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    Development of the acoustic survey database

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    Last year we established a new, dedicated database to archive research survey data submitted to CCAMLR. This database is ‘event-driven’ – i.e. each survey can be characterized by a series of events (eg trawl, CTD, acoustic etc) and each event has a set of measurements (eg amount caught, conductivity at depth, density estimate etc). The development of the trawl survey components has been reported to WG-FSA, and progress on archiving the acoustic data is reported here. In addition to the developments to date, WG-FSA’s Subgroup on Fisheries Acoustics (WG-FSA-SFA) has discussed the possibility of archiving acoustic data from finfish surveys and this matter was further discussed at SC-CAMLR-XXII. The Secretariat has begun working with past and present conveners of WG-FSA-SFA to identify the group’s needs for data storage and analysis.