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    The age structure and growth rate of Patagonian toothfish (Dissostichus eleginoides) at South Georgia

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    Номер документа:
    M. Belchier (United Kingdom)
    Пункт(ы) повестки дня

    New length-at – age data for South Georgia toothfish are presented from a range of sources. Data from the commercial fishery, research trawl surveys and pelagic plankton tows are combined to generate new von Bertalanffy parameters. The new parameters (L(inf) 150cm, K= 0.073 and t0 = -0.792 are similar to values obtained in previous studies at South Georgia and other sub-Antarctic islands. Evidence for the separation of early year classes is presented along with mean sizes for each age class.
    Age length keys indicate that fish enter the fishery at 7 years and are fully recruited at between 10 and 11 years.