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    Рабочая группа по побочной смертности, связанной с промыслом
    Hobart, Australia
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    четверг, сентября 21, 2023 - 09:00 Хобарт, Австралия (Документ рабочей группы)

    Detailed information is available in our support forum, which includes the process for submitting papers and revisions.

    Отчет совещания:
    r-sc-42-a7.pdf (611.38 КБ)


      Номер документа Заголовок Пункт(ы) повестки дня
      Отчет Семинара для наблюдателей на промысле криля (Шанхай, Китайская Народная Республика, 19–21 июля 2023 г.)
      Отчет Рабочей группы по экосистемному мониторингу и управлению (Кочи, Индия, 3–14 июля 2023 г.)
      CCAMLR Secretariat
      CCAMLR fishery data forms and manuals development status
      CCAMLR Secretariat
      Progress on the CCAMLR gear library
      CCAMLR Secretariat
      Update on Net Monitor Cable and whale mitigation devices on krill vessels
      Moir Clark, J., B. Viney, K. Mackey, U. Lindstrøm and B. A. Krafft
      3.4, 4.3
      Bycatch in the Antarctic krill (Euphausia superba) trawl fishery
      Krafft, B.A., A. Lowther and L.A. Krag
      WG-IMAF-2023/03 Rev. 1
      Summary of Incidental Mortality Associated with Fishing activities data collected during the 2023 season, and a draft method for the extrapolation of IMAF and warp strikes.
      CCAMLR Secretariat
      Developing a protocol to assess seabird strikes in the krill fishery
      Arata, J. and I. Debski
      Seabird warp strike observation protocols for trawl fisheries
      Debski, I.
      Update on ACAP activities and advice
      Review of Mitigation Measures for reducing Seabird interactions with fishing gear in trawl fisheries
      Arata, J. and I. Debski
      CCAMLR protocols for pinniped identification, sexing, and length measurement
      Pardo, E., D. Krause, R. Borras-Chavez and H. McGovern
      Develop efficient and robust Escape-Opening of Seal Exclusion Device for conventional Antarctic krill midwater trawl
      Ying, Y., H. Huang and X. Zhao
      Draft data collection form for whale incidental mortality events in the krill trawl fishery
      Kelly, N., R. Leaper and L. Leach
      Global political responsibility for the conservation of ACAP Priority Populations of albatrosses and petrels of relevance to CCAMLR
      Phillips, R.A., P. Catry, M. Dias, S. Oppel, D.J. Anderson, K. Delord, G. Elliott, D. Nicholls, K. Walker, R. Wanless, H. Weimerskirch and M. Beal
      Key considerations in addressing seabird and marine mammal bycatch in CCAMLR fisheries
      Favero, M., N. Walker, I. Debski and R.A. Phillips
      2, 3.3, 4.2, 5
      Light pollution guidelines and their application in CCAMLR fisheries
      Barrington, J.
      Metapopulation distribution shapes year-round fisheries bycatch risk for a circumpolar seabird
      Rexer-Huber, K., T.A. Clay, P. Catry, I. Debski, G.C. Parker, R. Ramos, B.C. Robertson, P.G. Ryan, P.M. Sagar, A. Stanworth, D.R. Thompson, G.N. Tuck, H. Weimerskirch and R.A. Phillips
      Observation on the interaction between Antarctic fur seal and krill fishing operation in Subarea 48.3 during the fishing season in 2020
      Ying, Y., J. Zhang, X. Wang, X. Zhao, X. Yu, J. Zhu, and Z. Huang
      Power and precision of warp strike observation rates in the Area 48 krill fishery
      Maschette, D., S. Wotherspoon, N. Walker, M. Double, P. Ziegler and N. Kelly
      Preliminary results of the trial on net monitoring cable/warp seabird-strike mitigation measures conducted by the Chinese F/V SHEN LAN during the 2022/23 fishing season
      Wang, Z., B. Su, G. Fan, H. Huang, Y. Ying, H. Hua and X. Zhao
      4, 4.3
      WG-IMAF-2023/18 Rev. 1
      Review of seabird bycatch mitigation in CCAMLR demersal longline fisheries
      Barrington, J., R. Arangio, I. Debski and M. McNeill
      Evaluating threats to South Shetland Antarctic fur seals amidst population collapse
      Krause, D.J., R.L. Brownell Jr., C.A. Bonin, S.M. Woodman, D. Shaftel and G.M. Watters
      3.2, 6

      Проект предварительной повестки дня

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      1     Opening of the meeting
      1.1     Introduction

      The meeting will start with an introduction by the WG Conveners and information to delegates of administrative, technical, and organizational matters

      1.2     Adoption of the Agenda

      The agenda for the meeting was developed following the workplan identified by the Scientific Committee in 2022. It will be reviewed, modified if necessary and adopted.

      1.3     Review of terms of reference and the work plan

      The Working Group will review the Terms of Reference (See SC-CIRC 23/52 and the work plan set out in SC-CAMLR-41, Table 8).

      2     Review of incidental mortality in CCAMLR fisheries

      The Working Group will review development of tools to explore and analyse incidental mortality at finer spatial and temporal scales (intersessional task 1.1), and the development of risk assessment for seabirds and marine mammals (intersessional task 3.1)

      3     Marine mammal incidental mortality
      3.1     Population status of marine mammals in the CAMLR convention area
      3.2     Incidental mortality and risk assessments of marine mammals in CCAMLR fisheries
      3.3     Data collection needs from marine mammal interactions

      The Working Group will refine design of additional data to be collected by observers and crew when whale interactins with fishing gear occurs (intersessional task 2.1) and reveiw the development of protocols for pinniped sex and length sampling and training materials (intersessional task 2.3).

      3.4     Mitigation methods for marine mammals

      The Working Group will develop specifications for marine mammal exclusion devices in use in CCAMLR trawl fisheries (intersessional task 4.2)

      3.5     Advice to the Scientific Committee regarding marine mammals and CCAMLR fisheries
      4     Seabird incidental mortality
      WG-IMAF-2023/11 Global political responsibility for the conservation of ACAP Priority Populations of albatrosses and petrels of relevance to CCAMLR
      Phillips, R.A., P. Catry, M. Dias, S. Oppel, D.J. Anderson, K. Delord, G. Elliott, D. Nicholls, K. Walker, R. Wanless, H. Weimerskirch and M. Beal
      WG-IMAF-2023/14 Metapopulation distribution shapes year-round fisheries bycatch risk for a circumpolar seabird
      Rexer-Huber, K., T.A. Clay, P. Catry, I. Debski, G.C. Parker, R. Ramos, B.C. Robertson, P.G. Ryan, P.M. Sagar, A. Stanworth, D.R. Thompson, G.N. Tuck, H. Weimerskirch and R.A. Phillips
      WG-IMAF-2023/17 Preliminary results of the trial on net monitoring cable/warp seabird-strike mitigation measures conducted by the Chinese F/V SHEN LAN during the 2022/23 fishing season
      Wang, Z., B. Su, G. Fan, H. Huang, Y. Ying, H. Hua and X. Zhao
      4.1     Population status of seabird species in the CAMLR convention area
      4.2     Seabird incidental mortality and risk assessments in CCAMLR fisheries

      The Working Group will consider any power analysis of observer sampling required for warp strikes (intersessional task 5.1), redesign the warp strike observation protocols (intersessional task 5.2), explore approaches to undertake warp strike extrapolations (intersessional task 5.3), and review required levels of observer sampling for seabird incidental mortality with longline fishery (intersessional task 5.4).

      4.3     Mitigation methods for seabirds

      The Working Group will improve the design and develop specifications of ‘sock’ (intersessional task 6.1), review of net monitoring cable trial including consideration of performance of trawl warp/cable strike mitigation approaches utilised by continuous trawl vessels (intersessional task 6.2), and consider requirements for seabird mortality mitigation in conventional trawl vessels (intersessional task 6.3), and review developments in demersal longline mitigation (intersessional task 6.4).

      4.4     Advice to the Scientific Committee regarding seabirds and CCAMLR fisheries
      5     Observer reports and data collection
      6     Marine debris effects on seabirds and marine mammals
      7     Light pollution effects on seabirds
      8     Future work
      9     Other business
      10     Advice to the Scientific Committee

      Advice from all agenda items will be consolidated for SC-CAMLR-42

      11     Adoption of the report and close of meeting

      WG-IMAF-2023 Schedule (last updated: 9 October 2023, 09:00)

      Thursday 5 October

      09.00   1. Opening of the meeting

      09.30   1. Housekeeping and Adoption of the Agenda

      09.45   2. Review of Incidental Mortality in CCAMLR Fisheries

      10.30 – 11.00   Coffee break

      11.00   2. Review of Incidental Mortality in CCAMLR Fisheries

      11.00   2. Review of Incidental Mortality in CCAMLR Fisheries

      11.00   2. Review of Incidental Mortality in CCAMLR Fisheries

      12.30 – 14.00   Lunch

      14.00   3. Marine Mammal Incidental Mortality

      14.30   3.2. Incidental mortality and risk assessments of marine mammals in CCAMLR fisheries

      15.00   3.2. Incidental mortality and risk assessments of marine mammals in CCAMLR fisheries

      15.30 – 16.00   Coffee break

      16.00   3.3. Data collection needs from marine mammal interactions

      16.30   3.4. Mitigation methods for marine mammals

      17.00   3.5. Advice to the Scientific Committee regarding marine mammals and CCAMLR fisheries

      Friday 6 October

      09.00   4.1 Population status of seabird species in the CAMLR convention area

      09.30   4. Seabird Incidental Mortality

      10.00   4. Seabird Incidental Mortality

      10.30 – 11.00   Coffee break

      11.00   4.2 Seabird incidental mortality and risk assessments in CCAMLR fisheries

      11.30   4.2 Seabird incidental mortality and risk assessments in CCAMLR fisheries

      12.00   4.3 Mitigation methods for seabirds

      12.30 – 14.00   Lunch

      14.00   4.3 Mitigation methods for seabirds

      14.30   4.4 Advice to the Scientific Committee regarding seabirds and CCAMLR fisheries

      15.00   5. Observer reports and data collection

      15.30 – 16.00   Coffee break

      16.00   5. Observer reports and data collection

      16.30   7. Light pollution effects on seabird

      17.00   6. Marine debris effects on seabirds and marine mammals

      Monday 9 October

      09.00   Outstanding agenda items

      09.30   Outstanding agenda items

      10.00   7. Light pollution effects on seabirds

      10.30 – 11.00   Coffee break

      11.00   8. Future work

      11.30   9. Advice to Scientific Committee

      12.00   Outstanding agenda items and report preparation

      12.30 – 14.00   Lunch

      14.00   Outstanding agenda items and report preparation

      14.30   Outstanding agenda items and report preparation

      15.00   Outstanding agenda items and report preparation

      15.30 – 16.00   Coffee break

      16.00   Outstanding agenda items and report preparation

      16.30   Outstanding agenda items and report preparation

      17.00   Outstanding agenda items and report preparation

      Tuesday 10 October

      09.00   10. Adoption of the report

      10.30 – 11.00   Coffee break

      11.00   10. Adoption of the report (cont.)

      12.30 – 14.00   Lunch

      14.00   10. Adoption of the report (cont.)

      15.30 – 16.00   Coffee break

      16.00   10. Adoption of the report (cont.)

      17.00   11. Close of the meeting