CCAMLR-41/08 Mostrar menos información |
Normas de acceso y utilización de los datos de la CCRVMA Grupo asesor sobre servicios de datos (DSAG)
El Comité Científico solicitó que el DSAG reseñara las Normas de acceso y utilización de los datos de la CCRVMA para su consideración por el Simposio del Comité Científico y por los grupos de trabajo durante sus reuniones en 2022. El presente documento reseña los comentarios recibidos durante el Simposio del Comité Científico 2022, WG-ASAM 2022, WG-SAM Read More
Presentado por:
Dr Anton Van de Putte (Bélgica)
Aprobado por:
Dr Anton Van de Putte (Bélgica)
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CCAMLR-41/BG/04 Mostrar menos información |
Fishery Notifications 2022/23 CCAMLR Secretariat
The Secretariat received fishery notifications for research fisheries, exploratory fisheries for toothfish and krill fisheries for 2022/23 CCAMLR season. This paper provides a summary of all fishery notifications, with full details available to authenticated users through the CCAMLR website Fishery Notifications.
Presentado por:
Ms Doro Forck (Secretaría de la CCRVMA)
Aprobado por:
Dr David Agnew (Secretaría de la CCRVMA)
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3.1 |
CCAMLR-41/BG/12 Mostrar menos información |
Reconciliation of CDS data with monthly fine-scale catch and effort data CCAMLR Secretariat
As requested by WG-FSA-2019, a reconciliation was undertaken for all available data between the Dissostichus spp. Catch Documentation Scheme (CDS) and monthly fine-scale catch and effort data. The analysis identified that at a season level, the reconciliations had a difference of less than 5%. Further, the majority of these seasonal differences were less than 1%, with a fishery-level Read More
Presentado por:
Ms Doro Forck (Secretaría de la CCRVMA)
Aprobado por:
Dr David Agnew (Secretaría de la CCRVMA)
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3.1 |
SC-CAMLR-41/19 Mostrar menos información |
Desarrollo de una estrategia de ordenación del recurso kril en el Área 48 en el contexto de la modificación de la ordenación de las pesquerías de kril en la Subárea 48.1 Delegación de la Federación de Rusia
Los resultados de la modificación práctica de los enfoques para el desarrollo de la ordenación de la pesquería de la Subárea 48.1 realizada por los grupos de trabajo en respuesta a las recomendaciones de la Comisión (CCAMLR-38, párrafo 5.17) destacan Read More
Presentado por:
Dr Svetlana Kasatkina (Federación de Rusia)
Aprobado por:
Dr Svetlana Kasatkina (Federación de Rusia)
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SC-CAMLR-41/BG/01 Mostrar menos información |
Catches of target species in the Convention Area CCAMLR Secretariat
This paper presents a brief overview of catches of target species from directed fishing on toothfish, icefish and krill in the Convention Area in 2020/21 and 2021/22 seasons and from research fishing under Conservation Measure (CM) 24-05. The CCAMLR fisheries catch limits and associated monthly catches in the 2021/22 season are also presented with dates of fisheries closures implemented by the Read More
Presentado por:
Ms Doro Forck (Secretaría de la CCRVMA)
Aprobado por:
Dr David Agnew (Secretaría de la CCRVMA)
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3.1 |
SC-CAMLR-41/BG/26 Mostrar menos información |
Proposal for complex acoustic and trawl surveys for the mackerel icefish (Champsocephalus gunnari) estimates in the CCAMLR Statistical Subarea 48.3 S. Kasatkina
Some aspects of acoustic- trawl surveys for the mackerel icefish (Champsocephalus gunnari) assessment in the CCAMLR Statistical Subarea 48.3 as fish with a semi-pelagic distribution are discussed.
It is proposed that Read More
Presentado por:
Dr Svetlana Kasatkina (Federación de Rusia)
Aprobado por:
Dr Svetlana Kasatkina (Federación de Rusia)
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5.2.1 |
SC-CAMLR-41/BG/32 Mostrar menos información |
The application of electronic monitoring in CCAMLR fisheries Delegation of the United Kingdom
Electronic Monitoring (EM) offers the potential to reduce CCAMLR scientific observer tasking onboard vessels, while improving data quality, increasing data collection and improving observer safety. Fisheries observers should be utilised to fulfil and integrate the reporting requirements carried out by EM on these vessels, using a holistic approach. In the mid to longer Read More
Presentado por:
Ms Georgia Robson (Reino Unido)
Aprobado por:
Dr Chris Darby
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SC-CAMLR-41/BG/33 Mostrar menos información |
Proposal for a Workshop to enhance the CCAMLR Ecosystem Monitoring Program (CEMP) C. Waluda, M. Collins, M. Korczak-Abshire, J.-H. Kim, G. Milinevsky, A. Kato and S. Olmastroni
Here we outline a proposal for a workshop to enhance the CCAMLR Ecosystem Monitoring Programme (CEMP) based on recommendations arising from WG-EMM-2022.
Presentado por:
Dr Claire Waluda (Reino Unido)
Aprobado por:
Dr Chris Darby
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6.4 |
WG-ASAM-2022/01 Mostrar menos información |
Report of the Chair of the Scientific Committee on the CCAMLR Scientific Committee Symposium Chair of the Scientific Committee |
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WG-FSA-2022/01 Rev. 1 Mostrar menos información |
Report of the Co-conveners of the Workshop on Conversion Factors for Toothfish (Virtual Meeting, 12 and 13 April 2022) Workshop Co-conveners (Mr N. Walker (New Zealand) and Mr N. Gasco (France)) |
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WG-FSA-2022/02 Mostrar menos información |
Icefish spawning aggregation in the southern Weddell Sea including discussions and recommendations from WG-EMM-2022 K. Teschke, M. Eléaume, R. Konijnenberg, P. Brtnik and T. Brey
Working group paper WG-EMM-2022/15 (see Annex) was presented at this year’s EMM Meeting. The paper gives detailed information regarding the discovery of a breeding colony of notothenioid icefish (Neopagetopsis ionah, Nybelin 1947) of so far unprecedented extent observed in the southern Weddell Sea (Purser et al., 2022) during RV Polarstern expedition PS124 from February to Read More
Presentado por:
Dr Marc Eléaume (Francia)
Aprobado por:
Dr Marc Eléaume (Francia)
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6.3 |
WG-FSA-2022/03 Mostrar menos información |
Fish by-catch in the krill fishery – 2022 update CCAMLR Secretariat
Analysis of the frequency of fish by-catch in vessel and observer data from the krill fishery is updated based on recommendations from WG-FSA-2021. A preliminary approach to estimating by-catch rates (kg fish per tonne of krill) is introduced, and, spatial and temporal patterns of fish by-catch are presented. Feedback on the approach, outlier removal method and future work is requested.
Presentado por:
Dr Stephane Thanassekos (Secretaría de la CCRVMA)
Aprobado por:
Dr David Agnew (Secretaría de la CCRVMA)
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WG-FSA-2022/04 Mostrar menos información |
An update from the Secretariat on outstanding issues in krill fishery data relating to the reporting of by-catch, green weight estimation parameters and two-hourly catch reporting for continuous trawling vessels. CCAMLR Secretariat
This paper provides an update on issues identified in krill fishery data related to the reporting of by-catch data from Chilean and Ukrainian vessels, green weight estimation parameters reported from the Chilean vessel Betanzos and the Norwegian vessel Juvel, and the allocation of catch amounts to two-hourly trawl periods for continuous trawling vessels. For all Read More
Presentado por:
Mr Isaac Forster (Secretaría de la CCRVMA)
Aprobado por:
Dr David Agnew (Secretaría de la CCRVMA)
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WG-FSA-2022/05 Mostrar menos información |
Compendium of catch limit overruns from the 2018 to 2022 seasons CCAMLR Secretariat
This paper details the circumstances of catch limit overruns for toothfish fisheries in Subareas 88.1 and 88.2 and krill fisheries in Subarea 48.1 from 2018 to 2022 seasons, as requested by the WG-FSA 2021.
Presentado por:
Mr Henrique Anatole (Secretaría de la CCRVMA)
Aprobado por:
Dr David Agnew (Secretaría de la CCRVMA)
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3.1 |
WG-FSA-2022/06 Mostrar menos información |
Analysis of the risk of exceeding catch limits in the krill fishery using daily reporting CCAMLR Secretariat |
3.1 |
WG-FSA-2022/07 Mostrar menos información |
Results from the 2022 random stratified trawl survey in the waters surrounding Heard Island in Division 58.5.2 D. Maschette, T. Lamb and P. Ziegler
During April 2022, the annual random stratified trawl survey (RSTS) around Heard Island and McDonald Islands (HIMI) was conducted in CCAMLR Division 58.5.2, with the completion of 165 Read More
Presentado por:
Dr Philippe Ziegler (Australia)
Aprobado por:
Dr Philippe Ziegler (Australia)
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4.1.2 |
WG-FSA-2022/08 Mostrar menos información |
A preliminary assessment for mackerel icefish (Champsocephalus gunnari) in Division 58.5.2, based on results from the 2022 random stratified trawl survey D. Maschette
The annual random stratified trawl survey was undertaken in Division 58.5.2 in the vicinity of Heard Island and McDonald Islands during April 2022. Based on data from this survey, this paper provides a preliminary assessment for mackerel icefish (Champsocephalus gunnari) population structure, abundance and yield in Division 58.5.2 using standard CCAMLR methods (CMIX Read More
Presentado por:
Dr Philippe Ziegler (Australia)
Aprobado por:
Dr Philippe Ziegler (Australia)
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4.1.2 |
WG-FSA-2022/09 Mostrar menos información |
Update on the Heard Island and McDonald Islands Patagonian toothfish (Dissostichus eleginoides) fishery in Division 58.5.2 P. Ziegler
Based on a recommendation by WG-FSA-2021 we present an update on stock parameters, including recruitment indices from the random stratified trawl survey, and Chapman estimates of vulnerable biomass from tag-recapture data for the Patagonian toothfish (Dissostichus eleginoides) fishery in CCAMLR Division 58.5.2. These data indicate that the stock trajectory is Read More
Presentado por:
Dr Philippe Ziegler (Australia)
Aprobado por:
Dr Philippe Ziegler (Australia)
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4.2.2 |
WG-FSA-2022/10 Mostrar menos información |
Summary of environmental data collected during the Dissostichus mawsoni exploratory fishery in East Antarctica (Divisions 58.4.1 and 58.4.2) C. Miller, T. Lamb, P. Ziegler, J. Lee, S. Chung, C. Péron and N. Gasco
This paper provides an overview of the deployments of Conductivity, Temperature and Depth (CTD) loggers and Benthic Video Cameras (BVCs) to fishing gear in the Dissostichus mawsoni exploratory fishery in Divisions 58.4.1 and 58.4.2 since 2015/16. This report on the collection of environmental data addresses Milestone 2 of the research plan in this fishery Read More
Presentado por:
Dr Philippe Ziegler (Australia)
Aprobado por:
Dr Philippe Ziegler (Australia)
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5.1.2 |
WG-FSA-2022/11 Mostrar menos información |
Tag linking – 2022 report CCAMLR Secretariat
This document summarizes the method used to link releases and recaptures of tagged toothfish and skates in the Convention Area, and the current state of the database of linked tags held by the CCAMLR Secretariat. Thanks to improvements in data quality and the growing use of CCAMLR tags by Members, the quality of links has increased with time. To date, over 98% of recaptured fish have been Read More
Presentado por:
Dr Stephane Thanassekos (Secretaría de la CCRVMA)
Aprobado por:
Dr David Agnew (Secretaría de la CCRVMA)
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4.2 |
WG-FSA-2022/12 Mostrar menos información |
Factors influencing conversion factors in CCAMLR toothfish fisheries CCAMLR Secretariat
Using Generalized Additive Mixed Models, factors recorded by SISO observers and influencing toothfish conversion factors (CFs) were examined. For both Dissostichus species, fish length, fishing location, timing and vessel were found to have signigicant effects on CFs. The relative effect of each factor differed between species, as well as the shape of their relationship with CFs, although Read More
Presentado por:
Dr Stephane Thanassekos (Secretaría de la CCRVMA)
Aprobado por:
Dr David Agnew (Secretaría de la CCRVMA)
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WG-FSA-2022/13 Mostrar menos información |
2022 trend analysis – Estimates of toothfish biomass in research blocks CCAMLR Secretariat
We present results of the trend analysis following reviews by WG-SAM-2022. Biomass estimates for research blocks in data-limited toothfish fisheries and the resulting catch limits for the 2023 season have been determined using updated trend analysis decision rules.
Presentado por:
Dr Stephane Thanassekos (Secretaría de la CCRVMA)
Aprobado por:
Dr David Agnew (Secretaría de la CCRVMA)
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4.3 |
WG-FSA-2022/14 Mostrar menos información |
CCAMLR Marine Debris Monitoring Program, 2022 CCAMLR Secretariat
CCAMLR monitors marine debris in the Convention Area through the Marine Debris Monitoring Program (MDMP) established in 1986. The MDMP compiles data from surveys and opportunistic sightings conducted by Members, fishing gear reported by CCAMLR Scheme of International Scientific Observation (SISO) observers as lost by fishing vessels, and marine debris observed Read More
Presentado por:
Ms Claire Van Werven (Secretaría de la CCRVMA)
Aprobado por:
Dr David Agnew (Secretaría de la CCRVMA)
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6.3 |
WG-FSA-2022/15 Mostrar menos información |
Preliminary analysis of seawater temperature(T) and salinity(S) in the southern part of Subarea 48.6, research blocks 3, 4 and 5 with CTD data sampled by FV Tronio in 2020 and 2021 T. Namba, R. Sarralde and J. Pompert
F/V Tronio conducted CTD deployments in subarea 48.6 during February-March in 2020 and 2021, using two Valeport FastCTD Profilers. The number of stations with good quality data were 14 and 13 respectively. Those data are not sufficient to analyze T and S by research block (RB). Therefore, CTD data available from other datasets of the study area were also Read More
Presentado por:
Mr Roberto Sarralde Vizuete (España)
Aprobado por:
Mr Roberto Sarralde Vizuete (España)
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5.1.1 |
WG-FSA-2022/16 Mostrar menos información |
Genome-wide analyses indicate a lack of population structure in Antarctic toothfish (Dissostichus mawsoni) in the Atlantic Sector of the Southern Ocean (CCAMLR Subarea 48.6). S.B. Piertney, P. Brickle, J.H.W. Pompert and A. Douglas
The Antarctic toothfish (Dissostichus mawsoni), a notothenioid, is endemic to the Southern Ocean and supports economically important long line fisheries. Stock discrimination is a central component of fisheries management which embraces the recognition of self-sustaining components within natural populations. The stock structure of Dissostichus mawsoni in Read More
Presentado por:
Mr Roberto Sarralde Vizuete (España)
Aprobado por:
Mr Roberto Sarralde Vizuete (España)
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5.1.1 |
WG-FSA-2022/17 Mostrar menos información |
Proposal to conduct a local acoustic-trawl survey of Champsocephalus gunnari in Statistical Subarea 48.2 Delegation of Ukraine
Mackerel icefish (Champsocephalus gunnari) is one of the most common and widespread species of Antarctic fish. Ukraine proposes to conduct a local acoustic-trawl survey of Champsocephalus gunnari in the statistical Subarea 48.2. The main objective of the research is to determine the distribution and the abundance of Read More
Presentado por:
Dr Kostiantyn Demianenko (Ucrania)
Aprobado por:
Dr Kostiantyn Demianenko (Ucrania)
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5.2.1 |
WG-FSA-2022/18 Mostrar menos información |
Trophodynamics of the Antarctic toothfish (Dissostichus mawsoni) in the Antarctic Peninsula Subarea 48.1: prey composition and fatty acids profile K. Pérez, C. Cárdenas, F. Santa Cruz, M. González-Aravena, P. Gallardo, A. Rivero, K. Demianenko and P. Zabroda
The Antarctic toothfish is the largest notothenioids species in the Southern Ocean, playing a key ecological role in the trophic web, as food source for marine mammals, and as top predator in deep-sea ecosystems, structuring the population dynamics of its prey through a trophic cascade. Most ecological information on this species rely on samples from areas Read More
Presentado por:
Mr Francisco Santa Cruz (Chile)
Aprobado por:
Dr César Cárdenas (Chile)
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6.4 |
WG-FSA-2022/19 Mostrar menos información |
A condition assessment and handling guideline for skate (Rajiforms) by-catch in longline fisheries: Lessons from the Southern Indian Ocean J. Faure, R. Jones, M. Grima, C. Péron, N. Gasco, T. Lamb, P. Ziegler and J. Cleeland
Elasmobranchs (sharks, skates and rays) are among the least productive fish species, which make their populations vulnerable to increased mortality. Although skates exhibit elevated vulnerability to fishing, they are commonly caught as incidental bycatch in demersal fisheries. Management measures to prevent the decline of skate populations often Read More
Presentado por:
Ms Johanna Faure
Aprobado por:
Dr Marc Eléaume (Francia)
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6.2 |
WG-FSA-2022/20 Mostrar menos información |
Preliminary study on the use of the vertebrae centrum in the age determination of skates in Crozet and Kerguelen waters J. Faure, J.M. Caraguel and C. Péron
Skates are commonly captured as bycatch in the Patagonian toothfish (Dissostichus eleginoides) fishery occurring between 500-2000 m in Crozet and Kerguelen waters. Age data is then important to perform fishery assessment and management. However, previous age estimation on closely related species has proved to be difficult due to low calcification Read More
Presentado por:
Ms Johanna Faure
Aprobado por:
Dr Marc Eléaume (Francia)
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6.2 |
WG-FSA-2022/21 Mostrar menos información |
Report on fish by-catch during Dissostichus mawsoni exploratory fishing in Divisions 58.4.1 and 58.4.2 (2016–2022) C. Péron, F. Rajaonalison and P. Ziegler
In this paper, we report on fish bycatch during exploratory fishing activities undertaken in Divisions 58.4.1 and 58.4.2 during the period 2016 to 2022. Fish bycatch was composed of at least 14 species or species groups. In 2021 and 2022, exploratory fishing occurred in Division 58.4.2 only, and none of the bycatch limits set in CM 33-03/A were reached. Read More
Presentado por:
Dr Clara Péron (Francia)
Aprobado por:
Dr Marc Eléaume (Francia)
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5.1.2 |
WG-FSA-2022/22 Mostrar menos información |
Recent trends in finfish by-catch from the krill fishery in Area 48 C.D. Jones
Trends in finfish by-catch from the krill fishery using data reported from the fine-scale catch and effort (C1) data from 2010 to 2021 are characterized. Finfish by-catch in relation to annual reported weight, species composition and trawl technique, by subarea and Small Scale Management Units (SSMUs) is examined. The reported finfish by-catch and species composition was Read More
Presentado por:
Dr Christopher Jones (Estados Unidos de América)
Aprobado por:
Dr George Watters (Estados Unidos de América)
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WG-FSA-2022/23 Mostrar menos información |
Developing the two-area population CASAL model for stock assessment of Antarctic toothfish (Dissostichus mawsoni) at the Subarea 48.6 T. Okuda and Y. Osawa
A preliminary integrated stock assessment model with considering migration between northern and southern research blocks (two-area population model) was constructed for Dissostichus mawsoni at the Subarea 48.6, using the latest data collected from blocks 2 – 5. The model is identical in scenarios about IUU fishing and depredation, and biological Read More
Presentado por:
Dr Takehiro Okuda (Japón)
Aprobado por:
Dr Taro Ichii
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5.1.1 |
WG-FSA-2022/24 Rev. 1 Mostrar menos información |
Report of research fishing operations at Subarea 48.6 between the 2012/13 and 2021/22 fishing seasons Delegations of Japan, Spain and South Africa
This paper represents the report of a multi-member longline research fishing on Antarctic toothfish (Dissostichus mawsoni) in Subarea 48.6 between 2012/13 and 2021/22 fishing seasons by Japan, Spain, and South Africa. From 2012/13, the current proposal (2020/21-2022/23) is the forth of all research proposals in Subarea 48.6, namely 1st: 2012/13-2014/15 Read More
Presentado por:
Dr Takehiro Okuda (Japón)
Aprobado por:
Dr Taro Ichii
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5.1.1 |
WG-FSA-2022/25 Mostrar menos información |
Updating the model for the variability of egg and larval transport of Antarctic toothfish under the extreme SAM event in the East Antarctic region (Divisions 58.4.1 and 58.4.2) M. Mori, K. Mizobata, K. Kusaharaand T. Okuda
This paper examined egg and larval transport under different SAM phases in the continental shelf-slope regions of East Antarctica using particle tracking models following the study by Mori et al. (2021). While ocean data outputs used for simulations were the same as in the last study (i.e., “COCO”), temporal and spatial resolutions of data increased in this experiment Read More
Presentado por:
Dr Mao Mori
Aprobado por:
Dr Taro Ichii
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5.1.2 |
WG-FSA-2022/26 Mostrar menos información |
Continuing research plan for Dissostichus spp. under CM 24-01, paragraph 3, in Subarea 88.3 by Korea and Ukraine from 2021/22 to 2023/24 Delegations of the Republic of Korea and Ukraine
A research plan for Subarea 88.3 was commenced by Korea in 2016 under CM 24-01, New Zealand joined the proposal in 2017. The joint research proposal was for 3 years covering the period 2017/18, 2018/19 and 2019/20. It was designed to build on Korea’s previous research Read More
Presentado por:
Dr Sangdeok Chung (República de Corea)
Aprobado por:
Dr Jaebong Lee
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5.2.3 |
WG-FSA-2022/27 Mostrar menos información |
Diet composition and feeding strategy of Antarctic toothfish, Dissostichus mawsoni, in the Area 88 for the exploratory longline fishery of Korea in 2022 G.W. Baeck, S. Chung and J. Lee
The stocks of Antarctic toothfish, Dissostichus mawsoni were a relatively economically and ecologically important fishery resource in the waters Read More
Presentado por:
Dr Sangdeok Chung (República de Corea)
Aprobado por:
Dr Jaebong Lee
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5.2.3 |
WG-FSA-2022/28 Mostrar menos información |
Geographical diet variations of Antarctic toothfish (Dissostichus mawsoni) in Area 88 of CCAMLR S.R. Lee, S. Chung, J. Lee and H.-W. Kim
The dietary compositions of Antarctic toothfish, Dissostichus mawsoni from various research blocks in Area 88 were analyzed for three years from 2019 to 2022 using metabarcoding. As a result of metabarcoding with 1,348 stomach contents, a total of 158 prey haplotypes were obtained which belonged to 33 families and 58 genera. As shown from the previous study Read More
Presentado por:
Dr Sangdeok Chung (República de Corea)
Aprobado por:
Dr Jaebong Lee
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5.2.3 |
WG-FSA-2022/29 Rev. 1 Mostrar menos información |
Population genetic structure of Antarctic toothfish, Dissostichus mawsoni from Subareas 88 in the Antarctic Ocean based on 21 microsatellite markers H.-K. Choi, H. Park, S. Chung, J. Lee and H.J. Lee
The Antarctic toothfish, Dissostichus mawsoni, serves as a valuable fishery resource around the Antarctic Ocean, which has been managed by the Commission for the Conservation of Antarctic Marine Living Resources (CCAMLR) since 1997. Although defining genetic population structure of this species is crucial for improving fishery management, its number of Read More
Presentado por:
Dr Sangdeok Chung (República de Corea)
Aprobado por:
Dr Jaebong Lee
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5.2.3 |
WG-FSA-2022/30 Mostrar menos información |
Evaluation of proposed stratum-scale catch limits for the krill fishery in Subarea 48.1 to assess whether they are likely to be precautionary S. Hill, C. Darby, T. Dornan and G. Watters
CCAMLR’s Scientific Committee and its working groups are developing a revised management approach for the Antarctic krill fishery in Subareas 48.1 to 48.4. A critical phase is the development of an interim approach that can be applied to Subarea 48.1 to update the measures within CM-51-07, which expires before the next (2022/23) krill fishing season. Progress has been made in Read More
Presentado por:
Dr Simeon Hill (Reino Unido)
Aprobado por:
Dr Chris Darby
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WG-FSA-2022/31 Mostrar menos información |
Proposed workshop on integrating climate change and ecosystem interactions into CCAMLR science R. Cavanagh, M. Collins, C. Darby, T. Dahlgren, M. Eléaume, S. Hill, P. Hollyman, S. Kawaguchi, B. Krafft, E. Pardo, P. Trathan, A. Van de Putte, N. Walker, G. Watters and P. Ziegler
Evaluating the effects of climate change on Antarctic marine living resources is a priority topic for CCAMLR and was identified by the 2022 Scientific Committee Symposium as a key area of research. Acknowledging the need to better coordinate, target and integrate scientific advice on climate change, and recognising that a focused workshop would enable progress to be made, this paper recommends Read More
Presentado por:
Dr Phil Hollyman
Aprobado por:
Dr Chris Darby
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6.4 |
WG-FSA-2022/32 Mostrar menos información |
About results of age determination of the Dissostichus spp. and Macrourus spp. from the research longline catches in Subarea 48.1 by Ukrainian vessel CALIPSO in 2019–2021 P. Zabroda, I. Slypko, A. Bazhan and I. Mytiai
During three fishing seasons 2018/19, 2019/20 and 2020/21 Ukrainian vessel CALIPSO (Fig. 1) conducted the research survey in Statistical Subarea 48.1 (Western part of the Weddell Sea). During the indicated period of research fishing Read More
Presentado por:
Mr Pavlo Zabroda
Aprobado por:
Dr Kostiantyn Demianenko (Ucrania)
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5.2.4 |
WG-FSA-2022/33 Mostrar menos información |
Update on the VAST (vector autoregressive spatio-temporal) modelling of grenadier relative abundance in Subarea 48.6 K. Sawada, A. Grüss and T. Okuda
In the present paper, we report progress since WG-FSA-2021 on the development of statistical modeling to estimate the abundance trends of grenadiers caught as bycatch in the longline fisheries in CCAMLR Subarea 48.6. This work relies on spatio-temporal delta generalized linear mixed models (GLMMs) implemented with R package “VAST”. We recommend that future studies keep Read More
Presentado por:
Dr Kota Sawada (Japón)
Aprobado por:
Dr Taro Ichii
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6.1 |
WG-FSA-2022/34 Mostrar menos información |
Preliminary integrated stock assessment for the Antarctic toothfish (Dissostichus mawsoni) fishery in Divisions 58.41 and 58.4.2 P. Ziegler, C. Miller and D. Maschette
We present an update of ageing and estimates of biological parameters, and of the integrated stock assessment for Antarctic toothfish (Dissostichus mawsoni) fishery in CCAMLR Divisions 58.4.1 and 58.4.2. The update of ageing and estimates of biological parameters addresses Milestone 1.10, the updated of the stock assessment addresses Milestone 1.11 of the current Read More
Presentado por:
Dr Philippe Ziegler (Australia)
Aprobado por:
Dr Philippe Ziegler (Australia)
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WG-FSA-2022/35 Mostrar menos información |
Alternative proportional recruitment estimates for Subarea 48.1 based on reanalysis of the US AMLR data series Y. Ying and X. Zhao
Assessment of the Precautionary Harvest Rate (Gamma) for the Antarctic krill in Subarea 48.1 was still to be finalized largely due to the proportional recruitment parameters which are key inputs of the Grym. The current mostly discussed proportional recruitment parameter estimates were based on the entire US AMLR summer survey time series but with Read More
Presentado por:
Dr Yi-Ping Ying (China)
Aprobado por:
Dr Xianyong Zhao (China)
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WG-FSA-2022/36 Mostrar menos información |
Otolith chemistry reflects local stock connectivity of Antarctic toothfish (Dissostichus mawsoni) between research blocks in Subarea 48.6: an updated report G.P. Zhu, L. Wei, T. Okuda, R. Sarralde and S. Somhlaba
The local stock structure of Antarctic toothfish (Dissostichus mawsoni) in some Research Blocks (RBs) of Subarea 48.6 has been investigated in Wei et al. (2018), but this study has not included the RB 48.6_5 into the analysis and the stock connectivity between RBs has also not examined. Therefore, this study is aimed to update the information about stock Read More
Presentado por:
Professor Guoping Zhu
Aprobado por:
Dr Xianyong Zhao (China)
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5.1.1 |
WG-FSA-2022/37 Mostrar menos información |
Proposals to standardise the collection and processing of krill acoustic survey data S. Kasatkina and A. Abramov
The implementation of the Scientific Committee recommendations to develop the standardized methods for processing and reporting future acoustic survey results requires clarity on some methodological aspects of acoustic survey. Furthermore, it is important to streamline the system of krill acoustic surveys carried out in the CCAMLR area.
In view of Read More
Presentado por:
Dr Svetlana Kasatkina (Federación de Rusia)
Aprobado por:
Dr Svetlana Kasatkina (Federación de Rusia)
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WG-FSA-2022/38 Mostrar menos información |
Proposals to increase the efficiency of the tagging program in Subareas 88.1 and 88.2 O.Y. Krasnoborodko and S.M. Kasatkina
We analyzed data provided by Secretariat on fish tagged and subsequent recaptures in Subareas 88.1 and 88.2 during the period 2009-2017.
In our opinion, it will be possible to improve the tagging data in the toothfish fishery by moving the dimensions of the Read More
Presentado por:
Dr Svetlana Kasatkina (Federación de Rusia)
Aprobado por:
Dr Svetlana Kasatkina (Federación de Rusia)
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4.2 |
WG-FSA-2022/39 Mostrar menos información |
Where we are for the revision of CM 51-07 Y. Ying, Y. Zhao, X. Zhao, X. Wang and G. Fan
Based on a series of significant progress made by SC-CAMLR towards a sound science-based krill management approach since 2019, at its annual meeting in 2021 the Commission endorsed the rollover of CM 51-07 for one year to provide time to consolidate the revision of the new approach in Subarea 48.1. To facilitate discussion and decision-making towards the revision Read More
Presentado por:
Dr Xianyong Zhao (China)
Aprobado por:
Dr Xianyong Zhao (China)
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WG-FSA-2022/40 Mostrar menos información |
2022 Ross Sea shelf survey results J. Devine and M. Prasad
The time series of relative abundance and age structure from the Ross Sea shelf survey provides information about year class strength, variability, and autocorrelation, and hence is an important input into the Ross Sea stock assessment.
The objectives of the survey were to (i) continue monitoring trends in Antarctic toothfish ( Read More
Presentado por:
Mr Nathan Walker (Nueva Zelandia)
Aprobado por:
Mr Nathan Walker (Nueva Zelandia)
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5.2.2 |
WG-FSA-2022/41 Rev. 1 Mostrar menos información |
Proposal to continue the time series of research surveys to monitor abundance of Antarctic toothfish (Dissostichus mawsoni) in the southern Ross Sea, 2022/23-2024/25: Research Plan under CM 24-01 Delegation of New Zealand
This paper proposes a continuation of the Ross Sea shelf survey (RSSS) for three years from 2023–2025. The primary objective (1) of the survey is to monitor Antarctic toothfish recruitment in the southern Ross Sea. This would be a continuation of the annual time series of research surveys carried out since 2012 using a random stratified design. Continuing the time series is Read More
Presentado por:
Mr Nathan Walker (Nueva Zelandia)
Aprobado por:
Mr Nathan Walker (Nueva Zelandia)
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5.2.2 |
WG-FSA-2022/42 Mostrar menos información |
Update of skate tagging program in the Ross and Amundsen Sea regions B. Finucci and B. Moore
A 2-year programme was implemented in the 2019/20 and 2020/21 fishing seasons in the Ross Sea region to tag and release skates for population size estimation and to validate the thorn ageing method for Antarctic starry skate (Amblyraja georgiana). The program has been largely successful to date, with a total of 8990 skates tagged and released during the two fishing Read More
Presentado por:
Mr Nathan Walker (Nueva Zelandia)
Aprobado por:
Mr Nathan Walker (Nueva Zelandia)
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6.2 |
WG-FSA-2022/43 Mostrar menos información |
Update of age and growth validation of skates in the Ross Sea region using mark recapture B. Finucci, C. Maolagáin and J. Pompert
In the 2019/20 and 2020/21 fishing years, Antarctic starry skates (Amblyraja georgiana) were tagged with the antibiotic terramycin (oxytetracycline hydrochloride, OTC) or strontium chloride (SrCl2) for a mark-recapture programme established to estimate population size and validate caudal thorn ageing techniques. Of the 4900 tagged Read More
Presentado por:
Mr Nathan Walker (Nueva Zelandia)
Aprobado por:
Mr Nathan Walker (Nueva Zelandia)
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6.2 |
WG-FSA-2022/44 Mostrar menos información |
Report of the Workshop on the Ross Sea Data Collection Plan 2022 (Virtual Meeting, 11 and 12 August 2022) Workshop Co-Conveners (N. Walker and L. Ghigliotti)
The Workshop on the Ross Sea Data Collection Plan (WS-RSDCP) was held online from 11 to 12 August 2022. The Workshop was co-convened by Dr L. Ghigliotti (Italy) and Mr N. Walker (New Zealand) and supported by the CCAMLR Secretariat. Scientists from 11 Members attended the Workshop. Read More
Presentado por:
Mr Nathan Walker (Nueva Zelandia)
Aprobado por:
Mr Nathan Walker (Nueva Zelandia)
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3.2 |
WG-FSA-2022/45 Mostrar menos información |
Proposed medium-term research plan and data collection plan for the Ross Sea toothfish fishery J. Devine, M. Pinkerton, B. Moore, B. Finucci, A. Grüss, A. Dunn, J. Fenaughty, E. Pardo and N. Walker
The long-term goals of the Ross Sea fishery based on Article II of CCAMLR can be summarised as: the target fished population is above a level which ensures stable recruitment; the ecological relationships between harvested, dependent, and related populations are maintained; and, prevention of changes or minimisation of the risk of changes in the marine ecosystem that are not Read More
Presentado por:
Mr Nathan Walker (Nueva Zelandia)
Aprobado por:
Mr Nathan Walker (Nueva Zelandia)
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3.2 |
WG-FSA-2022/46 Mostrar menos información |
Review of progress against the medium-term research plan for the Ross Sea region toothfish fishery J. Devine, M. Pinkerton, B. Moore, B. Finucci, A. Grüss, A. Dunn, J. Fenaughty, E. Pardo and N. Walker
The aim of this paper is to review the management of the Ross Sea toothfish fishery and progress made under the 2014 medium-term research plan (MTRP). The paper focuses primarily on Antarctic toothfish, as catches of Patagonian toothfish are negligible, and covers Subarea 88.1 and Subarea 88.2 SSRUs 88.2A and B, including the linkages with the Amundsen Sea. We begin by summarising Read More
Presentado por:
Mr Nathan Walker (Nueva Zelandia)
Aprobado por:
Mr Nathan Walker (Nueva Zelandia)
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3.2 |
WG-FSA-2022/47 Mostrar menos información |
Monitoring by-catch species in the Ross Sea region toothfish fishery B. Moore, A. Grüss, M. Pinkerton and J. Devine
This paper provides a summary of trends in performance indicators, including catches, fishing effort, catch rates, fish size, sex ratios and fish body condition, for the main bycatch species/species groups in the longline fishery targeting Antarctic toothfish (Dissostichus mawsoni) in the Ross Sea region (RSR) (Subareas 88.1 and Small-Scale Research Units (SSRUs) 88.2A–B Read More
Presentado por:
Mr Nathan Walker (Nueva Zelandia)
Aprobado por:
Mr Nathan Walker (Nueva Zelandia)
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WG-FSA-2022/48 Mostrar menos información |
VAST (vector autoregressive spatio-temporal) modelling of macrourid relative abundance in the Ross Sea region to support by-catch management A. Grüss, B. Moore, M. Pinkerton and J. Devine
In this paper, we employ the VAST (vector autoregressive spatio-temporal) modelling approach to predict spatio-temporal changes in macrourid bycatch in the Ross Sea region (RSR) toothfish fishery. We re-estimated the VAST models for Macrourus whitsoni and M. caml presented to WG-SAM-2022, using catch rate data collected by scientific observers up to the 2021 Read More
Presentado por:
Mr Nathan Walker (Nueva Zelandia)
Aprobado por:
Mr Nathan Walker (Nueva Zelandia)
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6.1 |
WG-FSA-2022/49 Mostrar menos información |
Characterisation of the toothfish fishery in the Ross Sea region through 2021–22 A. McKenzie, J. Devine and A. Grüss
We summarise fishing catch and fishing effort in the Ross Sea region (Subarea 88.1 and Small-Scale Research Units (SSRUs) 88.2A-B)) together with biological characteristics of the catch of Antarctic toothfish (Dissostichus mawsoni) through the 2021–22 fishing season. The implementation of the Ross Sea region Marine Protected Area (RSrMPA) from 1st Read More
Presentado por:
Mr Nathan Walker (Nueva Zelandia)
Aprobado por:
Mr Nathan Walker (Nueva Zelandia)
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3.1 |
WG-FSA-2022/50 Mostrar menos información |
Summary of the toothfish fishery and tagging program in the Amundsen Sea region (small-scale research units 882C–H) to 2021/22 A. McKenzie, J. Devine and A. Grüss
The toothfish fishery in the Amundsen Sea region is operating under a research plan developed by the Scientific Committee in 2014 designed to provide data to support a two-area stock assessment model. The slope and shelf area within the Amundsen Sea (Small-Scale Research Units 882C-G) is showing improvements in tag recaptures within the four research blocks. Read More
Presentado por:
Mr Nathan Walker (Nueva Zelandia)
Aprobado por:
Mr Nathan Walker (Nueva Zelandia)
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3.1 |
WG-FSA-2022/52 Mostrar menos información |
Implementation of the CCAMLR Scheme of International Scientific Observation during 2021/22 and an update to commercial data forms and manuals. CCAMLR Secretariat
This paper provides a summary of deployment information for all observers on board vessels in the CCAMLR Convention Area appointed under the terms of SISO during the 2022 season, and an update on the development and implementation of commercial data forms and manuals.
Presentado por:
Mr Isaac Forster (Secretaría de la CCRVMA)
Aprobado por:
Dr David Agnew (Secretaría de la CCRVMA)
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WG-FSA-2022/53 Mostrar menos información |
A draft workplan to progress management strategy evaluations of the CCAMLR trend analysis rules A. Dunn, P. Ziegler, J. Devine and the CCAMLR Secretariat
A draft workplan to develop a Management Strategy Evaluation for the CCAMLR Trend Analysis Rules and alternative data-limited approaches for managing toothfish fisheries under research plans is presented for discussion by WG-FSA. We propose to develop models to simulate toothfish populations as a first step to testing how the management system performs relative Read More
Presentado por:
Dr Stephane Thanassekos (Secretaría de la CCRVMA)
Aprobado por:
Dr David Agnew (Secretaría de la CCRVMA)
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WG-FSA-2022/55 Mostrar menos información |
A tool for creating simulated survey outputs from longline data M. Kerr and T. Earl
This paper describes the continued development of a tool for generating simulated multiyear surveys from longline C2 data containing catch, effort and observer sampling observations, first described in WG-SAM 22/16. Following feedback from CCAMLR-SAM-22 additional features are described in this paper.
Read More
Presentado por:
Ms Georgia Robson (Reino Unido)
Aprobado por:
Dr Chris Darby
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4.2 |
WG-FSA-2022/56 Rev. 1 Mostrar menos información |
Fishery characterisation for Patagonian toothfish around South Georgia (Subarea 48.3) J. Marsh, T. Earl and C. Darby
This paper provides a summary of catch and effort in the Patagonian toothfish (Dissostichus eleginoides) fishery around South Georgia (Subarea 48.3), together with more detailed description of the biological characteristics of the catch of Patagonian toothfish between the 1995/96 and 2020/21 fishing seasons. The analysis and data summary provides the Read More
Presentado por:
Ms Georgia Robson (Reino Unido)
Aprobado por:
Dr Chris Darby
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4.2.1 |
WG-FSA-2022/57 Rev. 1 Mostrar menos información |
Assessment of Patagonian toothfish (Dissostichus eleginoides) in Subarea 48.3 T. Earl and L. Readdy
Assessment of the Patagonian toothfish (D. eleginoides) in Subarea 48.3 indicates that the current status of the stock is at 47% of B0. Projections indicate that a constant catch of 1,970 tonnes in the 2023 and 2024 seasons would be consistent with the CCAMLR decision rule after accounting for recent Read More
Presentado por:
Dr Timothy Earl (Reino Unido)
Aprobado por:
Dr Chris Darby
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WG-FSA-2022/58 Mostrar menos información |
Assessment of Patagonian toothfish (Dissostichus eleginoides) in Subarea 48.3: Assessment diagnostics T. Earl and L. Readdy
This paper presents the diagnostics associated with the CASAL 48.3 Patagonian toothfish assessment. The age raising diagnostic plots are show in Appendix 1.
Presentado por:
Dr Timothy Earl (Reino Unido)
Aprobado por:
Dr Chris Darby
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4.2.1 |
WG-FSA-2022/59 Mostrar menos información |
Maturity and growth estimates of Patagonian toothfish in Subarea 48.3 between 2009 to 2021 J. Marsh, T. Earl, P. Hollyman and C. Darby
This paper extends the work of Marsh et al. 2022 presented at WG-SAM-22 to compare the influence of two age datasets in the estimation of maturity at age and expected length at age of Patagonian toothfish (Dissostichus eleginoides) in Subarea 48.3. To provide coverage of the full length-class distribution of the catch in toothfish age data, methods for sampling Read More
Presentado por:
Ms Georgia Robson (Reino Unido)
Aprobado por:
Dr Chris Darby
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4.2 |
WG-FSA-2022/60 Mostrar menos información |
Preliminary tag-recapture based population assessment of Antarctic toothfish in Subarea 48.4 T. Earl, A. Riley and J. Marsh
The biomass of Antarctic toothfish (Dissostichus mawsoni) in CCAMLR Subarea 48.4 is estimated from tagging returns, giving a five-year average of 1,110 tonnes since 2018. Applying the CCAMLR agreed precautionary assumption of a 5-year average biomass, and harvest rate of γ = 0.038, implies a 2023 yield of 42 tonnes.
Read More
Presentado por:
Ms Georgia Robson (Reino Unido)
Aprobado por:
Dr Chris Darby
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4.2.3 |
WG-FSA-2022/61 Mostrar menos información |
Revised VME Taxa Classification Guide toothfish fishery – version 2 J. Devine, D. Tracey, S. Mills, D. Macpherson, D. Gordon and E. Mackay
Attached is a revised and updated CCAMLR VME Taxa Classification Guide.
We recommend that this revised VME Taxa Classification Guide replaces the existing guide as part of the information provided by CCAMLR for Technical Coordinators and Scientific Observers ( Read More
Presentado por:
Mr Nathan Walker (Nueva Zelandia)
Aprobado por:
Mr Nathan Walker (Nueva Zelandia)
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6.3 |
WG-FSA-2022/P01 Mostrar menos información |
Helminth diversity in teleost fishes from the South Orkney Islands region, West Antarctica T. Kuzmina, O. Salganskij, K. Vishnyakova, J. Ivanchikova, O. Lisitsyna, E. Korol and Y. Kuzmin
Helminths of 12 fish species collected near the South Orkney Islands, West Antarctica, were studied from December 2020 till March 2021 during the research trip on the Ukrainian krill fishing trawler “More Sodruzhestva” (CCAMLR statistical subarea 48.2). In the whole sample of 115 fish specimens, we identified one species of Monogenea, 5 species of Trematoda, 4 species of Read More
Presentado por:
Dr Kostiantyn Demianenko (Ucrania)
Aprobado por:
Dr Kostiantyn Demianenko (Ucrania)
Zoodiversity, 56 (2) (2022), doi:
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WG-FSA-2022/P02 Mostrar menos información |
Fatty acids linkage between mackerel icefish (Champsocephalus gunnari) and Antarctic krill (Euphausia superba) at South Georgia G.P. Zhu and J.Y. Zhu
Mackerel icefish, Champsocephalus gunnari, is a species of ecological and commercial importance and is the primary predator of Antarctic krill (Euphausia superba). Therefore, elucidating the trophic linkage between C. gunnari and its exclusive prey can provide a model for the trophic relationship between a predator and its prey in Read More
Presentado por:
Professor Guoping Zhu
Aprobado por:
Dr Xianyong Zhao (China)
Fish. Res., 253 (2022): 106366
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WG-FSA-2022/P03 Mostrar menos información |
Otolith shape as a tool for species identification of the grenadiers Macrourus caml and M. whitsoni B. Moore, S. Parker and M. Pinkerton
Accurate species identification of harvested fishes is a central, yet often overlooked, component of fishery monitoring. This study examined the efficacy of using otolith shape to differentiate between the morphologically similar grenadiers Macrourus caml and M. whitsoni and validate species identifications by fishery observers within and adjacent to the Ross Sea region, Antarctica. Otolith Read More
Presentado por:
Mr Nathan Walker (Nueva Zelandia)
Aprobado por:
Mr Nathan Walker (Nueva Zelandia)
Fish. Res., 253 (2022) 106370, doi:
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WG-FSA-2022/P04 Mostrar menos información |
Comparative biology of the grenadiers Macrourus caml and M. whitsoni in the Ross Sea region, Antarctica B. Moore, S. Parker, P. Marriott, C. Sutton and M. Pinkerton
The grenadiers Macrourus caml and M. whitsoni form a significant bycatch component of fisheries for Antarctic toothfish (Dissostichus mawsoni) in the Southern Ocean. A lack of species-level biological and catch data has to date hindered the development of quantitative assessments for these deepwater species. This paper examines species- and sex-specific life histories of M. caml andM. whitsoni Read More
Presentado por:
Mr Nathan Walker (Nueva Zelandia)
Aprobado por:
Mr Nathan Walker (Nueva Zelandia)
Front. Mar. Sci., 9: 968848, doi: 10.3389/fmars.2022.968848 (in press.)
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WG-FSA-2022/P05 Mostrar menos información |
Whale depredation in the South Georgia Patagonian toothfish (Dissostichus eleginoides) fishery in the South Atlantic: a comparison of estimation methods T. Earl, E. MacLeod, M. Söffker, N. Gasco, F. Massiot-Granier, P. Tixier and C. Darby
Removal of fish from gear by marine predators, known as depredation, is a fishery dependent mortality that needs to be included in stock assessments for affected stocks to avoid misestimation of the assessed resource. Toothed whales engage regularly in depredation from longlines, and while in some regions they leave clear marks of depredation activity, in the longline fisheries in the Southern Read More
Presentado por:
Ms Georgia Robson (Reino Unido)
Aprobado por:
Dr Chris Darby
ICES J. Mar. Sci., 78 (10) (2021): 3817–3833, doi:
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4.2 |
WG-SAM-2022/04 Mostrar menos información |
New research plan for the Dissostichus mawsoni exploratory fishery in East Antarctica (Divisions 58.4.1 and 58.4.2) from 2022/23 to 2025/26; Research plan under CM 21-02, paragraph 6(iii) Delegations of Australia, France, Japan, Republic of Korea and Spain
Exploratory fishing for Antarctic toothfish (Dissostichus mawsoni) in East Antarctica (Divisions 58.4.1 and 58.4.2) began in 2003. While preliminary integrated stock assessments have been developed for these Divisions, robust estimates of stock biomass and precautionary catch limits according to CCAMLR decision rules remain to be determined. Read More
Presentado por:
Dr Philippe Ziegler (Australia)
Aprobado por:
Dr Philippe Ziegler (Australia)
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5.1.2 |