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    Grym assessment parameters for Divisions 58.4.1 and 58.4.2 Euphausia superba populations

    Request Meeting Document
    Document Number:
    D. Maschette, S. Wotherspoon, H. Murase and S. Kawaguchi
    Submitted By:
    Dr So Kawaguchi (Australia)
    Approved By:
    Dr Philippe Ziegler (Australia)

    The recent surveys in Division 58.4.1 in 2018/19 by Japan (Murase et al., 2019) and in the eastern sector of Division 58.4.2 in 2021 by Australia (Cox et al., 2022) provide necessary data set for updating precautionary catch allocations in these Divisions.

    Similar to the process undertaken in 2021 for Subarea 48.1, here we present a table of parameters for Divisions 58.4.1 and 58.4.2 intended to be used in krill assessments run in the Grym and presented to WG-FSA-2023. We would like to request recommendations from WG-EMM on the parameters, specifically if there are updates to parameter estimates from this area which should be included. We also present a recalculation of size at maturity using survey data collected during 2021 using both the ramp method (Maschette et al., 2021) and a logistic curve, consistent with the implementation used in CASAL (Bull et al., 2012).