 items reported in 1992/93). Debris accumulated throughout the summer accounted for only 16% of the total (a similar proportion to that in 1992/93). Of the winter debris, 60% occurred in September, following severe gales. Nylon line, comprising 77% of debris, was mainly identical to material used in the long-line fishery, as indicated by sections of long-line washed ashore. Packing bands formed only 4% of debris and were found from June onwards, coinciding with fishing activity in the South Georgia area. All polypropylene packing bands found had been cut.