WS-CC-2023/01 Mostrar menos información |
Evaluating climate change risks to Patagonian and Antarctic toothfish Cavanagh, R., O. Brunner, M.A. Collins, T. Earl, J. Freer, S. Hill, O. Hogg, P. Hollyman, H. Peat, M. Soeffker, S. Thorpe, C. Waluda and M. Whitelaw
This paper provides an overview of a new research project to evaluate climate change risks to toothfish in subareas 48.3 and 48.4. The CCAMLR Convention Area is one of the world’s most rapidly changing oceanic regions, with major impacts both observed and expected on marine ecosystems due to climate change and consequences for the conservation and management of marine living Read More
Presentado por:
Dr Martin Collins (Reino Unido)
Aprobado por:
Dr Martin Collins (Reino Unido)
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WS-CC-2023/02 Mostrar menos información |
Adaptation of fisheries management to climate change Handbook Fulton, E.A., E.I. van Putten, L.X.C. Dutra, J. Melbourne-Thomas, E. Ogier, L. Thomas, R.P. Murphy, I. Butler, D. Ghebrezgabhier, A.J. Hobday, N. Rayns
To help build resilience of fisheries and ecosystems in the face of climate change, the Australian Fisheries Management Authority, Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO) and the University of Tasmania have developed an adaptation planning handbook. This handbook is designed to guide fisheries managers, scientists and industry through a risk Read More
Presentado por:
Dr Philippe Ziegler (Australia)
Aprobado por:
Dr Philippe Ziegler (Australia)
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WS-CC-2023/03 Mostrar menos información |
An exploratory evaluation of forecasted changes in sea surface temperature and sea ice in the Domain 1 Marine Protected Area Krüger, L., F. Santa Cruz, L. Rebolledo and C.A. Cárdenas
In face of the fast climate changes occurring in the Antarctic Peninsula, inclusion of climate change scenarios within the process of designation of Marine Protected Areas and krill fishing management is important. We conducted an exploratory analysis to evaluate changes of sea surface temperature and sea ice within the proposed Domain 1 Marine Protected Area in projected Read More
Presentado por:
Dr Lucas Krüger (Chile)
Aprobado por:
Dr César Cárdenas (Chile)
Not Published
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WS-CC-2023/04 Mostrar menos información |
Climate change impacts vary with depth: what can be the consequences for pelagic ecosystems and for conservation ? Examples from the Southern Indian Ocean. Azarian, C., L. Bopp and F. d'Ovidio |
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WS-CC-2023/05 Mostrar menos información |
Potential implications of climate change on the Patagonian toothfish fisheries management Azarian, C., L. Bopp and F. d'Ovidio
Climate change can impact fish stocks through different processes with two main impacts for a given stock: the migration of the stock and the decrease of its biomass. In the case of Patagonian toothfish, it seems unlikely that migration will occur due to the Read More
Presentado por:
Mrs Clara Azarian
Aprobado por:
Dr Marc Eléaume (Francia)
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WS-CC-2023/06 Mostrar menos información |
Summary of recent climate change science discussions within CCAMLR (2015-present) Cavanagh, R., and E. Pardo
This paper briefly summarises recent (2015-present) climate change discussions within CCAMLR’s Scientific Committee, including some of the issues raised, approaches suggested and outcomes, to provide background information for the Workshop on Climate Change (WS-CC-2023). This summary does not intend to capture all climate change discussions and papers submitted Read More
Presentado por:
Mr Enrique Pardo (Nueva Zelandia)
Aprobado por:
Mr Nathan Walker (Nueva Zelandia)
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WS-CC-2023/07 Rev. 1 Mostrar menos información |
Turning the page on CCAMLR’s response to climate change ASOC
In this paper, ASOC revisits some of the recommendations it has made in recent years on climate change issues, with a focus on providing examples of potential spatial management actions, and the data information needs and flow required to implement climate change action. ASOC suggests that it is time to turn the page on CCAMLR response to climate Read More
Presentado por:
Ms Claire Christian
Aprobado por:
Ms Claire Christian
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WS-CC-2023/08 Mostrar menos información |
Predicting future fishable distribution of Antarctic toothfish (Dissostichus mawsoni), with implications for Marine Protected Areas in the Southern Ocean Konijnenberg, R., C. Nissen, C. Kraan, J.A. Caccavo, C.A. Cárdenas, M. Collins, T. Okuda, R. Sarralde Vizuete, P. Yates, P. Ziegler, K. Teschke
In this paper, we examine the effect of projected climate change on adult Dissostichus mawsoni in the Southern Ocean. We use General Boosted Regressions that account for both surface and bottom environmental conditions to estimate distributions under current and projected conditions for the 21st century under different Read More
Presentado por:
Dr Katharina Teschke (Alemania)
Aprobado por:
Professor Bettina Meyer (Alemania)
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WS-CC-2023/09 Mostrar menos información |
Carbon sink fishery: a climate change perspective in CCAMLR ecosystem based fishery management Ying, Y., L. Liu, X. Mu and X. Zhao
Climate change is an important issue for CCAMLR to conserve the marine living resources. Recent researches have shown that well-managed fishery can play an important role in promoting the carbon sink function of the ecosystem thereby alleviate the warming trend by absorbing more greenhouse gas CO2 in the atmosphere. This paper illustrated the Read More
Presentado por:
Dr Yi-Ping Ying (China)
Aprobado por:
Dr Xianyong Zhao (China)
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WS-CC-2023/10 Mostrar menos información |
The crabeater seal as a candidate species for climate change monitoring and the CCAMLR Ecosystem Monitoring Program (CEMP): East Antarctica monitoring program Labrousse, S., J-B. Charrassin, M. LaRue, L. Huckstadt and M. Eleaume
Antarctic marine ecosystems and the Southern Ocean are undergoing significant changes driven by climate-induced processes. These include increased CO2 absorption and ocean acidification, reduced sea ice extent, and rising ocean temperatures due to human-caused greenhouse gas emissions. These changes are impacting the entire Read More
Presentado por:
Dr Sara Labrousse (Francia)
Aprobado por:
Dr Marc Eléaume (Francia)
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WS-CC-2023/11 Mostrar menos información |
SCAR affiliated research activities relevant to the integration of climate change information into CCAMLR’s work program SCAR
This paper outlines key activities being undertaken by SCAR affiliated groups that may be of interest to the SC-CAMLR workshop on climate change, particularly in relation to the integration of scientific information on climate change and ecosystem interactions into CCAMLR’s work program. CCAMLR Members are encouraged to make specific requests for information from these Read More
Presentado por:
Dr Susie Grant (Reino Unido)
Aprobado por:
Angharad Downes
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WS-CC-2023/12 Rev. 1 Mostrar menos información |
Outcomes of the first Marine Ecosystem Assessment for the Southern Ocean (MEASO) useful to CCAMLR in developing science to support managing the effects of climate change SCAR and SCOR
The first Marine Ecosystem Assessment for the Southern Ocean (MEASO) is a core program of Integrating Climate and Ecosystem Dynamics of the Southern Ocean (ICED). The outcomes of MEASO are in a Frontiers Research Topic ( Read More
Presentado por:
Dr Susie Grant (Reino Unido)
Aprobado por:
Angharad Downes
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WS-CC-2023/13 Mostrar menos información |
Potential effects of climate variability and change on bycatch using Antarctic skates as a case study Finucci, B. and M. Pinkerton
Climate variability and change are likely already affecting Antarctic marine ecosystems, fish and fisheries, but monitoring these effects and predicting future trajectories of change is challenging. In this paper for the CCAMLR Climate Change Workshop, we present a summary of the likely effects of climate variability and change on Antarctic skates as a case study for bycatch Read More
Presentado por:
Mr Nathan Walker (Nueva Zelandia)
Aprobado por:
Mr Nathan Walker (Nueva Zelandia)
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WS-CC-2023/14 Mostrar menos información |
Summary of the IWC Climate Change Workshop Report related to the Southern Ocean and CCAMLR IWC
In November 2021 the IWC held a virtual workshop to consider climate change in the context of the conservation and management of cetaceans. Here we provide a brief overview of the main workshop discussions and its recommendations including a call for stronger collaboration between the IWC and CCAMLR.
Presentado por:
Dr Iain Staniland
Aprobado por:
Dr Iain Staniland
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WS-CC-2023/15 Mostrar menos información |
Taking climate change effects on benthos into account in CCAMLR Cummings, V., D. Lohrer et al.
Polar seafloor ecosystems are changing rapidly and dramatically, challenging previously held paradigms of extreme dynamical stability. Warming-related declines in polar sea ice are expected to alter fluxes of phytoplankton and under-ice algae to the seafloor. Coastal Antarctic regions are biodiverse and productive regions, covered in sea ice for much of the year. This land- Read More
Presentado por:
Mr Nathan Walker (Nueva Zelandia)
Aprobado por:
Mr Nathan Walker (Nueva Zelandia)
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WS-CC-2023/16 Mostrar menos información |
A Risk Assessment of Changing Climate on Antarctica and the Southern Ocean Bertler, N.A.N. and I. Hawes
Antarctica and Southern Ocean environments are changing rapidly in ways that are not always foreshadowed by model predictions. Using the examples of recent rapid reductions in sea ice areal cover and increased occurrence of extreme climate events, this paper recommends the development of an assessment of risk posed by possible changes to critical processes that fundamentally Read More
Presentado por:
Mr Nathan Walker (Nueva Zelandia)
Aprobado por:
Mr Nathan Walker (Nueva Zelandia)
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3.3 |
WS-CC-2023/17 Mostrar menos información |
Anticipating environmental and biogeochemical changes in the Southern Ocean using Earth System Models: the importance of evaluation Rickard, G., E. Behrens, A. Bahamondes Dominguez and M. Pinkerton
Earth System Models (ESM) are global climate simulation models that are widely used around the world to project future climate and oceanographic status to inform management and conservation. For the Ross Sea region (RSr), we summarise the results of a New Zealand study just published where the physical and biogeochemical performance of 16 CMIP-5 and 16 CMIP-6 (Coupled Model Read More
Presentado por:
Mr Nathan Walker (Nueva Zelandia)
Aprobado por:
Mr Nathan Walker (Nueva Zelandia)
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WS-CC-2023/18 Mostrar menos información |
Effects of climate variability and change on the recruitment of Antarctic toothfish in the Ross Sea region: the impact of sea-ice drift, ocean circulation, and prey resources Behrens, E., M. Pinkerton, G. Rickard, A. Grüss, C. Collins and I. Blixt
Recruitment is one of the key factors affecting productivity of harvested species and the catch levels set under CCAMLR decision rules. Climate variability and change have the potential to affect the recruitment of target species in the CCAMLR Convention Area, including Antarctic toothfish (Dissostichus mawsoni). Improving knowledge of the factors affecting Read More
Presentado por:
Mr Nathan Walker (Nueva Zelandia)
Aprobado por:
Mr Nathan Walker (Nueva Zelandia)
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3.3 |
WS-CC-2023/19 Mostrar menos información |
Environmental change in the Southern Ocean: observations, trends, bioregions and species-distribution models Pinkerton, M. and S. Halfter
Earth-observation satellites and models can provide powerful information on environmental variability and change in the Southern Ocean. “Essential Climate Variables” (ECVs) are physical, chemical and/or biological properties (or a group of linked variables) that critically contribute to the characterisation of the state of a natural system. Around the Antarctic, multi-decadal Read More
Presentado por:
Mr Nathan Walker (Nueva Zelandia)
Aprobado por:
Mr Nathan Walker (Nueva Zelandia)
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WS-CC-2023/20 Mostrar menos información |
Monitoring the effects of environmental variability and climate change on toothfish assessments Pinkerton, M., J. Devine, A. Dunn and S. Mormede
The effects of environmental variability and change on toothfish population dynamics and productivity are largely unknown and are difficult to predict given our current understanding of the Southern Ocean environment, species and ecosystems. In 2018 a preliminary method was endorsed by CCAMLR Scientific Committee whereby existing information from toothfish fisheries could be used Read More
Presentado por:
Mr Nathan Walker (Nueva Zelandia)
Aprobado por:
Mr Nathan Walker (Nueva Zelandia)
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WS-CC-2023/21 Mostrar menos información |
Approaches to incorporating climate change considerations into fisheries management in CCAMLR Earl, T., J. Pinnegar and M. Soeffker
In this paper we have highlighted and summarised how climate change and fisheries management can interact, and how climate variability and long-term environmental change can be considered in CCAMLR stock assessments and decision rules. Noting these findings, we propose some points for discussion regarding the further integration of climate change considerations into the Read More
Presentado por:
Dr Timothy Earl (Reino Unido)
Aprobado por:
Dr Martin Collins (Reino Unido)
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WS-CC-2023/22 Mostrar menos información |
Climate Genomics of Antarctic Toothfish (ClimGenAT) Caccavo, J.A., F. d'Ovidio and M. Gehlen
This working paper introduces the relevance, justification, and objectives of the project ClimGenAT, presenting novel tools to understand climate change impacts on species in the Southern Ocean, with a particular focus on Antarctic toothfish.
Presentado por:
Dr Jilda Caccavo (Francia)
Aprobado por:
Dr Marc Eléaume (Francia)
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WS-CC-2023/P01 Mostrar menos información |
Antarctic Extreme Events Delegation of the United Kingdom
Siegert et al. (2023) seeks to describe the kind of extreme environmental events that have been observed in Antarctica in recent years that are significantly different to the average ranges of variability across a variety of realms (ocean, atmosphere, cryosphere, biosphere etc). The paper considers the likely Read More
Presentado por:
Dr Martin Collins (Reino Unido)
Aprobado por:
Dr Martin Collins (Reino Unido)
Siegert, M.J., M.J. Bentley, A. Atkinson, T.J. Bracegirdle, P. Convey, B. Davies, R. Downie, A.E. Hogg, C. Holmes, K.A. Hughes, M.P. Meredith, N. Ross, J. Rumble and J. Wilkinson. 2023. Front. Environ. Sci., 11:1229283, doi: 10.3389/fenvs.2023.12292
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WS-CC-2023/P02 Mostrar menos información |
Climate drives long-term change in Antarctic Silverfish along the western Antarctic Peninsula Corso, A.D., D.K. Steinberg, S.E. Stammerjohn and E.J. Hilton
Over the last half of the 20th century, the western Antarctic Peninsula has been one of the most rapidly warming regions on Earth, leading to substantial reductions in regional sea ice coverage. These changes are modulated by atmospheric forcing, including the Amundsen Sea Low (ASL) pressure system. We utilized a novel 25-year (1993–2017) time series to model the effects of environmental Read More
Presentado por:
Dr George Watters (Estados Unidos de América)
Aprobado por:
Dr George Watters (Estados Unidos de América)
Corso, A.D., D.K. Steinberg, S.E. Stammerjohn and E.J. Hilton 2022. Climate drives long-term change in Antarctic Silverfish along the western Antarctic Peninsula. Commun. Biol., 5:104, doi: 10.1038/s42003-022-03042-3
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WS-CC-2023/P03 Mostrar menos información |
Managing for climate resilient fisheries ASOC
Climate change is having profound effects on populations of fished species and the ecosystems on which they depend, lending to a growing body of work that advocates for climate resilience to be a priority in fisheries management. A paper published in Ocean and Coastal Management in May 2023 provides a comprehensive analysis of the tools needed Read More
Presentado por:
Ms Claire Christian
Aprobado por:
Ms Claire Christian
Chavez-Molina, V., S.L. Becker, E. Carr, R.D. Cavanagh, D. Dorman, E. Nocito, Z. Sylvester, B. Wallace, C. White and C.M. Brooks. 2023. Ocean Coast. Manag., 239:106580, doi: 10.1016/j.ocecoaman.2023.106580
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