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The meeting will be convened by Dr C. Jones (USA). The Secretariat will outline local arrangements for the meeting. The agenda of the meeting will be discussed and adopted. The following provisional agenda covers items to be considered in plenary session by WG-FSA.
Information essential to the assessments and the preliminary assessments themselves will be reviewed during days 1 and 2 of the meeting. WG-FSA will then undertake assessments for specific stocks and areas, and provide the Scientific Committee with advice on precautionary catch limits and other issues relevant to management of CCAMLR fishery resources. This year, particular attention will be given to making progress in developing advice for management of data-poor fisheries in the Convention area.
The Working Group will break into subgroups to undertake the majority of the work identified in the adopted agenda. Progress reports will be given to the Working Group in plenary sessions, with opportunity for additional discussion and consideration. It is anticipated that assessments will be completed and independently reviewed by the end of the first week, and assessment results will be used to update Fishery Reports and provide advice on precautionary catch limits.
Subgroup conveners will be responsible for providing text for the WG-FSA report. Aspects of subgroup work relevant to a specific fishery will be contributed to the appropriate Fishery Report, whilst work of a more generic nature will be reflected in the WG-FSA report. Subgroups and subgroup activities will provisionally consist of the following:
- Subgroup on Assessments - review preliminary assessments, and further develop stock assessments and estimation of precautionary catch limits of target species (agenda items 4.2 and 5.1).
- Subgroup on New and Exploratory Fisheries - review new and exploratory fishing efforts for the past season in the Convention Area, review performance of tagging programs, notifications for participation in new and exploratory fisheries in the coming season, and determine whether sufficient information may exist to carry out a stock assessment. Develop advice on management, including precautionary catch limits of target species (agenda items 4.3 and 5.2).
- Subgroup on Research Plans – this new subgroup will review and evaluate submitted research plans for new and exploratory fisheries, closed fisheries with zero TACs, and research surveys from longline vessels (agenda item 5.4).
- Subgroup on VMEs - review new information on VMEs notified under CM 22-07, preliminary bottom fishing impact assessments, update Report on Bottom Fisheries and VMEs (agenda item 6).
- Subgroup on the Scientific Observer Program - review and further develop the observer protocols, the CCAMLR Scientific Observers Manual and priorities for scientific observers in various fisheries (agenda item 7).
An ad hoc group of experts will also be appointed to assist the Editorial Board of CCAMLR Science in considering papers for publication in the 2012 volume of the journal, and a meeting of the Board will be scheduled during week 2.
The Data Manager will review the data requirements specified at WG-FSA-10 or in accordance with conservation measures in force. In addition, data and resources available to WG-FSA at the meeting will be described. The Working Group should specifically consider the following items:
- Development of the CCAMLR database - Updated information on the operation, development, and documentation of the CCAMLR database will be reviewed.
- Data processing
- Fishery plans
Information relevant to stock assessments will be reviewed. Members are reminded that all data arising from fishery-based research activities should be submitted to the Secretariat at least one month prior to the meeting of WG-FSA. The Working Group should specifically consider the following items:
- Catch and effort data reported to CCAMLR - Catches reported from the Convention Area in 2010/11 will be provided in a separate document. Data maintained on the CCAMLR database will be available on request and subject to the Rules for Access and Use of CCAMLR Data. All data requests must be directed, in the first instance, to the Data Manager. Scaled length-frequency data, and where appropriate a summary of tag-recapture data and research sets, will be provided for all active fisheries by the Secretariat.
- Estimates of catch and effort from IUU fishing - Data compiled by the Secretariat will be reviewed, along with any additional information supplied by Members and participants on estimates of catch and effort data from IUU fishing. WG-FSA will review and interpret historical trends in toothfish removals, and continue to focus on the development of standard methods for estimating total removals of toothfish inside and outside the Convention area including, where applicable, CCAMLR, national, and IUU catches. Consideration should be given by WG-FSA to the implications of the continued presence of gillnet vessels in the IUU fishery.
- Catch and effort data for toothfish fisheries in waters adjacent to the Convention Area - The Secretariat will summarise catches of D. eleginoides reported in areas adjacent to the Convention Area.
- Scientific observer information - Details of scientific observer coverage will be compiled by the Secretariat and provided to WG-FSA.
- Incidental mortality arising from fishing - Details of seabird and marine mammal incidental mortality will be presented by the co-conveners of WG-IMAF or the Secretariat to WG-FSA for review and commentary.
Depredation – WG-FSA will review any new information on depredation of Dissostichus spp., and consider how this information can be incorporated into the assessment process.
The report of deliberations and advice relative to WG-FSA from the 2011 meeting of WG-SAM will be reviewed. During WG-FSA-10, the Working Group and Scientific Committee identified a number of matters which were referred to WG-SAM with respect to the work of WG-FSA. These are set out in SC-CAMLR-XXIX/4 paras 5.12 and 6.37, and SC-CAMLR-XXIX para. 3.133.
WG-FSA will review the inputs to be used for stock assessments, particularly those that have changed since the last assessment, and submitted papers that summarise preliminary stock assessments. Inputs for stock assessment include inter alia:
- Catch-at-length/age from fisheries
- Research surveys
- CPUE - Consideration should be given by WG-FSA to developing a better understanding of CPUE from different types of fishing gear.
- Tagging studies
- Biological parameters - any new estimates for biological parameters used for stock assessment, particularly those derived through the use of new methodologies endorsed by WG-SAM. Revised biological parameters will be considered and potentially recommended for current or future stock assessments.
- Stock structure and management areas
The Working Group will review and evaluate the adequacy of new information proposed for use in assessments.
Authors of preliminary stock assessments should prepare Powerpoint presentations which summarize these. Presentations should include methodologies, model assumptions, fits and diagnostics, projections, and estimates of precautionary yield.
The Working Group will review progress made toward assessing data-poor fisheries. Any advice from the 2011 meeting of WG-SAM should be taken into consideration during deliberations. The WG-FSA will determine whether there may be sufficient data available for a fishery to proceed with a preliminary assessment in order to refine advice for these areas.
WG-FSA will review and evaluate the information available and preliminary assessments and determine which stocks will be assessed. Agenda item 5 lists the likely subareas, divisions and species for assessments to be undertaken.
Assessments and management advice will be developed for those fisheries identified in Agenda Item 4.4. The assessment and appropriate sections of the Fishery Report will be independently reviewed. Guidelines for the review process were set out in WG-FSA-06/6 (paras 6.1 to 6.3). In cases where no assessments will be undertaken, fishery reports will be updated with current information. Subject to Working Group discussions, management advice may be updated, refined or carried forward.
Current fisheries for which assessments are available will be reviewed. For each fishery, the Fishery Report will be updated with current information, and include the assessment method used, the input data, results of the assessments and the advice of WG-FSA to the Scientific Committee. Copies of last year’s Fishery Reports, with initial updates and edits from the Secretariat, will be available on the meeting server.
According to the biennial assessment cycle for Dissostichus spp. fisheries, 2011 is an ‘assessment’ year. Management advice will be updated or refined modified for the following fisheries:
- Dissostichus eleginoides South Georgia (Subarea 48.3)
- Dissostichus spp Northern South Sandwich Islands (Subarea 48.4)
- Dissostichus eleginoides Kerguelen Islands (Division 58.5.1)
- Dissostichus eleginoides Heard Island (Division 58.5.2)
- Dissostichus eleginoides Crozet Islands (French EEZ in Subarea 58.6)
- Dissostichus eleginoides Prince Edward and Marion Islands (South African EEZ in Subareas 58.6 and 58.7)
- Champsocephalus gunnari South Georgia (Subarea 48.3)
- Champsocephalus gunnari Heard Island (Division 58.5.2)
WG-FSA-11/45 | A characterisation of the toothfish fishery in Subareas 88.1 and 88.2 from 1997–98 to 2010–11 M.L. Stevenson, S.M. Hanchet, S. Mormede and A. Dunn (New Zealand) |
WG-FSA-11/P02 | New data on depths inhabited by striped-eyed rock cod Lepidonotothen kempi (Norman) (Nototheniidae) off Bouvet Island A.F. Petrov |
The Secretariat will summarise available information from the new and exploratory fisheries carried out in 2010/11, and the Working Group will review information from these fisheries.
The Secretariat will summarise information contained in Members’ notifications for proposed new and exploratory fisheries in 2011/12. The Working Group will evaluate these notifications and formulate management advice for consideration by the Scientific Committee for the 2011/12 season.
Fishery reports will be updated with current information. Based on the information available, the potential for a fishery to be assessed during the course of WG-FSA 2011 should be determined, and stock rigorously assessed if possible. Updates to the fishery report may include additional management advice, such as precautionary catch limits, and management of those catch limits. The Working Group will update the following Fishery Reports:
- Fishery Report for Subarea 48.6
- Fishery Reports for Divisions in Subarea 58.4
- Fishery Report for Subareas 88.1, and 88.2
Assessments will only be considered for fisheries and stocks for which new data have been submitted, or the Scientific Committee has requested an assessment, or fishery proposals have been submitted for a specific stock. The Working Group should give consideration to the following:
- Antarctic Peninsula (Subarea 48.1) and South Orkney Islands (Subarea 48.2)
- Crabs (Paralomis spinosissima and P. formosa) (Subareas 48.2; Subarea 48.3; and Subarea 48.4)
WG-FSA-11/26 | The biology, ecology and development of fishery management advice for the anomuran crabs of South Georgia (CCAMLR Subarea 48.3) M. Belchier, T. Peatman and J. Brown (United Kingdom) |
Research plans that aim to collect information to be used in assessments will be reviewed and evaluated. Research plans, particularly those that are to be undertaken in data-poor fisheries (see SC-CCAMLR-XXIX para. 3.126) should take into consideration discussions held at the Scientific Committee relative to the research framework for data-poor fisheries (SC-CCAMLR-XXIX paras. 3.127-3.133), and be consistent with advice and guidelines developed during the focus topic at WG-SAM 2011 (Work Plan for Implementing Research Proposals for Data-Poor Fisheries).
Research plans can also be submitted for fisheries that currently have assessments, but could be strengthened with additional information. As such the Working Group will endeavor to evaluate research plans for:
WG-FSA-11/07 | Developments in the CCAMLR otolith program Secretariat |
WG-FSA-11/20 | Development of a generic operating model framework for data collection, assessment method and management strategy evaluations P. Ziegler (Australia) |
WG-FSA-11/52 | Summary of otoliths held in Cape Town that were collected within the CCAMLR area R. Leslie, C. Heinecken and P. Mullins (South Africa) |
The Working Group will also review the efficacy of, and continued need for, the current research set requirements for participating in New and Exploratory toothfish fisheries.
WG-FSA-11/47 | Revised proposal for a CCAMLR sponsored research survey to monitor abundance of pre-recruit Antarctic toothfish in the southern Ross Sea S.M. Hanchet, S. Mormede, S.J. Parker and A. Dunn (New Zealand) |
The Working Group will consider any new information on direct and indirect interactions between bottom fisheries and VMEs. The Scientific Committee continued deliberations on approaches to avoid significant adverse impacts on VMEs during the 2010 meeting, and endorsed both the report on Bottom Fisheries and Vulnerable Marine Ecosystems, as well as definitions of VME terms developed last year (SC-CCAMLR-XXIX para 5.2).
The Scientific Committee agreed that the 2011WG-FSA meeting would not consider methods to evaluate strategies for avoiding significant adverse impacts on VMEs.
The WG-FSA will consider, inter alia, the following items:
- Review of fishery and research-based VME notifications for 2010/11
VMEs notified under CM 22-06 and VME risk areas notified under CM 22-07 in 2010/11 will be reviewed, as well as any additional mitigation measures to reduce risk of significant adverse impacts on VMEs, and advice that resulted from the deliberations of WG-EMM-11.
- Review of preliminary bottom fishing impact assessments
Review bottom fishing impact assessments as required for bottom fishing activities under CM 22-06 (ANNEX 22-06/A).
- Report on Bottom Fisheries and Vulnerable Marine Ecosystems
Review and update the Bottom Fisheries and VME report.
Review scientific observer information, consider observer requirements, and refine protocols (if needed) for scientific observation of commercial vessels in the CAMLR Convention area.
WG-FSA-11/11 | Cetacean observation during krill fishing cruise (48.1, 48.2 Statistical Subareas, 2011) K. Vyshniakova (Ukraine) |
WG-FSA-11/39 Rev. 1 | New gonad identification guides for Dissostichus eleginoides N. Gasco (France), J. Brown (United Kingdom) and G. Duhamel (France) |
WG-FSA-11/40 | Comprehensive field guide of Antarctic fishes N. Gasco (France) |
WG-FSA-11/41 | By-catch observation during krill fishing cruise (48.1, 48.2 Statistical Subareas, 2011) K. Vyshniakova (Ukraine) |
Information extracted from observer reports of relevance to the work of WG-FSA will be reviewed and summarised.
The operation of the scientific observer program will be considered, paying particular attention to the types and amounts of information that are requested, description of sampling protocols and the priorities for sample collection. The subgroup should also consider, inter alia, the following:
- Scientific Observers Manual
Suggestions for revision or refinement of the Scientific Observers Manual will be considered. Such suggestions may arise from reports from the secretariat, observers and technical coordinators.
- Sampling strategies and priorities
Any additional progress on sampling methods will be discussed and amendments to the protocols proposed. Priorities for data collection will be reviewed.
The Working Group will be invited to provide input for both a near and long-term work plan. Table 7 of SC-CCAMLR-XXIX should be reviewed, and further advice be developed if needed.
WG-FSA-11/08 | CCAMLR fishery information 2011 Secretariat |
WG-FSA-11/19 | Connectivity and population structure in Pleuragramma antarcticum J. Ferguson, J. Ashford, A. Piñones, J. Torres, W. Fraser, C. Jones (USA) and M. Pinkerton (New Zealand) |
WG-FSA-11/40 | Comprehensive field guide of Antarctic fishes N. Gasco (France) |
WG-FSA-11/P01 | Lead-radium dating provides a framework for coordinating age estimation of Patagonian toothfish (Dissostichus eleginoides) between fishing areas A.H. Andrews, J.R. Ashford, C.M. Brooks, K. Krusic-Golub, G. Duhamel, M. Belchier, C.C. Lundstrom and G.M. Cailliet |
Members who wish to notify of upcoming research endeavors in the CCAMLR area, particularly those research efforts to be conducted under Conservation Measure 24-01, should do so here. These notifications will be passed to the Scientific Committee for consideration.
Other topics WG-FSA may wish to consider and provide advice on that are not included elsewhere in the agenda, including reports from other meetings and research efforts
WG-FSA-11/08 | CCAMLR fishery information 2011 Secretariat |
WG-FSA-11/32 | The Ross Sea toothfish fishery: proposal for conditional transition of classification from exploratory to established C. Jones (USA) and S. Hanchet (New Zealand) |
WG-FSA-11/49 | Pilot study using electronic satellite tags to determine movements of Antarctic toothfish in the Ross Sea region S. Parker (New Zealand) |
As at past meetings of WG-FSA, rapporteurs will draft sections of the report. These sections will first be reviewed by the Convener and parties with strong interest in the topic and then submitted to the Secretariat for formatting, editing, and circulation for reading and mark-up by participants. Proposed changes to the draft report must be made in consultation with the rapporteurs, who will inform the Convener and then provide the appropriate changes to the Secretariat. The report will be interactively adopted in plenary, using a data projector and support from the Secretariat.