WG-EMM has a broad agenda for discussions in 2013, including the following items related to feedback management: “review of spatial and temporal structure in the ecosystem in which the current Area 48 fishery operates” and “development of agreed decision-making mechanisms for the candidate feedback management approaches”. The British Antarctic Survey Ecosystems programme and its predecessors have been studying the structure and operation of this ecosystem for several decades. Some of this work has focused on the management and monitoring of this ecosystem. These programmes have therefore generated numerous publications relevant to the WG-EMM agenda. The current document lists selected relevant publications from 2009 to 2013, copies of which will be available from members of the UK delegation during the 2013 WG-EMM meeting.
Recent British Antarctic Survey publications relevant to the agenda of WG-EMM 2013
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Ms Doro Forck (Секретариат АНТКОМ)
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