Fish have a critical role in the Southern Ocean ecosystem, including by connecting trophic levels that are the active focus of existing SCAR expert groups (e.g., krill in SKEG or birds and mammals in EG-BAMM). Yet, fish are among the most under-studied components of the Southern Ocean food web. Recent research syntheses have highlighted crucial knowledge gaps, including in our understanding of how climate change and other anthropogenic pressures have impacted, and will continue to impact, Southern Ocean fish species with implications for the global marine ecosystem, and its management. Recognizing the gaps in knowledge about many species of fish in the Southern Ocean, and acknowledging the extent to which addressing such gaps could support CCAMLR’s objectives, a new SCAR Action Group on fish (SCARFISH) was proposed and approved by the SCAR Delegates in August 2024. The three overarching aims of SCARFISH are to: 1) Identify research gaps in fish biology and foster broader international collaboration and coordination to fill those gaps; 2) Synthesize fish research needs from CCAMLR and work to integrate more comprehensive Southern Ocean fish research into CCAMLR; and 3) Broaden diversity of researchers in Southern Ocean fish research. This paper introduces the background, goals and activities of this new SCAR group, and encourages engagement from the CCAMLR community.
Introduction to the SCAR Action Group on Fish (SCARFISH)
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Presentado por:
Angharad Downes
Aprobado por:
Angharad Downes
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