WG-EMM-04/1 Plus d'infos |
Provisional Agenda and Provisional Annotated Agenda for the 2004 Meeting of the Working Group on Ecosystem Monitoring and Management (WG-EMM) |
WG-EMM-04/10 Plus d'infos |
Results of scientific observation on board RKT-S (cannery fishing super trawler) Konstruktor Koshkin in Statistical Area 48 in March–June 2003 as compared with previous seasons V.A. Bibik and S.A. Klementiev (Ukraine)
This report presents data on Antarctic krill (Euphausia superba) catches in the areas of vessel operations, biological state of krill, results of identification of the principal size groups with the aim of defining their belonging to specific generations. It gives the analysis of the weather and ice conditions, assessment of krill abundance in aggregations and of fisheries situation in Read More
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WG-EMM-04/11 Plus d'infos |
Summary table of current and proposed Antarctic marine protected areas S. Grant (United Kingdom)
Summary Tables of existing, and some proposed, Antarctic protected areas which contain marine habitat.
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WG-EMM-04/12 Plus d'infos |
The biology, ecology and vulnerability of seamount communities A.D. Rogers (United Kingdom)
While much remains unknown about seamount communities, scientific evidence suggests that high seas bottom trawling may have significant and irreversible impacts on the diversity and ecology of seamounts and other similar hard bottom communities.
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WG-EMM-04/13 Plus d'infos |
History of development and completion of tasks put forward by WG-EMM (2001–2003) Secretariat
A history of development and completion of tasks put forward by WG-EMM is summarised for the period from 2001 to 2003 (SC-CAMLR-XXI, Annex 4, paragraph 6.41). This is a new series of records since the adoption by WG-EMM in 2001 of a new five-year plan of work. A history of tasks for the period from 1995 to 2001 is archived in WG-EMM-02/12.
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WG-EMM-04/14 Plus d'infos |
CEMP indices 2004: analysis of anomalies and trends Secretariat
The CCAMLR Ecosystem Monitoring Program uses indices derived from data on indicator species and the environment collected by standard methods within the three Integrated Study Regions of the Convention Area. Each year the Secretariat updates the standardised index values and provides a summary of trends and anomalies in these data. In addition, developments during the intersessional period are Read More
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WG-EMM-04/15 Plus d'infos |
Krill fishery information Secretariat
Compilation of information and work pertaining to the krill fisheries in CCAMLR waters is presented, including:
• A report on catches for the last, complete season (2002/03) and an update on catches for the current season (2003/04);
• Measures of overlap between the krill fishery and krill predators;
• A revised plan for the krill fishery in Area 48.
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WG-EMM-04/16 Plus d'infos |
The living planet index Secretariat
UNEP-WCMC is developing further an approach for measuring and communicating trends in biodiversity captured in the Living Planet Index. The Index is based on average trends in populations of several hundred vertebrate species from around the world, and UNEP is interested in including CCAMLR data on Antarctic species.
Correspondence between UNEP staff and the Secretariat is reported and Read More
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WG-EMM-04/17 Plus d'infos |
CEMP-related correspondence Secretariat
Correspondence on:
• Collaborative program by Ukraine and Bulgaria on research into gentoo penguin breeding biology at Vernadsky Station, Antarctic Peninsula (Ukraine) and Livingston Island, South Shetland Islands (Bulgaria) (see SC-CAMLR-XXII, Annex 4, paragraph 7.14);
• Notes on the collection of CEMP data at Bouvetøya.
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WG-EMM-04/18 Plus d'infos |
Development of the acoustic survey database Secretariat
Last year we established a new, dedicated database to archive research survey data submitted to CCAMLR. This database is ‘event-driven’ – i.e. each survey can be characterized by a series of events (eg trawl, CTD, acoustic etc) and each event has a set of measurements (eg amount caught, conductivity at depth, density estimate etc). The development of the trawl survey components has been Read More
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WG-EMM-04/19 Plus d'infos |
Revision of Conservation Measure 91-01 (2000), Annex 91-01/A
‘Information to be included in Management Plans for CEMP sites’ Chair, Subgroup on Protected Areas
At the 2003 meeting of the Commission, the Terms of Reference (TOR) for the Advisory Subgroup on Protected Areas were endorsed by the Commission (CCAMLR XXII (paragraph 4.26). One task, which was directed to the intersessional work of the Subgroup, was TOR (ii) “to revise and keep under review, as appropriate, guidelines for the production of maps of protected areas relevant to CCAMLR”. The Read More
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WG-EMM-04/2 Plus d'infos |
List of participants |
WG-EMM-04/20 Plus d'infos |
Acquiring a ‘base datum of normality’ for a marine ecosystem: the Ross Sea, Antarctica D. Ainley (USA)
The Ross Sea Shelf Ecosystem (RSShelfE) offers the last chance to understand ecological processes in a system where both top-down and bottom-up forcing are still intact. Elsewhere in Earth’s oceans the systems used for understanding ecological processes and fishery effects all have lacked significant, natural top-down forcing for such a long time that it is a concept rarely considered by Read More
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WG-EMM-04/21 Plus d'infos |
CCAMLR Scheme of International Scientific Observation:
Review of the Scientific Observers Manual Secretariat
The rationale for the proposed main review of the Scientific Observer Manual and a plan of intersessional work on the subject during 2004 are presented.
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WG-EMM-04/22 Plus d'infos |
Foraging patterns in the Antarctic shag (Phalacrocorax bransfieldensis) at Harmony Point, Antarctica R. Casaux and A. Baroni (Argentina)
During the 1995/96 and 1996/97 summer seasons the foraging pattern of the Antarctic Shag Phalacrocorax bransfieldensis was studied by direct observation on individuals breeding at Harmony Point, Nelson Island, South Shetland Islands. During pre-laying and incubation individuals of both sexes usually foraged once a day; females early in the morning and males when their partners returned to the Read More
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WG-EMM-04/23 Plus d'infos |
Demography of Antarctic krill in the Lazarev Sea (Subarea 48.6) and the Elephant Island area (Subarea 48.1) in 2004 V. Siegel (Germany), V. Loeb (USA), B. Bergström (Sweden), S. Schöling (Germany), M. Haraldsson (Sweden), J. Kitchener (Australia), M. Vortkamp (Germany)
Standardized krill net sampling surveys were conducted in the Lazarev Sea (Subarea 48.6) in April 2004 and in the Elephant Island area (Subarea 48.1) in January and February/March 2004. Krill densities in the Elephant Island area were below the long-term average which mark a substantial decline after the good krill years in 2001 and 2002. Krill density was lower in the Lazarev Sea, even after Read More
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WG-EMM-04/24 Plus d'infos |
A possible framework in which to consider plausible models of the Antarctic marine ecosystem for evaluating krill management procedures A. Constable (Australia)
CCAMLR requires an assessment method for recommending a subdivision of the krill catch limit in Area 48 that will be highly likely to achieve the objectives of the convention despite the uncertainties in knowledge. This will be part of the management procedure governing the krill fishery. The agreed workplan for developing a management procedure includes the evaluation of candidate management Read More
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WG-EMM-04/25 Plus d'infos |
Report of the Steering Committee for the WG-EMM Workshop on Plausible Ecosystem Models for Testing Approaches to Krill Management
This paper reports on the intersessional activities of the Steering Committee of the “Workshop on plausible ecosystem models for testing approaches to krill management” in preparation for the workshop at WG-EMM 2004. The overarching Terms of Reference are (i) to review the approaches used to model marine ecosystems, (ii) to consider plausible operating models for the Antarctic marine ecosystem Read More
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WG-EMM-04/26 Plus d'infos |
Developing conceptual models of the Antarctic marine ecosystem: squid K. Phillips (Australia)
The Convention for the Conservation of Antarctic Marine Living Resources (CCAMLR) is currently considering plausible models of the Southern Ocean ecosystem within the Working Group on Ecosystem Monitoring and Management (WG-EMM). While recognised to be an important component of this ecosystem, particularly with regard to food-web structure and function, squid have rarely been included in Read More
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WG-EMM-04/27 Plus d'infos |
Biotopic and spatial distribution of krill Euphausia superba Dana (Crustacea, Euphausiacea) length groupings in the Atlantic sector of Antarctic in summer 1984 and 1988 V.V. Lidvanov, A.V. Zimin, K.E. Shulgovsky (Russia)
Three basic length groupings of krill were identified with the clustering analysis on the basis of the data of two complex surveys carried out in the western Atlantic sector of Antarctic in summer 1984 and 1988. The large-length grouping is biotopically associated with the waters of the southern branch of the Antarctic Circumpolar Current (ACC). The middle-length grouping and the small-length Read More
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WG-EMM-04/28 Plus d'infos |
Accounting for food requirements of seabirds in fisheries management – the case of the South African purse-seine fishery R.J.M Crawford (South Africa)
In South Africa, four seabirds that feed mainly on sardine Sardinops sagax and anchovy Engraulis encrasicolus all have an unfavourable conservation status or a small population: African penguin Spheniscus demersus, Cape gannet Morus capensis, Cape cormorant Phalacrocorax capensis and swift tern Sterna bergii. Availability of prey is thought to influence the populations of these species, but Read More
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WG-EMM-04/29 Plus d'infos |
Counts of surface-nesting seabirds at Marion Island in 2003/04 R.J.M Crawford, N. de Bruyn, B.M. Dyer, B. Hanise, N.T.W. Klages, P.G. Ryan, L.G. Underhill and L. Upfold (South Africa)
Numbers of gentoo penguins Pygoscelis papua, macaroni penguins Eudyptes chrysolophus, eastern rockhopper penguins E. chrysocome filholi and Crozet shags Phalacrocorax [atriceps] melanogenis continued to decrease at Marion Island in 2003/04. The decreases are thought to be due to a reduced availability of prey to birds foraging near island. Numbers of wandering albatrosses Diomedea exulans, Read More
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WG-EMM-04/3 Plus d'infos |
List of documents |
WG-EMM-04/30 Plus d'infos |
The brief review of the AtlantNIRO’s investigations of living marine resources: whales, krill and fish, in the Atlantic sector
of the Antarctic F. Litvinov, D. Tormosov, Zh. Frolkina (Russia)
The USSR has fished in the Atlantic Sector of the Antarctic for three living marine resources: whales, krill and fish. In order to provide the fisheries with rational database the AtlantNIRO vessels conducted fishery and scientific studies. Investigations on whales were commenced in 1960. There were collected a big set of statistical and biological data on embryos growth rate of sperm whales, Read More
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WG-EMM-04/31 Plus d'infos |
Incidental seal entanglements on trawl vessels fishing for krill
in CCAMLR Subarea 48.3 J. Hooper, K. Reid and D. Agnew (United Kingdom)
Observers on krill vessels fishing around South Georgia in the 2003 fishing season recorded fur seal captures by some krill fishing vessels. These captures can be attributed to the absence of effective mitigation measures (escape panels in the nets) and lack of experience of crews new to the fishery. Experienced vessels, employing effective mitigation measures, caught no seals. Although these Read More
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WG-EMM-04/32 Plus d'infos |
The applicability of international conservation instruments to the establishment of marine protected areas in Antarctica S. Grant (United Kingdom)
Many international conservation treaties, non-binding agreements and other instruments that have relevance to marine protected area (MPA) development provide for action to be taken globally, and thus include Antarctica within the scope of a worldwide system of marine protected areas. However, depending on their specific provisions, full application in Antarctic waters may be difficult, Read More
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WG-EMM-04/33 Plus d'infos |
Food consumption estimates of southern elephant seal females during their post-breeding aquatic phase at South Shetland Islands A.R. Carlini, G.A. Daneri, M.E.I. Márquez (Argentina), H. Bornemann (Germany), H. Panarello, R. Casaux (Argentina), S. Ramdohr and J. Plötz (Germany)
Labelled water methodology was used to quantify energy expenditure during lactation and energy gain during the post-breeding aquatic phase in Southern elephant seal females at Stranger Point, King George Island (25 de Mayo). During lactation females spent a mean of 6021±1365 Mj, which resulted in a loss of 35% of the initial mass, comprising 63% of initial body fat and 20% of initial body Read More
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WG-EMM-04/34 Plus d'infos |
Physical forcing in the southwest Atlantic: ecosystem control P.N. Trathan, E.J. Murphy, J. Forcada, J.P. Croxall, K. Reid and S.E. Thorpe (United Kingdom)
In the southwest Atlantic sector of the Southern Ocean, temporal variability in the physical environment has been recorded since the early part of the last century. For example, ocean temperatures are known to vary both between seasons and between years. Time series analysis of sea surface temperature at South Georgia shows the presence of high levels of autocorrelation, with periodicity Read More
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WG-EMM-04/35 Plus d'infos |
Near-shore acoustic surveys for Antarctic krill at South Georgia, January 2004 A.S. Brierley, P.N. Trathan, J. Poncet and A. Morton (United Kingdom)
Dual frequency (120 and 38 kHz) acoustic surveys were conducted around the Willis Islands and off the Barff Peninsula, South Georgia, from a 59 foot yacht in January 2004. The purpose of the surveys was to determine krill density near shore, in regions that have not traditionally been surveyed by large research vessels, and to survey responsively in areas where adult Macaroni penguins Read More
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WG-EMM-04/36 Plus d'infos |
Dynamoe and albatross papers 2003–2004 British Antarctic Survey (United Kingdom)
This list of publications is for information only; it comprises a set of BAS papers that have relevance to the work of WG-EMM, but which do not relate directly to the current agenda.
These papers were produced by two BAS core funded science programmes: Dynamics and Management of Ocean Ecosystems (Principal Investigator: Eugene Murphy; Project Leaders: Phil Trathan and Jon Watkins); and, Read More
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WG-EMM-04/37 Plus d'infos |
Proposal for an acoustic krill biomass survey in CCAMLR Division 58.4.2 S. Nicol, S. Kawaguchi, T. Jarvis and T. Pauly (Australia)
This document outlines plans by Australia to conduct an acoustic biomass survey for krill in CCAMLR Division 58.4.2 (the South West Indian Ocean Sector) in January-March 2006. The survey is intended to produce a new estimate of B0 for this Division so that a revised precautionary catch limit can be established by CCAMLR. The planned survey will utilise a standardised design as adopted in Read More
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WG-EMM-04/38 Plus d'infos |
Interannual variation in the summer diet of Adélie penguin (Pygoscelis adeliae) at Edmonson Point S. Olmastroni, F. Pezzo, I. Bisogno and S. Focardi (Italy)
Diet sampling of Adélie penguins (Pygoscelis adeliae) was carried out at two colonies, in the Ross Sea, Antarctica, to study the feeding ecology of this species for the Commission for the Conservation of Antarctic Marine Living Resources (CCAMLR) Ecosystem Monitoring Program. The study took place at Edmonson Point CEMP site over five years, 1995-97, 1999, 2001 and was extended to Inexpressible Read More
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WG-EMM-04/39 Plus d'infos |
CPUE values derived from Soviet fishery statistics as indicators of Antarctic krill density fluctuations in 1977–1991 F.F. Litvinov, A.Z. Sundakov and G.N. Andrianov (Russia)
The average CPUE values, annual and calculated for the periods of 1977-1986 and 1986- 1991 are considered. It is assumed that these values adequately describe trends in krill density fluctuations. Rather high stability of the values investigated is revealed. It is proposed that krill density of 170-200 g/m2 may be considered as an average characteristic value for the area 48. It was revealed, Read More
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WG-EMM-04/4 Plus d'infos |
The diet of Antarctic fur seals, Arctocephalus gazella, at King George Island, during the summer–autumn period G.A. Daneri, A.R. Carlini, C.M. Hernandez and A. Harrington (Argentina)
The diet of non breeding male Antarctic fur seals, Arctocephalus gazella, was investigated at Stranger Point, King George Island, by scat analysis from February to April 1996. Overall, krill and fish were the most frequent prey, occurring in an average of 97% and 69% of samples (n=128), followed by Cephalopods (12%). Myctophids constituted almost 90% of the fish predated, being Electrona Read More
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WG-EMM-04/40 Plus d'infos |
Broadbandwidth sound scattering and absorption from krill (Meganyctiphanes norvegica), Mysids (Praunus flexuousus
and Neomysis integer) and shrimp (Crangon crangon) S.G. Conti, D.A. Demer (USA) and A.S. Brierley (United Kingdom)
Sound scattering and absorption measurements were made of Northern krill (Meganyctiphanes norvegica) over the acoustical bandwidth of 30 to 210 kHz and compared to similar scattering measurements made of Antarctic krill (Euphausia superba; Demer and Conti, 2003a). The measurements of total target strength (TTS) match the SDWBA model (Demer and Conti, 2003b) recently developed for Antarctic Read More
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WG-EMM-04/41 Plus d'infos |
Sounds like more krill D.A. Demer and S.G. Conti (USA)
Antarctic krill, Euphausia superba, comprise the foundation of the food-web in the Southern Ocean and are the target of a large fishery. Recently, the total abundance of krill in the Scotia Sea was estimated from an international echosounder and net survey (CCAMLR 2000) to be 44.3 million tons (CV 11.4%). The new biomass estimate prompted the Antarctic Treaty's Commission for the Conservation Read More
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WG-EMM-04/42 Plus d'infos |
Report of scientific observations of commercial krill harvest aboard the Japanese stern trawler Chiyo Maru No. 5
2 August 2003–21 September 2003 T. Hayashi, M. Naganobu and K. Taki (Japan)
Japan has deployed one scientific observer on a Japanese krill trawler, Chiyo Maru No. 5, from 4 August 2003 to 21 September 2003. The observation was essentially undertaken following the CCAMLR Scientific Observers Manual. Summary of the fishing efforts, processing, fish by-catches, biological measurements of krill, product types, vessel and marine mammal observations are described in the Read More
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WG-EMM-04/43 Plus d'infos |
Short note: report of bacterial infectious Antarctic krill (Euphausia superba) in South Georgia T. Hayashi and M. Naganobu (Japan)
We report of affected Antarctic krill (Euphausia superba) observed during the observation onboard the F/V Chiyo Maru No.5, from 08/08/03 to 17/09/03 in South Georgia region.
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WG-EMM-04/44 Plus d'infos |
Characteristics of seasonal variation in diurnal vertical migration and aggregation of Antarctic krill (Euphausia superba) in the Scotia Sea, using the Japanese fishery data K. Taki, T. Hayashi and M. Naganobu (Japan)
We examined seasonal variation in CPUE (catch per volume of trawled water) and diurnal vertical migration of Antarctic krill (Euphausia superba) associated with the brightness categories of the day based upon the angles between the center of the sun and the celestial horizon on the Scotia Sea; South Shetland Islands (SS), South Orkney Islands (SO) and South Georgia (SG) areas, using Japanese Read More
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WG-EMM-04/45 Plus d'infos |
Comparison of 1981 FIBEX survey and 2000 CCAMLR survey on oceanographic variability in the Scotia Sea, Antarctica M. Naganobu and Y. Yoda (Japan)
We compared physical parameters (temperature, salinity, density and geostrophic current) in order to investigate differences of oceanographic structures in the same area and summer season between the 1981 FIBEX survey and 2000 CCAMLR survey in the Scotia Sea, Antarctica. As a result, the distribution range of the cold Antarctic Surface Water less than 0°C in the 1981 FIBEX survey is clearly Read More
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WG-EMM-04/46 Plus d'infos |
Spectra analysis of Drake Passage Oscillation Index (DPOI)
from 1952 to 2003, Antarctica M. Naganobu and K. Kutsuwada (Japan)
An assessment of the environmental processes influencing variability in the recruitment and density of Antarctic krill (Euphausia superba DANA) is important as variability in krill stocks affects the Antarctic marine ecosystem as a whole. Naganobu et al. (1999) had assessed variability in krill recruitment and density with hypothesized environmental factors; strength of westerly winds ( Read More
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WG-EMM-04/47 Plus d'infos |
A survey plan of Japanese RV Kaiyo Maru in 2004/05 for the Ross Sea and adjacent waters, Antarctica M. Naganobu, K. Taki and T. Hayashi (Japan)
The Japanese R/V Kaiyo Maru will survey to collect data simultaneously on ecological interaction f environment – Antarctic krill – whales in the Ross Sea and adjacent waters during December 2004 and February 2005. Transect lines along 180, 175E and 165E will be set to cover hot spots where suggest high concentrated krill and whales such as the Scot Seamounts Island, the Balleny Islands, the Read More
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WG-EMM-04/48 Plus d'infos |
Reconciling fisheries with conservation: three examples from
the Southern Ocean R.P. Hewitt (USA), I. Everson (United Kingdom) and C.D. Jones (USA)
Preservation of ecosystem structure is the guiding principle by which the Commission for the Conservation of Antarctic Marine Living Resources (CCAMLR) endeavors to manage the harvests of living resources of the Southern Ocean (with the notable exception of marine mammals). The experiences of CCAMLR with regard to fisheries on Antarctic krill (Euphausia superba), mackerel icefish ( Read More
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WG-EMM-04/49 Plus d'infos |
Krill caught by predators and nets revisited: interpreting prey selection in proper temporal–spatial scales M.E. Goebel, V. Loeb, D.P. Costa, S.N. Sexton, A.R. Banks, J.D. Lipsky and A.C. Allen (USA)
Krill demography and recruitment are tracked through time using scientific net sampling and predator diet sampling. Comparisons of these two methods show broadly coherent results but also frequently show differences that have fueled speculation of prey selectivity by predators. Krill, however, are not homogenously distributed and matching temporal-spatial scales of sample collections can be Read More
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WG-EMM-04/5 Plus d'infos |
Seabird research at Cape Shirreff, Livingston Island, Antarctica, 2003–2004 M. Antolos, A.K. Miller and W.Z. Trivelpiece (USA)
The seventh consecutive season of data collection at Cape Shirreff has enabled us to examine trends in penguin populations, as well as inter-annual variation in reproductive parameters, penguin diet, and foraging behaviour. The chinstrap breeding population at Cape Shirreff has continued to decline over the past five years, and is at its lowest size in the past seven years of study. While the Read More
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WG-EMM-04/50 Plus d'infos |
Developing conceptual models of elements of the Antarctic marine ecosystem: Antarctic krill (Euphausia superba) S. Nicol and S. Kawaguchi (Australia)
A simple generalised conceptual life history model for Antarctic krill is developed based on observations and data from the literature. The model attempts to take into account the observed relationships between Antarctic krill and its biotic and abiotic environment. Krill life history is thus viewed as an evolved product of interactions between the species and its environment. In particular, Read More
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WG-EMM-04/51 Plus d'infos |
A conceptual model of the krill fishery S. Kawaguchi, S. Nicol (Australia), K. Taki and M. Naganobu (Japan)
The behaviour patterns of Japanese krill fishery vessels in Area 48 were analysed using questionnaires on the reasons why the vessel changed their fishing grounds, which were sent out to of the Japanese fishing vessel since the 1989/90 fishing season. Among many reasons for changing fishing grounds, krill density, krill, size, ice condition, transshipment, and salp-by catch accounted for 95.6 Read More
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WG-EMM-04/52 Plus d'infos |
Analysis of trends in Japanese krill fishery, and its implication S. Kawaguchi, S. Candy, S. Nicol (Australia), K. Taki and M. Naganobu (Japan)
Haul by haul logbook data from the Japanese krill fishery from 1980/81 to 2003/04 fishing season was analysed. By using statistical modeling (linear mixed model) a series of predicted intra- and inter-annual trends of standardized fishery indices are presented. The results strongly suggest that krill fishery in South Orkney and South Georgia area are both operating around a critical point Read More
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WG-EMM-04/53 Plus d'infos |
Developing conceptual models of elements of the Antarctic marine ecosystem: Adélie penguins L.M. Emmerson, J. Clarke, M. Tierney and L. Irvine (Australia)
In this paper we present a simple generalised conceptual life history model of Adélie penguins based primarily on data collected from Béchervaise Island, East Antarctica. The model uses life history categories based on an individual penguins reproductive potential in any given year, their past reproductive experience and their spatial location. While there may be generalities which are Read More
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WG-EMM-04/54 Plus d'infos |
Modelling availability bias using existing time series count data: Adélie penguins as a case study L. Emmerson, B. Raymond and C. Southwell (Australia)
It is widely acknowledged that counts of Adélie and other penguin species at breeding sites in Antarctica during the breeding season are influenced by the date at which they are undertaken. A count of some attribute of the population on any date may therefore need to be adjusted by some date-specific factor (termed the availability fraction) if the count is to form the basis of an estimate of Read More
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WG-EMM-04/55 Plus d'infos |
Assessing the accuracy of penguin breeding abundance estimates at regional scales in Antarctica from existing count data: a review using Adélie penguins as a case study C. Southwell (Australia)
There is a large body of existing count data in the literature for penguins at their breeding sites in Antarctica and the sub-Antarctic islands. These data have been summarised into several compilation documents and their accuracy assessed therein on a site-by-site basis. There has been no previous attempt to determine how the accuracy of regional scale abundance estimates derived from these Read More
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WG-EMM-04/56 Plus d'infos |
Developing and applying a general abundance estimator for land-based predator surveys: Adélie penguins as a case study C. Southwell (Australia)
The development of a general estimator of abundance would facilitate a standardised approach to regional and circum-Antarctic surveys of land-based predators. Such a generalised estimator is outlined, and its applicability illustrated by adapting it to the specific problem of estimating the abundance of Adélie penguins at regional scales in Antarctica, given a range of logistical scenarios and Read More
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WG-EMM-04/57 Plus d'infos |
Changes in the foraging range of Adélie penguins as the breeding season progresses J. Clarke and L. Emmerson (Australia)
1. This paper describes temporal changes in foraging range throughout the breeding season of Adélie penguins nesting at Béchervaise Island on the Mawson coast of Eastern Antarctica. A decade’s worth of satellite tracking data was loaded into geographical information systems (GIS) software to produce maps of where the penguins travel to feed during each of the incubation, guard, crèche and pre- Read More
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WG-EMM-04/58 Plus d'infos |
Conceptual model of Antarctic epi- and mesopelagic fish R. Williams (Australia)
The Convention for the Conservation of Antarctic Marine Living Resources (CCAMLR) is currently considering plausible models of the Southern Ocean ecosystem within the Working Group on Ecosystem Monitoring and Management (WG-EMM). Epi- and mesopelagic fish are key components in the oceanic (deep water) marine ecosystem throughout the CCAMLR area. While not in most cases the object of commercial Read More
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WG-EMM-04/59 Plus d'infos |
Conceptual model of icefish (Champsocephalus gunnari) R. Williams (Australia)
The Convention for the Conservation of Antarctic Marine Living Resources (CCAMLR) is currently considering plausible models of the Southern Ocean ecosystem within the Working Group on Ecosystem Monitoring and Management (WG-EMM). The icefish, Champsocephalus gunnari, is one of the key components in the subantarctic marine ecosystem in the Scotia Sea and northern Kerguelen Plateau areas, as Read More
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WG-EMM-04/6 Plus d'infos |
Summary of notifications of krill fisheries in 2004/05 Secretariat |
WG-EMM-04/60 Plus d'infos |
Approaches to evaluating and testing of CEMP methods for parameters A1, A5 and A7 G. Watters (USA) and K. Reid (United Kingdom)
The methods and presentation of CEMP parameters A1, A5 and A7 where evaluated using simulated time-series data. The effects of sampling timing and intensity during five-day periods for measures of arrival and fledging mass suggested that situations where sampling is distributed unevenly around the peak arrival/fledging date may introduce substantial bias in CEMP parameters A1and A7. The Read More
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WG-EMM-04/61 Plus d'infos |
Approaches to the simplification of the summary and presentation of CEMP data K. Reid (United Kingdom) and G. Watters (USA)
The current approach to providing advice on the status of the krill-centric ecosystem relies on the evaluation of statistical anomalies in the CEMP database. A new approach based on the ordination of variables according to functional groupings is suggested. This approach uses the methodology developed within WG EMM to produce composite standardised indices (CSIs) from matrices containing Read More
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WG-EMM-04/62 Plus d'infos |
An initial analysis of the characteristics of Antarctic krill taken by the commercial fishery and Antarctic fur seals during the winters of 2002 and 2003 at South Georgia K. Reid, D.J. Agnew, N.L. Warren and E. Owen (United Kingdom)
We present an initial analysis of the fishing locations, fishing depth and length-frequency distribution of krill at South Georgia during the winter of 2002 and 2003 and compare these with the length-frequency distribution and frequency of occurrence of krill in the diet of Antarctic fur seals. There were significant differences in the mean size of krill taken by vessels/measured by observers Read More
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WG-EMM-04/63 Plus d'infos |
Monitoring krill population variability using seabirds and seals
at South Georgia – new samplers provide new insights K. Reid, E.J. Murphy, J.P. Croxall and P.N. Trathan (United Kingdom)
Variability in the Southern Ocean is often characterised by fluctuations in the distribution and abundance of a single dominant zooplankton species, Antarctic krill Euphausia superba. At South Georgia interannual variability in the krill-based marine ecosystem has historically been most frequently detected in the response of upper-trophic level predators. Analysis of the changes in the Read More
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WG-EMM-04/64 Plus d'infos |
Shipboard line transect surveys of crabeater seal abundance in the pack-ice off East Antarctica: evaluation of assumptions C. Southwell, W. de la Mare (Australia), D. Borchers and L. Burt (United Kingdom)
The extent to which the assumptions underlying line transect sampling are satisfied in shipboard surveys of crabeater seals hauled-out on the Antarctic pack-ice is examined. Crabeater seals showed little movement in response to the approaching ship. Movement away from the ship by seals close to the ship’s track was partially responsible for a relative lack of sightings close to the transect- Read More
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WG-EMM-04/65 Plus d'infos |
Developing conceptual models of elements of the Antarctic marine ecosystem: marine mammals N. Gales and C. Southwell (Australia)
The Convention for the Conservation of Antarctic Marine Living Resources (CCAMLR) is currently considering plausible models of the Southern Ocean ecosystem within the Working Group on Ecosystem Monitoring and Management (WG-EMM). This paper describes properties for two groups of marine mammals that may be included in future ecosystem models of the Southern Ocean: cetaceans and pack-ice Read More
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WG-EMM-04/66 Rev. 1 Plus d'infos |
The structure and spatial distribution of Antarctic krill aggregations from acoustic observation in the South Georgia area S.M. Kasatkina (Russia)
Results of acoustic surveys carried out in winter months of 2000 and 2002 demonstrate significant distinctions in spatial distribution patterns of krill in the northwestern and the northeastern parts of South Georgia area. The boundary between two areas is located at about 37°30/ W. It is shown that in winter months in the northwestern part where foraging areas of dependent predators are Read More
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WG-EMM-04/67 Plus d'infos |
A review of models of Southern Ocean ecosystems: krill, ecosystems and the impacts of harvesting S.L. Hill, E.J. Murphy, K. Reid, P.N. Trathan (United Kingdom), A. Constable (Australia)
An ecosystem approach for the management of human activities in the Southern Ocean is enshrined in the principles of the Commission for the Conservation of Antarctic Marine Living Resources (CCAMLR). The implementation of such an approach requires an understanding of the wider dynamics of the ecosystem, which is best achieved through the development of ecosystem models. However, not all models Read More
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WG-EMM-04/68 Plus d'infos |
Predation on cephalopods by Pygoscelis papua and Arctocephalus gazella at South Orkney Islands M.M. Libertelli, G.A. Daneri (Argentina), U. Piatkowski (Germany), N.R. Coria and A.R. Carlini (Argentina)
The cephalopod diet of the Gentoo penguin, Pygoscelis papua and the Antarctic fur seal, Arctocephalus gazella was comparatively analyzed at Laurie Island, South Orkney Islands. A total of 125 stomach samples were collected by the water off-loading method from Gentoo penguins during the autumns of 1993, 1995 and 1996, and 39 fur seal scats were collected from mid March to April 1988. Read More
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WG-EMM-04/69 Plus d'infos |
Ecological implications of body composition and thermal capabilities in young Antarctic fur seals (Arctocephalus gazella) M.R. Rutishauser, D.P. Costa, M.E. Goebel and T.M. Williams (USA)
In comparison to other homeotherms, young recently weaned marine mammals in high latitudes face exceptional energetic demands when foraging and thermoregulating. Lipids are an important source of energy and a major component of insulation that allow them to meet these demands. To examine the role of lipid stores in a high-latitude pinniped, the body composition and thermoregulatory Read More
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WG-EMM-04/70 Plus d'infos |
Review of the CEMP standard methods and their delivery to
the CEMP database C. Southwell, J. Clarke (Australia), K. Reid (United Kingdom), G. Watters (USA) and D. Ramm (CCAMLR Secretariat)
This paper reports on the discussions that occurred among individuals tasked by the WG-EMM to continue review of the CEMP Standard Methods and their delivery to the CEMP database. The discussions were diverse in covering a wide range of parameters, methods and issues, but in the limited time available it was not possible to discuss all aspects of CEMP. The issues considered are presented under Read More
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WG-EMM-04/71 Plus d'infos |
Preliminary results of a survey on krill, environment and predators in CCAMLR Subarea 88.1 carried out in December 2003 and in January 2004 (Project 8.4) M. Azzali, A. Russo, A. Sala, A. de Felice, B. Catalano (Italy)
In December 2003-January 2004 four synoptical surveys have been made in CCAMLR Division 88.1 (Ross Sea): acoustic survey on two krill species (E. superba and E. crystallorophias), net samplings on krill and other pelagic species, visual samplings on krill predators, CTD and XBT samplings on the water masses. The paper describes aim and carrying out of the project, instruments and methods used Read More
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WG-EMM-04/72 Plus d'infos |
Krill and zooplankton populations monitored during AMLR 2004 surveys (Subarea 48.1) with respect to the long-term Elephant Island area datasets V.J. Loeb (USA)
Net sampling during annual field season activities of the U.S. Antarctic Marine Living Resources (AMLR) Program yielded about average concentrations of postlarval krill during January and February-March surveys. Overall length-frequency distributions and maturity stage composition reflected good recruitment of the 1990/00, 2000/01 and 2001/02 year classes and little contribution from the 2002/ Read More
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WG-EMM-04/73 Plus d'infos |
Report of the Workshop on Plausible Ecosystem Models
for Testing Approaches to Krill Management |
WG-EMM-04/8 Plus d'infos |
Draft Revised Management Plan for ASPA 149, Cape Shirreff and San Telmo Island, Livingston Island, South Shetland Islands Delegations of Chile and USA
A draft revised Management Plan for ASPA 149 is being considered through an intersessional contact group formed during the 2004 meeting of the CEP/ATCM. Since a marine area is included in the plan, approval is required by CCAMLR. It should be noted that this area is also a CEMP site (Conservation Measure 91-02 (2000)). The draft management plan for ASPA 149 was prepared in accordance with the Read More
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WG-EMM-04/9 Plus d'infos |
Register of non-CEMP time-series data Secretariat
The Secretariat was tasked with maintaining a register of the wide range of non-CEMP time series data that were of utility in support of the work of WG-EMM, including datasets derived from South African and French seabird and pinniped monitoring programs in the southern Indian Ocean (SC-CAMLR-XXII, Annex 4, paragraph 2.10). Non-CEMP data of interest are listed in Tables 1 -3.
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