CCAMLR-XXXV/13 Rev. 1 Подробнее |
Создание ограниченных по времени Особых районов научных исследований в морских районах, вновь обнажившихся в результате отступления или разрушения шельфовых ледников в Подрайоне 48.1, Подрайоне 48.5 и Подрайоне 88.3 Делегация Европейского союза и его государств-членов |
8 |
CCAMLR-XXXV/18 Подробнее |
Предложение о мере по сохранению, устанавливающей Морской охраняемый район моря Уэдделла (МОРМУ) Делегация Европейского союза и его государств-членов |
5.2 |
CCAMLR-XXXV/30 Подробнее |
Временное распределение порогового уровня на промысле Euphausia superba в статистических подрайонах 48.1, 48.2, 48.3 и 48.4 Делегация Украины
Данный текст является пересмотренным вариантом ранее представленного Украиной документа WG-EMM-16/56. Уитывая текущее состояние крилевого промысла в Районе 48 и другие важные факторы, Украина предлагает внести в Меру по сохранению 51-07 изменения для перераспределения порогового уровня вылова 620 000 т между подрайонами в Районе 48 в новом процентном соотношении. Пересмотренный вариант МС 51- Read More
Представлено (имя):
Dr Kostiantyn Demianenko (Украина)
Утверждено (имя):
Mr Oleh Klochak (Украина)
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3.1 |
CCAMLR-XXXV/31 Подробнее |
Поправки к Мере по сохранению 51-06 (2014) Общая мера в отношении научных наблюдений при промыслах Euphausia superba Делегация Украины
Неопределенности, связанные с запасом антарктического криля, по-прежнему не позволяют ученым разработать всеобъемлющую систему управления с обратной связью для промысла криля и проводить работу по прогнозированию экосистемных изменений, которая обсуждалась в на совещании WG-EMM 2016 г. в Болонье. Для исправления этой ситуации Украина предлагает внести изменения в Меру по сохранению Read More
Представлено (имя):
Dr Kostiantyn Demianenko (Украина)
Утверждено (имя):
Mr Oleh Klochak (Украина)
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3.1, 5, 7 |
CCAMLR-XXXV/BG/05 Rev. 1 Подробнее |
Fishery notifications 2016/17 CCAMLR Secretariat
Представлено (имя):
Mrs Sarah Lenel (Секретариат АНТКОМ)
Утверждено (имя):
Mr Andrew Wright (Секретариат АНТКОМ)
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3.4.2 |
CCAMLR-XXXV/BG/14 Подробнее |
The Future of Antarctica Forum: distinguishing climate change impacts from other impacts in the Antarctic Peninsula Submitted by Oceanites, Inc.
The paper reports on the outcomes of the first Future of Antarctica Forum that Oceanites, Inc. convened and held February 28 – March 9, 2016 in the Antarctic Peninsula, and work that has proceeded subsequent to the Forum. Major Antarctic stakeholders were present during the Forum, including representatives from the tourism and fishing industries, all of whom actively Read More
Представлено (имя):
Mr Ron Naveen (Осeаniтes)
Утверждено (имя):
Mr Ron Naveen (Осeаniтes)
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8 |
CCAMLR-XXXV/BG/15 Подробнее |
Mapping Application for Penguin Populations and Projected Dynamics (MAPPPD) Submitted by Oceanites, Inc.
The attached paper, now in review, describes the Mapping Application for Penguin Populations and Projected Dynamics (MAPPPD), which is a web-based, open access, decision support tool designed to assist scientists, non-governmental organizations, and policymakers working to meet the management objectives as set forth by CCAMLR and other components of the Antarctic Treaty system (i.e., Read More
Представлено (имя):
Mr Ron Naveen (Осeаniтes)
Утверждено (имя):
Mr Ron Naveen (Осeаniтes)
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8 |
CCAMLR-XXXV/BG/22 Подробнее |
Initial report from the ICG considering approaches for enhancing consideration of climate change impacts in CCAMLR Delegations of Australia and Norway |
8 |
CCAMLR-XXXV/BG/24 Подробнее |
Follow up to the Joint CEP/SC-CAMLR Workshop on Climate Change and Monitoring Submitted by ASOC
The Joint CEP/SC-CAMLR Workshop on Climate Change and Monitoring was a timely and useful exercise that produced a number of recommendations with relevance to CCAMLR XXXV, SC-CAMLR XXXV and the planned SC-CAMLR Symposium. In this paper, ASOC highlights some actions for SC-CAMLR and the Commission so that implementation of these recommendations can begin immediately, including:
o Read More
Представлено (имя):
Ms Claire Christian (АСОК)
Утверждено (имя):
Ms Claire Christian (АСОК)
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8 |
CCAMLR-XXXV/BG/26 Подробнее |
A representative system of CCAMLR MPAs: Current proposals and beyond Submitted by ASOC
This document examines the progress made to date in the establishment of a representative system of Marine Protected Areas (MPAs) in the CCAMLR Convention Area, looking at the wider context and what still needs to be accomplished. ASOC suggests that although CCAMLR should consider different concerns, it should focus on its conservation mandate, and realise the objective of establishing a Read More
Утверждено (имя):
Ms Claire Christian (АСОК)
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5.2 |
SC-CAMLR-XXXV/01 Rev. 1 Подробнее |
Научный вспомогательный документ в поддержку разработки МОР АНТКОМ в море Уэдделла (Антарктика) – Версия 2016 г. Делегация Германии
Делегация Германии представила научную базу и обоснование создания морского охраняемого района в районе планирования моря Уэдделла. В соответствии с рекомендациями, полученными от WG-EMM-14 (SC-CAMLR-XXIII, Приложение 6), это было сделано в трех отдельных документах (SC-CAMLR-XXXV/BG/11, /BG/12 и /BG/13).
Научному комитету предлагается принять к сведению, что:
5.2.1 |
SC-CAMLR-XXXV/02 Подробнее |
Прогресс в процедуре выделения морского охраняемого района в Области 1 Делегации Аргентины и Чили
Вопрос морских охраняемых районов (МОР) стоит в повестке дня Системы Договора об Антарктике начиная с 2005 г. С этого времени предпринимались различные усилия, направленные на сохранение морских живых ресурсов Антарктики. В современном контексте изменения климата особенно важное значение имеют районы Антарктического п-ова и южной части дуги Скотия (Область 1), т. к. они составляют Read More
Представлено (имя):
Mr Juan Ignacio Herrero Lo Giudice (Аргентина)
Утверждено (имя):
Dr Enrique Marschoff (Аргентина)
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5.2 |
SC-CAMLR-XXXV/03 Подробнее |
Отчет рабочей группы по экосистемному мониторингу и управлению (Болонья, Италия, 4 – 15 июля 2016 г.) |
3.1, 3.3, 5.2, 7, 10.2, 13 |
SC-CAMLR-XXXV/04 Подробнее |
Отчет Рабочей группы по оценке рыбных запасов (Хобарт, Австралия, 3‒12 октября 2016 г.) |
3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9, 13 |
SC-CAMLR-XXXV/05 Подробнее |
Отчет Рабочей группы по статистике, оценкам и моделированию (Генуя, Италия, 27 июня ‒ 1 июля 2016 г.) |
2.1 |
SC-CAMLR-XXXV/06 Подробнее |
Отчет совещания Подгруппы по акустической съемке и методам анализа (Ла-Хойя, США, 21‒25 марта 2016 г.) |
2.2 |
SC-CAMLR-XXXV/07 Подробнее |
Отчет созывающих о Совместном семинаре КООС/НК-АНТКОМ по вопросам изменения климата и мониторинга Делегации Соединенного Королевства и Соединенных Штатов
Совместный семинар КООС/НК-АНТКОМ по вопросам изменения климата и мониторинга проводился в Пунта-Аренасе (Чили) 19 и 20 мая 2016 г. Отчет семинара был подготовлен созывающими С. Грант и П. Пенхейл и приводится целиком ниже. Этот отчет обсуждался в Комитете по охране окружающей среды (КООС XIX) в Сантьяго (Чили) 23‒27 мая 2016 г. (Отчет КООС XIX, пп. 43‒56) и на совещании WG-EMM-16 в Болонье ( Read More
Представлено (имя):
Dr Susie Grant (Соединенное Королевство)
Утверждено (имя):
Dr Chris Darby
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8, 10.1.1 |
SC-CAMLR-XXXV/08 Подробнее |
Предложения Российской Федерации по внесению дополнений в Систему научных стипендий АНТКОМ Делегация Российской Федерации
Представлено (имя):
Dr Andrey Petrov (Российская Федерация)
Утверждено (имя):
Mr Dmitry Kremenyuk (Российская Федерация)
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13.3 |
SC-CAMLR-XXXV/09 Подробнее |
О необходимости выделения научно-исследовательского ОДУ для закрытых квадратов (SSRU) в море Росса Делегация Российской Федерации
Представлено (имя):
Dr Andrey Petrov (Российская Федерация)
Утверждено (имя):
Mr Dmitry Kremenyuk (Российская Федерация)
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3.2 |
SC-CAMLR-XXXV/10 Подробнее |
МОР моря Уэдделла (замечания, вопросы и комментарии к документам CCAMLR-XXXIV/BG/37, WG-EMM-16/01, WG-EMM-16/02, WG-EMM-16/03) Делегация Российской Федерации
Представлено (имя):
Dr Andrey Petrov (Российская Федерация)
Утверждено (имя):
Mr Dmitry Kremenyuk (Российская Федерация)
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5.2 |
SC-CAMLR-XXXV/11 Подробнее |
Предохранительное управление промыслом антарктического криля в мелких пространственных масштабах в контексте региональной изменчивости климата: означает ли отсутствие данных отсутствие воздействия? Делегация Соединенного Королевства
В данном документе мы показываем, как изменчивость окружающей среды привела к снижению эффективности размножения пингвинов и увеличению смертности пингвинов в результате голодания, так что локализованный лов на промысле криля в конкретное время или в конкретных районах может не считаться рациональным управлением. Однако мы также отмечаем, что существующая сеть участков мониторинга экосистемы Read More
Представлено (имя):
Dr Chris Darby
Утверждено (имя):
Admin Admin (Секретариат АНТКОМ)
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3.1 |
SC-CAMLR-XXXV/12 Подробнее |
Отчет Председателя Научного комитета о Симпозиуме Научного комитета АНТКОМ (Хобарт, Австралия, 13 и 14 октября 2016 г.) |
13 |
SC-CAMLR-XXXV/BG/01 Подробнее |
Catches of target species in the Convention Area CCAMLR Secretariat
Summary of catches from directed fishing on toothfish, icefish and krill in the Convention Area in 2014/15 and 2015/16, including catches taken during scientific surveys conducted in accordance with Conservation Measure 24-01. Catches reported in 2014/15 were published in the CCAMLR Statistical Bulletin, Volume 28. Catch totals for the current season (2015/16) are preliminary and Read More
Представлено (имя):
Dr David Ramm (Секретариат АНТКОМ)
Утверждено (имя):
Mr Andrew Wright (Секретариат АНТКОМ)
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3 |
SC-CAMLR-XXXV/BG/02 Подробнее |
Preliminary assessment of the potential for proposed bottom fishing activities to have significant adverse impacts on vulnerable marine ecosystems Delegation of Australia |
5.1 |
SC-CAMLR-XXXV/BG/03 Подробнее |
Preliminary assessment of the potential for proposed bottom fishing activities to have significant adverse impacts on vulnerable marine ecosystems Delegation of Japan |
5.1 |
SC-CAMLR-XXXV/BG/04 Подробнее |
Preliminary assessment of the potential for proposed bottom fishing activities to have significant adverse impacts on vulnerable marine ecosystems Delegation of South Africa |
5.1 |
SC-CAMLR-XXXV/BG/05 Подробнее |
Evaluación preliminar del riesgo de que las actividades de pesca de fondo propuestas ocasionen graves daños a los ecosistemas marinos vulnerables Delegación de España |
5.1 |
SC-CAMLR-XXXV/BG/06 Подробнее |
Preliminary assessment of the potential for proposed bottom fishing activities to have significant adverse impacts on vulnerable marine ecosystems Delegation of Norway |
5.1 |
SC-CAMLR-XXXV/BG/07 Подробнее |
Preliminary assessment of the potential for proposed bottom fishing activities to have significant adverse impacts on vulnerable marine ecosystems Delegation of New Zealand |
5.1 |
SC-CAMLR-XXXV/BG/08 Подробнее |
Preliminary assessment of the potential for proposed bottom fishing activities to have significant adverse impacts on vulnerable marine ecosystems Delegation of Uruguay |
5.1 |
SC-CAMLR-XXXV/BG/09 Подробнее |
Committee for Environmental Protection: 2016 Annual Report to the Scientific Committee of CCAMLR CEP Observer to SC-CAMLR (Dr P. Penhale, USA)
Cooperation between the Scientific Committee of CCAMLR (SC-CAMLR) and the Committee for Environmental Protection (CEP) has been steadily increasing over the last few years to the mutual benefit of both. In order to avoid duplicate reporting between the two committees, and following discussions between the Chairs of the CEP and SC-CAMLR, the report of the CEP meeting is presented to SC-CAMLR by Read More
Представлено (имя):
Dr Polly A. Penhale
Утверждено (имя):
Dr George Watters (Соединенные Штаты Америки)
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10.1.1 |
SC-CAMLR-XXXV/BG/10 Подробнее |
Форма для представления предварительных оценок возможности того, что предложенный донный промысел будет иметь существенное негативное воздействие на уязвимые морские экосистемы (УМЭ) [Pro forma for submitting preliminary assessments of the potential for proposed bottom fishing activities to have significant adverse impacts on vulnerable marine ecosystems (VMEs)] Делегация Украины [Delegation of Ukraine]
Форма для представления предварительных оценок возможности того, что предложенный донный промысел будет иметь существенное негативное воздействие на уязвимые морские экосистемы (УМЭ) для ярусных судов Украины Simeiz, Koreiz, Marigolds.
Pro forma for submitting preliminary assessments of the potential for proposed bottom fishing Read More
Представлено (имя):
Dr Leonid Pshenichnov (Украина)
Утверждено (имя):
Dr Kostiantyn Demianenko (Украина)
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5 |
SC-CAMLR-XXXV/BG/11 Подробнее |
Scientific background document in support of the development of a CCAMLR MPA in the Weddell Sea (Antarctica) – Version 2016 – Part A: General context of the establishment of MPAs and background information on the Weddell Sea MPA planning area- Delegation of Germany
The Delegation of Germany presents to the Scientific Committee the scientific background in support of the development of a marine protected area (MPA) in the Weddell Sea planning area. In accordance with the recommendations by WG-EMM-14 (SC-CAMLR-XXIII, Annex 6), this was done in three separate documents (Part A-C). SC-CAMLR-XXXV/BG/11 (Part A) sets out the general context of the Read More
Представлено (имя):
Dr Katharina Teschke (Германия)
Утверждено (имя):
Professor Thomas Brey
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5.2.1 |
SC-CAMLR-XXXV/BG/12 Подробнее |
Scientific background document in support of the development of a CCAMLR MPA in the Weddell Sea (Antarctica) – Version 2016 –Part B: Description of available spatial data Delegation of Germany
The Delegation of Germany presents to the Scientific Committee the scientific background in support of the development of a marine protected area (MPA) in the Weddell Sea planning area. In accordance with the recommendations by WG-EMM-14 (SC-CAMLR-XXIII, Annex 6), this was done in three separate documents (Part A-C). SC-CAMLR-XXXV/BG/11 (Part A) sets out the general context of the Read More
Представлено (имя):
Dr Katharina Teschke (Германия)
Утверждено (имя):
Professor Thomas Brey
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5.2.1 |
SC-CAMLR-XXXV/BG/13 Подробнее |
Scientific background document in support of the development of a CCAMLR MPA in the Weddell Sea (Antarctica) – Version 2016 – Part C: Data analysis and MPA scenario development Delegation of Germany
The Delegation of Germany presents to the Scientific Committee the scientific background in support of the development of a marine protected area (MPA) in the Weddell Sea planning area. In accordance with the recommendations by WG-EMM-14 (SC-CAMLR-XXIII, Annex 6), this was done in three separate documents (Part A-C). SC-CAMLR-XXXV/BG/11 (Part A) sets out the general context of the Read More
Представлено (имя):
Dr Katharina Teschke (Германия)
Утверждено (имя):
Professor Thomas Brey
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5.2.1 |
SC-CAMLR-XXXV/BG/14 Подробнее |
Precautionary management of the Antarctic krill fishery at small spatial scales in the context of regional climate variability: pros and cons of coastal buffers, closed areas and move-on rules Delegation of the United Kingdom
In this paper, we briefly review recent environmental information for the Antarctic Peninsula, highlighting how both natural variability in near-surface air temperatures and longer term changes in the oceanic domain add to the complexity of managing the Antarctic krill fishery, particularly at small spatial scales. We present an example during the early Austral summer of 2015/2016, when sea Read More
Представлено (имя):
Dr Chris Darby
Утверждено (имя):
Admin Admin (Секретариат АНТКОМ)
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3.1 |
SC-CAMLR-XXXV/BG/15 Подробнее |
Calendar of meetings of relevance to the Scientific Committee in 2016/17 CCAMLR Secretariat |
10.4 |
SC-CAMLR-XXXV/BG/16 Подробнее |
Форма для представления предварительных оценок возможности того, что предложенный донный промысел будет иметь существенное негативное воздействие на уязвимые морские экосистемы (УМЭ) [Pro forma for submitting preliminary assessments of the potential for proposed bottom fishing activities to have significant adverse impacts on vulnerable marine ecosystems (VMEs)] Делегация Российской Федерации [Delegation of the Russian Federation]
Представлено (имя):
Dr Andrey Petrov (Российская Федерация)
Утверждено (имя):
Mr Dmitry Kremenyuk (Российская Федерация)
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5.1 |
SC-CAMLR-XXXV/BG/17 Подробнее |
Antarctic krill fisheries management and the need to retain CM 51-07 Submitted by ASOC
ASOC strongly supports the recommendation of WG-EMM-16 that Conservation Measure 51-07 should be retained while alternative strategies and feedback management (FBM) are under evaluation. Discussions at WG-EMM-16 provided further evidence that concentrating krill fishing operations in areas being used by land-based predators puts predators at risk from localized depletion. Consequently, ASOC Read More
Представлено (имя):
Ms Claire Christian (АСОК)
Утверждено (имя):
Ms Claire Christian (АСОК)
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3.1 |
SC-CAMLR-XXXV/BG/18 Подробнее |
Antarctic krill fisheries management: "What's next?" Submitted by ASOC
The move from Stage 1 to 2 in feedback management (FBM) for the Antarctic krill fishery is of critical importance to CCAMLR. Useful proposals at WG-EMM-16 this year highlighted strategies that could be used to do this, and ASOC encourages CCAMLR to develop a plan for discussion of these proposals and to improve the collection of data needed to implement them. In particular, the enhancement of Read More
Представлено (имя):
Ms Claire Christian (АСОК)
Утверждено (имя):
Ms Claire Christian (АСОК)
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3.1 |
SC-CAMLR-XXXV/BG/19 Подробнее |
Report to the Scientific Committee of CCAMLR by the Association of Responsible Krill harvesting companies (ARK) Submitted by ARK |
3.1, 10.2 |
SC-CAMLR-XXXV/BG/20 Подробнее |
Independent reviews of CCAMLR stock assessments – a discussion paper Delegation of the USA
In 2013 the Commission endorsed the Scientific Committee’s recommendation to develop a process to facilitate independent reviews of CCAMLR stock assessments (CCAMLR-XXXII, paragraph 5.14). We understand that the Scientific Committee will be discussing possible avenues to achieve this goal. We believe the Commission could complement the efforts of the Scientific Committee by noting the need for Read More
Представлено (имя):
Ms Mi Ae Kim
Утверждено (имя):
Dr George Watters (Соединенные Штаты Америки)
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13.2 |
SC-CAMLR-XXXV/BG/21 Подробнее |
Marine debris and entanglements at Bird Island and King Edward Point, South Georgia, Signy Island, South Orkneys and Goudier Island, Antarctic Peninsula 2015–2016 Delegation of the United Kingdom
Marine debris data were collected at Bird Island and King Edward Point, South Georgia, at Signy Island, South Orkneys and at Goudier Island, Antarctic Peninsula for the period April 2015 to March 2016. Surveys of beached marine debris at Bird Island recorded a total of 56 and 123 items during winter (April to September 2015) and summer (October 2015 to March 2016) respectively. One item of Read More
Представлено (имя):
Professor Philip Trathan
Утверждено (имя):
Ms Kylie Bamford (Соединенное Королевство)
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4.2 |
SC-CAMLR-XXXV/BG/22 Подробнее |
Progress report 3: Proposal for GEF (Global Environment Facility) funding CCAMLR Secretariat
In 2014, the Scientific Committee endorsed a proposal from South Africa that the Secretariat be tasked with developing a proposal for funding support from the Global Environment Facility to build capacity among GEF-eligible CCAMLR Member countries to strengthen their participation in CCAMLR (SC-CAMLR-XXXIII, paragraph 10.30). This report updates CCAMLR Members on developments during 2016 Read More
Представлено (имя):
Mr Andrew Wright (Секретариат АНТКОМ)
Утверждено (имя):
Mr Andrew Wright (Секретариат АНТКОМ)
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14 |
SC-CAMLR-XXXV/BG/23 Подробнее |
COLTO Depredation Workshop Submitted by COLTO
The inaugural COLTO Depredation Workshop took place in Punta Arenas, Chile, 15-18 March 2016. Results were an enhanced understanding on the current state of depredation in toothfish fisheries, as well as a vision of what is required in the short-to-medium term to better understand and evaluate depredation. “Next steps” regarding studying and minimising depredation were established Read More
Представлено (имя):
Mr Rhys Arangio (СОLТО)
Утверждено (имя):
Ms Doro Forck (Секретариат АНТКОМ)
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10 |
SC-CAMLR-XXXV/BG/24 Rev. 1 Подробнее |
KRILLBASE: a multinational, circumpolar database of abundance of Antarctic krill and salps A. Atkinson, S. Hill, H. Peat, R. Downie and L. Gerrish
Antarctic krill and salps are major macroplankton contributors to Southern Ocean food webs and biogeochemical cycles. Sustainably managing the fishery for Antarctic krill against a backdrop of rapid regional climate change requires information on distribution and changes over time. Many data have been collected on the abundance of the two taxa from net sampling surveys since 1926, but they are Read More
Представлено (имя):
Dr Chris Darby
Утверждено (имя):
Dr Chris Darby
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3.1 |
SC-CAMLR-XXXV/BG/25 Rev. 1 Подробнее |
Developing the Secretariat’s data management systems CCAMLR Secretariat
The CCAMLR Secretariat’s data management systems provide the secure infrastructure and repository for CCAMLR data which are submitted by CCAMLR Members to support the policy, scientific and administrative work of the Commission and Scientific Committee. These systems are being redeveloped as part of a long-term program of work which started in 2013. The work has focused on the development of Read More
Представлено (имя):
Mr Andrew Wright (Секретариат АНТКОМ)
Утверждено (имя):
Mr Andrew Wright (Секретариат АНТКОМ)
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SC-CAMLR-XXXV/BG/26 Подробнее |
The Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research (SCAR) Annual Report 2015/2016 Submitted by SCAR
SCAR is an interdisciplinary body of the International Council for Science (ICSU), and currently includes 43 member countries and nine ICSU unions. SCAR encourages new members with an interest in Antarctic science.
SCAR’s Mission is to advance Antarctic research, including observations from Antarctica, and to promote scientific knowledge, understanding and education on any aspect of the Read More
Представлено (имя):
Dr Jenny Baeseman (СКАР)
Утверждено (имя):
Dr Jenny Baeseman (СКАР)
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10.1.2 |
SC-CAMLR-XXXV/BG/27 Подробнее |
Cameras installation by Ukraine at the Galindez, Petermann and Yalour Islands penguin colonies – CEMP Fund project ‘Establishing a CEMP Camera Network in Subarea 48.1’ Delegation of Ukraine
In the report, which is updated paper WG-EMM-16/55, we describe the season activity in the Ukrainian Vernadsky Antarctic Station area on installation CEMP cameras in penguin colonies as part of the CEMP project run by USA, Argentina, Poland and Ukraine 'Establishing a CEMP Camera Network in Subarea 48.1'. Work has been provided under support of the National Antarctic Scientific Center of Read More
Представлено (имя):
Dr Kostiantyn Demianenko (Украина)
Утверждено (имя):
Mr Oleh Klochak (Украина)
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13.2 |
SC-CAMLR-XXXV/BG/28 Подробнее |
Summary of research voyages in the South Orkney Islands region in 2015/16 Delegations of the United Kingdom and Norway
Two scientific research voyages were undertaken on board the RRS James Clark Ross in the South Orkney Islands region during the 2015/16 austral summer. These surveys together involved scientific collaborators from 11 countries, including 9 CCAMLR Members. This major research effort will inform the further development of spatial management, including feedback management of the krill fishery, in Read More
Представлено (имя):
Dr Chris Darby
Утверждено (имя):
Dr Chris Darby
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5.2 |
SC-CAMLR-XXXV/BG/29 Rev. 1 Подробнее |
Feedback management through effort regulation Delegation of Norway
The interim distribution of the trigger level in the fishery for Antarctic krill (CM 51-01) will be revised in 2016. The trigger level is not related to the status of the krill stock and the predators that depend on it. Progressing the development of an operational FBM system in accordance with the Convention has been set as a high priority by CCAMLR. There are currently three FBM proposals Read More
Представлено (имя):
Dr Olav Rune Godø (Норвегия)
Утверждено (имя):
Dr Olav Rune Godø (Норвегия)
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3.1 |
SC-CAMLR-XXXV/BG/30 Подробнее |
Tracking Antarctica, A New WWF report on the state of Antarctica and the Southern Ocean Submitted by ASOC
ASOC member organization WWF supports a precautionary and science-based approach to identify the pressures and threats to the planet’s largest wilderness. WWF’s new biennial report - Tracking Antarctica - provides a scientific update on the state of Antarctica and the Southern Ocean. It identifies ways to respond to the challenges based on the latest scientific evidence to ensure the wonders Read More
Представлено (имя):
Ms Claire Christian (АСОК)
Утверждено (имя):
Ms Claire Christian (АСОК)
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10.2 |
SC-CAMLR-XXXV/BG/31 Подробнее |
Benchmarking CCAMLR Delegation of the United Kingdom
WG-SAM and WG-FSA both have substantial and increasing workloads. Discussions have recently been directed towards trying to organise their roles and work schedules such that there is a more cohesive structure and apportioning of their work schedules. The discussions to be held at the 2016 Scientific Committee symposium will likely raise these issues again which presents an opportunity to Read More
Представлено (имя):
Dr Chris Darby
Утверждено (имя):
Dr Chris Darby
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2.1 |
SC-CAMLR-XXXV/BG/32 Подробнее |
Report on the first year’s fishing under New Zealand’s exploratory fishery for toothfish within the SPRFMO Convention Area J. Fenaughty and M. Cryer
This paper is an update on exploratory fishing for toothfish by the New Zealand vessel San Aspiring pursuant to CMM 4.14, approved by the SPRFMO Commission in January 2016. This update is provided for the consideration of the SPRFMO Scientific Committee meeting in October 2016 such that it can advise the SPRFMO Commission meeting in early 2017 on progress with the exploratory fishery Read More
Представлено (имя):
Mr Alistair Dunn (Новая Зеландия)
Утверждено (имя):
Mr Alistair Dunn (Новая Зеландия)
Draft paper to SPRFMO Scientific Committee Meeting 4, The Hague, 7 to 15 October 2016
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SC-CAMLR-XXXV/BG/33 Подробнее |
Plans for Joint CCAMLR-IWC Workshop The Steering Group of the Joint CCAMLR-IWC Workshop |
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SC-CAMLR-XXXV/BG/34 Подробнее |
Preliminary assessment of the potential for proposed bottom fishing activities to have significant adverse impacts on vulnerable marine ecosystems Delegation of the Republic of Korea
Preliminary assessment of the potential for proposed bottom fishing activities to have significant adverse impacts on Vulnerable Marine Ecosystems(VMEs) submitted by Republic of Korea.
Представлено (имя):
Dr Seok-Gwan Choi (Республика Корея)
Утверждено (имя):
Dr Seok-Gwan Choi (Республика Корея)
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5.1 |
SC-CAMLR-XXXV/BG/35 Подробнее |
Southern Ocean Observing System (SOOS) Implementation Plan 2015–2020 Submitted by SCAR and SCOR |
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SC-CAMLR-XXXV/BG/36 Подробнее |
Updated assessment of the risks of status quo krill fishing and proposed revisions to Conservation Measure 51-07 Delegation of the USA
We used an ecosystem model to assess the risks of 1) the most recent distribution of krill catches in Subareas 48.1-48.3 and 2) current proposals to increase the catch limit in Subarea 48.1. Our results show that the concentration of fishing effort since 2009 increases the risks that predator populations will be depleted and unable to recover. These risks vary among predators and SSMUs and Read More
Представлено (имя):
Dr George Watters (Соединенные Штаты Америки)
Утверждено (имя):
Dr George Watters (Соединенные Штаты Америки)
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3.1 |
SC-CAMLR-XXXV/BG/37 Подробнее |
Risk assessment framework for subdividing the krill catch trigger level, including relevant background data and information
At its annual meeting in 2016, WG-EMM recalled its obligation to review and advise on CM 51-07, which is due to lapse at the end of the 2015/16 fishing season, and presented its discussions on this subject in paragraphs 2.201 to 2.244 of its WG report. WG-EMM recommended that work be undertaken to further develop a risk assessment approach to spatially subdivide the trigger level for Read More
Представлено (имя):
Dr Andrew Constable (Австралия)
Утверждено (имя):
Dr Andrew Constable (Австралия)
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3.1 |
SC-CAMLR-XXXV/BG/38 Rev. 1 Подробнее |
Research catch limits and estimation of local biomass estimates for effort-based research Subareas 48.2 and 48.4 and Division 58.4.1 CCAMLR Secretariat |
3.4.3 |
SC-CAMLR-XXXV/BG/39 Подробнее |
Update on the ABNJ Deep Seas Project FAO and CCAMLR Secretariats |
10.2 |
WG-FSA-16/47 Rev. 1 Подробнее |
Scientific contribution to the 2016 review of Conservation Measure 51-07: Part 1 – rationale, method and data for a risk assessment framework for distributing the krill trigger level A. Constable (on behalf of the e-group on CM 51-07 WG-EMM review)
At its annual meeting in 2016, WG-EMM recalled its obligation to review and advise on Conservation Measure 51-07, which is due to lapse at the end of the 2015/16 fishing season, and presented its discussions on this subject in paragraphs 2.201 to 2.244 of its WG report. WG-EMM recommended that work be undertaken to further develop a risk assessment approach to spatially subdivide the Read More
Представлено (имя):
Dr Andrew Constable (Австралия)
Утверждено (имя):
Dr Dirk Welsford (Австралия)
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3.1 |
WG-FSA-16/48 Rev. 1 Подробнее |
Scientific contribution to the 2016 review of Conservation Measure 51-07: Part 2 – outcomes from the application of the risk assessment framework for distributing the krill trigger level in Area 48 A. Constable (on behalf of the e-group on CM 51-07 WG-EMM review)
This paper presents the outcomes from the application of the risk assessment framework for distributing the krill trigger level in Area 48, which was described in Part 1 of this work (WG-FSA-16/47). This second part has two additional components of work: (i) results of the analyses using the data within the risk assessment framework, and (ii) a discussion of the implications of this work, Read More
Представлено (имя):
Dr Andrew Constable (Австралия)
Утверждено (имя):
Dr Dirk Welsford (Австралия)
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