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    Full Name
    Groupe de travail chargé de l'évaluation des stocks de poissons
    Hobart, Australie
    Date/heure de début de réunion:
    Date/heure de fin de réunion:
    Dates limites de soumission
    lundi 24 septembre 2018 à 00:00 Australie/Hobart (Document de groupe de travail)
    Rapport de la réunion:


      Numéro du document Titre Point(s) de l'ordre du jour
      Plus d'infos
      Activités de pêche INN et tendances en 2017/18 et listes des navires INN
      Secrétariat de la CCAMLR
      Plus d'infos
      Plan de recherche et de suivi de l'aire marine protégée de la région de la mer de Ross
      A. Dunn, M. Vacchi et G. Watters (responsables)
      Plus d'infos
      Rapport des coresponsables de l'atelier CCAMLR pour l'élaboration d'une hypothèse sur la population de Dissostichus mawsoni de la zone 48 (du 19 au 21 février 2018, Berlin, Allemagne)
      Coresponsables : Chris Darby (Royaume-Uni) et Christopher Jones (États-Unis)
      SC-CAMLR-XXXVII/02 Rev. 1
      Plus d'infos
      Rapport de synthèse Examen de l'évaluation des stocks de légine indépendant de la CCAMLR (18–22 juin 2018, Norwich, Royaume-Uni)
      SC-CAMLR-XXXVII/BG/01 Rev. 4
      Plus d'infos
      Catches of target species in the Convention Area
      CCAMLR Secretariat
      Plus d'infos
      Marine debris and entanglements at Bird Island and King Edward Point, South Georgia, Signy Island, South Orkneys and Goudier Island, Antarctic Peninsula 2017/18
      C. Waluda
      Plus d'infos
      Efficiency of the multi-year research programs for the Dissostichus species exploratory fishery: comments on the multi-Member research in the East Antarctic (Division 58.4.1)
      Delegation of the Russian Federation
      Plus d'infos
      Analyses of ice conditions in the research area proposed by Ukraine for a multi-year Dissostichus research program in Statistical Subarea 48.1
      H. Pehlke, S. Hain, K. Teschke and T. Brey
      Plus d'infos
      On multi-year variability of the Patagonian toothfish (Dissostichus eleginoides) size composition in longline catches in the South Georgia maritime zone
      N.N. Kukharev and A.F. Petrov
      Plus d'infos
      Finding of a tag on toothfish from the stomach of Dissostichus mawsoni
      L. Pshenichnov and P. Zabroda
      Plus d'infos
      Brief report on the results of oceanological work of Ukrainian vessels in the CCAMLR area in the season 2017/18
      V. Paramonov and L. Pshenichnov
      Plus d'infos
      Hydroacoustic data obtained around Elephant Island and South Orkney Islands during austral summer 2018
      N.A. Alegría and P.M. Arana
      Plus d'infos
      Preliminary insights of Antarctic toothfish sub-adults life-history traits from the southern Weddell Sea (Subarea 48.5)
      M. La Mesa, F. Donato and E. Riginella
      Plus d'infos
      Managing the Ross Sea toothfish fisheries – A response to the consultation responses (COMM CIRC 18/39)
      CCAMLR Secretariat
      WG-FSA-18/08 Rev. 1
      Plus d'infos
      Informing the Working Group on Fish Stock Assessment about the revisions of the WSMPA proposal
      S. Hain, K. Teschke, H. Pehlke and T. Brey on behalf of the German Weddell Sea MPA project team
      Plus d'infos
      Implementation of by-catch move-on rules in exploratory fisheries
      CCAMLR Secretariat
      Plus d'infos
      Fish by-catch in the krill fishery: 2018 update
      CCAMLR Secretariat
      WG-FSA-18/11 Rev. 1
      Plus d'infos
      Implementation of the CCAMLR Scheme of International Scientific Observation during 2017/18
      CCAMLR Secretariat
      Plus d'infos
      Estimates of local biomass with uncertainty for Antarctic (Dissostichus mawsoni) and Patagonian (D. eleginoides) toothfish in research blocks in Subareas 48.6 and 58.4
      CCAMLR Secretariat
      WG-FSA-18/13 Rev. 1
      Plus d'infos
      Summary of incidental mortality associated with fishing activities collected in scientific observer and vessel data during the 2018 season
      CCAMLR Secretariat
      Plus d'infos
      Meta-analysis of catch reporting in CCAMLR exploratory fisheries
      CCAMLR Secretariat
      Plus d'infos
      Measurement of capacity in CCAMLR exploratory fisheries in Subareas 88.1 and 88.2: Secretariat update 2018
      CCAMLR Secretariat
      WG-FSA-18/16 Rev. 1
      Plus d'infos
      Research proposal for Dissostichus spp. in Subarea 88.3 by Ukraine in 2019
      Delegation of Ukraine
      Plus d'infos
      Analysis of gear loss by fishing vessels in the CCAMLR Convention Area as contribution to the marine debris program
      CCAMLR Secretariat
      Plus d'infos
      Report on the CCAMLR Marine Debris monitoring program: 2018 update
      CCAMLR Secretariat
      Plus d'infos
      Mesozooplankton distribution and community structure in the Pacific and Atlantic sectors of the Southern Ocean during austral summer 2017/18: a pilot study conducted from Ukrainian longliners
      E.A. Pakhomov, L.K. Pshenichnov, A. Krot, V. Paramonov, I. Slypkо and P. Zabroda
      WG-FSA-18/20 Rev. 1
      Plus d'infos
      Research proposal for Dissostichus spp. in Subarea 48.1 by Ukraine in 2019
      Delegation of Ukraine
      Plus d'infos
      Trophic niche of the Antarctic toothfish caught in SSRU 88.3 as inferred from fatty acids and stable isotopes
      C.-K. Kang, S.-G. Choi, H.Y. Kang, Y.-J. Lee, S. Chung and D.H. An
      Plus d'infos
      Depth and temperature preferences of Antarctica toothfish (Dissostichus mawsoni) from a pilot popup satellite archival tag study in the Mawson Sea
      C.H. Lam, S.-G. Choi, E. Kim, S. Chung, J. Lee and D.H. An
      Plus d'infos
      Report on recent French catches of sea pens (Pennatulacea) in Lena Bank (CCAMLR sector 58.4.4b)
      A. Martin, J. Blettery and M. Eléaume
      Plus d'infos
      Diet composition and feeding strategy of Antarctic toothfish, Dissostichus mawsoni in the research blocks 58 and 88 for the exploratory longline fishery in 2014–2018 of Korea
      G.W. Baeck, S.-G. Choi, S. Chung and D.H. An
      Plus d'infos
      Sharks by-catch observed on bottom longlines fishery off the Kerguelen Islands in 2006–2016, with a focus on Etmopterus viator
      C. Chazeau, S.P. Iglésias, N. Gasco, A. Martin and G. Duhamel
      Plus d'infos
      Preliminary tag-recapture based population assessment of Antarctic toothfish in Subarea 48.4
      T. Earl and A. Riley
      Plus d'infos
      Stock status and population assessment of the Antarctic starry skate (Amblyraja georgiana) in Subarea 48.3
      M. Söffker, N.D. Walker, M. Belchier and J. Ellis
      Plus d'infos
      Report on fish by-catch on exploratory fishing in Divisions 58.4.1 and 58.4.2
      C. Péron, P. Yates, D. Maschette, C. Chazeau, P. Ziegler, D. Welsford, N. Gasco and G. Duhamel
      Plus d'infos
      New C2 form project
      N. Gasco, C. Chazeau, A. Martin, P. Pruvost, C. Péron and G. Duhamel
      Plus d'infos
      Improving observer’s identification skills for better data quality through a phone application
      N. Gasco, A. Martin, C. Chazeau, C. Péron, P. Pruvost and G. Duhamel
      Plus d'infos
      Outline for year 3 of the 3-year longline survey to determine toothfish population connectivity between Subareas 48.2 and 48.4
      G. Robson, P. Hollyman and C. Darby
      WG-FSA-18/32 Rev. 1
      Plus d'infos
      Research program on study of life cycle, species composition, biology and resource potential of craboids (Anomura, Decapoda) in the Pacific Ocean Antarctic Area in 2018–2021 by the Russian Federation
      Delegation of the Russian Federation
      WG-FSA-18/33 Rev. 1
      Plus d'infos
      Research program to examine the life cycle and resource potential of Dissostichus species in the Special Research Zone within the Ross Sea region marine protected area (RSRMPA) in 2018–2027
      Delegation of the Russian Federation
      Plus d'infos
      Proposed continuation of a multi-Member longline survey on Antarctic toothfish (Dissostichus mawsoni) in Statistical Subarea 48.6 in 2018/19 by Japan, South Africa and Spain
      Delegations of Japan, South Africa and Spain
      Plus d'infos
      Preliminary results from the second year of a three-year survey into the connectivity of toothfish species in Subareas 48.2 and 48.4 – update to WG-SAM-18/30
      G. Robson, M. Söffker, E. MacLeod and P. Hollyman
      Plus d'infos
      Summary of the toothfish fishery and tagging program in the Amundsen Sea region (SSRUs 882C–H) to 2017/18
      S. Mormede and S. Parker
      Plus d'infos
      Progress towards an assessment of Antarctic toothfish (Dissostichus mawsoni) in Subarea 88.2 SSRUs 882C–H for the years 2002/03 to 2017/18 using a two-area model
      S. Mormede and S. Parker
      4.2.3, 4.1.3
      WG-FSA-18/38 Rev. 1
      Plus d'infos
      Proposal for a skate tagging program in the Ross Sea region to estimate the local biomass trend for starry skates (Amblyraja georgiana)
      S. Parker and M. Francis
      Plus d'infos
      Research results from the SPRFMO exploratory fishing program for Antarctic toothfish 2016 and 2017
      J.M. Fenaughty, M. Cryer and A. Dunn
      Plus d'infos
      Proposal for a winter longline survey of Antarctic toothfish in the northern region of Subareas 88.1 and 88.2
      Delegation of New Zealand
      Plus d'infos
      Proposal to continue the time series of research surveys to monitor abundance of Antarctic toothfish in the southern Ross Sea, 2018–2022
      S.M. Hanchet, K. Large, S.J. Parker, S. Mormede and A. Dunn
      Plus d'infos
      Revised joint research proposal for Dissostichus spp. in Subarea 88.3 by Korea and New Zealand
      Delegations of the Republic of Korea and New Zealand
      Plus d'infos
      A new method to produce high resolution maps of effort and catches in longline fisheries
      N. Gasco, C. Péron, C. Chazeau, A. Martin, P. Pruvost and G. Duhamel
      Plus d'infos
      Revised continuation proposal of a multi-Member longline survey on Patagonian toothfish (Dissostichus eleginoides) in Division 58.4.4b in 2018/19 by Japan and France
      Delegations of Japan and France
      Plus d'infos
      Spatial distribution and population structure of juvenile Antarctic toothfish (Dissostichus mawsoni) in the South Shetland Islands (Subarea 48.1)
      M. La Mesa, E. Riginella and C.D. Jones
      Plus d'infos
      Summary of the toothfish fishery and tagging program in the Ross Sea region (Subarea 88.1 and SSRUs 882A–B) through 2017/18
      S. Mormede and S. Parker
      Plus d'infos
      A comparative morphometric analysis of sagittal otoliths of three icefishes (Channichthyidae) in Antarctic waters
      G. Plaza, C. Rodríguez-Valentino and P.M. Arana
      WG-FSA-18/48 Rev. 1
      Plus d'infos
      Description of the tagging process and the development of a cradle for optimum landing and measuring of large fish followed by the Spanish F/V Tronio
      R. Sarralde, C. Heinecken and P. Lafite
      WG-FSA-18/49 Rev. 1
      Plus d'infos
      Progress report on the research for Dissostichus spp. in Subarea 48.2 by the Ukraine in 2015-2018 and notification of research in 2019
      Delegation of Ukraine
      Plus d'infos
      Annual report of research fishing operations at Division 58.4.3a in the 2017/18 fishing season
      Delegations of France and Japan
      Plus d'infos
      Preliminary report on invertebrate by-catch in research blocks 58.4.1, 58.4.2, 54.4.3a and 58.4.4b
      M. Eléaume, C. Chazeau, A. Martin and J. Blettery
      Plus d'infos
      Subarea 48.2 research and research proposals for 2019 – overview
      G. Robson, L. Pshenichnov, D. Marichev and C. Darby
      WG-FSA-18/53 Rev. 1
      Plus d'infos
      Information about tagged Patagonian toothfish (Dissostichus eleginoides) tagged in the CCAMLR Convention Area and recovered in the SIOFA management area by two Spanish vessels in 2017/18
      R. Sarralde and S. Barreiro
      WG-FSA-18/54 Rev. 1
      Plus d'infos
      Update of ongoing work on age and growth of Antarctic toothfish (Dissostichus mawsoni) from Division 58.4.1 by Australia and Spain
      L.J. López-Abellán, M.T.G. Santamaría, R. Sarralde, S. Barreiro, B. Farmer and T. Barnes
      Plus d'infos
      Estimates of abundance of Dissostichus eleginoides and Champsocephalus gunnari from the random stratified trawl survey in the waters surrounding Heard Island in Division 58.5.2 for 2018
      G. Nowara, T. Lamb and P. Ziegler
      Plus d'infos
      A preliminary assessment for mackerel icefish (Champsocephalus gunnari) in Division 58.5.2, based on results from the 2018 random stratified trawl survey
      D. Maschette and D. Welsford
      Plus d'infos
      Report on fishing effort and seabird interactions during the season extension trials in the longline fishery for Dissostichus eleginoides in Statistical Division 58.5.2
      T. Lamb
      WG-FSA-18/58 Rev. 1
      Plus d'infos
      Report on Dissostichus mawsoni exploratory fishery research in East Antarctica (Divisions 58.4.1 and 58.4.2) between the 2011/12 and 2017/18 fishing seasons
      P. Yates and P. Ziegler
      4.2.2, 4.1.3
      Plus d'infos
      Proposal for multi-Member research on the Dissostichus mawsoni exploratory fishery in East Antarctica (Divisions 58.4.1 and 58.4.2) from 2018/19 to 2021/22
      Delegations of Australia, France, Japan, Republic of Korea and Spain
      Plus d'infos
      Analyses of illegal, unreported and unregulated (IUU) fishing activities in Divisions 58.4.1 during the 2013/14 season and 58.4.3b during the 2014/15 season
      Delegation of Australia and CCAMLR Secretariat
      Plus d'infos
      Revised continuation proposal of multi-Member research on Patagonian toothfish (Dissostichus eleginoides) exploratory fishery in 2018/19 in Division 58.4.3a by France and Japan
      Delegations of France and Japan
      Plus d'infos
      Baited Remote Underwater Video (BRUV) system to monitor Antarctic toothfish distribution and abundance: pilot study results and future design
      D. Di Blasi, S. Canese, E. Carlig, L. Ghigliotti, S.J. Parker and M. Vacchi
      WG-FSA-18/63 Rev. 1
      Plus d'infos
      Indicative trends in by-catch of sharks in the CAMLR Convention Area
      C.D. Jones
      Plus d'infos
      Progress update on Antarctic toothfish inter-connectivity project
      D. Maschette, A. Polanowsk, B. Deagle, D.C. Welsford and P. Ziegler
      Plus d'infos
      Reproductive ecology of Antarctic toothfish, Dissostichus mawsoni (Norman, 1937) (Actinopterygii: Nototheniidae), in the Antarctic waters (SSRUs 58 and 88)
      J.-W. Kim, S.-G. Choi, S. Chung and D.H. An
      Plus d'infos
      Towards further development of stock assessment of stock abundance for Subarea 48.6 taking into account the developments since 2012 – a discussion paper
      Delegations of Japan and South Africa
      4.2.1, 4.1.3
      Plus d'infos
      Annual report of research fishing operations at Division 58.4.4b in the 2017/18 fishing season
      Delegations of Japan and France
      Plus d'infos
      Spatial pattern of major by-catch fishes at Division 58.4.4b during 2012/13–2016/17
      Delegations of Japan and France
      Plus d'infos
      Spatial pattern of major by-catch fishes at Division 58.4.3a during 2012/13–2016/17
      Delegations of Japan and France
      Plus d'infos
      Spatial pattern of major by-catch fishes at Subarea 48.6 during 2012/13–2016/17
      Delegations of Japan and South Africa
      Plus d'infos
      Annual report of research fishing operations at Subarea 48.6 in the 2017/18 fishing season
      Delegations of Japan and South Africa
      Plus d'infos
      Preliminary results of stock estimation for D. mawsoni using CASAL in the research block 48.6_2
      T. Okuda
      4.2.1, 4.1.3
      Plus d'infos
      Genetic analysis of skates (Amblyraja spp.) caught as by-catch around South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands
      W.P. Goodall-Copestake, S. Perez-Espona, P. Hollyman and M. Belchier
      Plus d'infos
      Ageing two myctophid fishes using otolith from king and macaroni penguins in the Marion Island and its implication to feeding preference of penguins on those myctophids
      M. Duan, G.P. Zhu, A. Makhado and L. Wei
      Plus d'infos
      Otolith chemistry reveals local population structure of Antarctic toothfish (Dissostichus mawsoni) within the CCAMLR Subarea 48.6
      L. Wei, G.P. Zhu, S. Somhlaba, X.Y. Yu and M. Duan
      Plus d'infos
      Fatty acids composition of spiny icefish Chaenodraco wilsoni in the Bransfield Strait and its implication to local food availability
      Q.Y. Yang, G.P. Zhu and K. Reid
      Plus d'infos
      New Antarctic deep-sea weird leech (Hirudinida: Piscicolidae): morphological features and phylogenetic relationships
      A. Utevsky and S. Utevsky
      WG-SAM-18/33 Rev. 1
      Plus d'infos
      Annex to WS-DmPH-18 report: Towards the development of a stock hypothesis for Antarctic toothfish (Dissostichus mawsoni) in Area 48
      M. Söffker, A. Riley, M. Belchier, K. Teschke, H. Pehlke, S. Somhlaba, J. Graham, T. Namba, C.D. van der Lingen, T. Okuda, C. Darby, O.T. Albert, O.A. Bergstad, P. Brtnik, J. Caccavo, A. Capurro, C. Dorey, L. Ghigliotti, S. Hain, C. Jones, S. Kasatkina, M. La Mesa, D. Marichev, E. Molloy, C. Papetti, L. Pshenichnov, K. Reid, M.M. Santos and D. Welsford

      Ordre du jour

      Développer Commentaires | Développer Document | Réduire

      1     Opening of the meeting
      1.1     Organisation of the meeting
      1.2     Subgroup organisation and coordination
      2.1     Data management
      2.2     Catch and effort data and biological observations from CCAMLR fisheries
      2.3     Fishery Report updates
      3     Review of updated stock assessments and provision of management advice (all fisheries)
      3.1     Champsocephalus gunnari
      3.1.1     C. gunnari Subarea 48.3
      3.1.2     C. gunnari Division 58.5.1
      3.2.1     Dissostichus spp. in Subarea 48.4
      4     Research to inform current or future assessments in ‘data-poor’ fisheries (e.g. new fisheries, activities in closed areas, areas with zero catch limits and in Subareas 48.6 and 58.4) notified under Conservation Measures 21-01, 21-02 and 24-01
      4.1     Generic issues
      4.1.4     Process for reviewing research proposals
      4.2     Management area research reviews and management advice
      4.2.1     Dissostichus spp. Area 48
      SC-CAMLR-XXXVII/01 Rapport des coresponsables de l'atelier CCAMLR pour l'élaboration d'une hypothèse sur la population de Dissostichus mawsoni de la zone 48 (du 19 au 21 février 2018, Berlin, Allemagne)
      Coresponsables : Chris Darby (Royaume-Uni) et Christopher Jones (États-Unis)
      WG-FSA-18/01 Analyses of ice conditions in the research area proposed by Ukraine for a multi-year Dissostichus research program in Statistical Subarea 48.1
      H. Pehlke, S. Hain, K. Teschke and T. Brey
      WG-FSA-18/06 Preliminary insights of Antarctic toothfish sub-adults life-history traits from the southern Weddell Sea (Subarea 48.5)
      M. La Mesa, F. Donato and E. Riginella
      WG-FSA-18/20 Rev. 1 Research proposal for Dissostichus spp. in Subarea 48.1 by Ukraine in 2019
      Delegation of Ukraine
      WG-FSA-18/31 Outline for year 3 of the 3-year longline survey to determine toothfish population connectivity between Subareas 48.2 and 48.4
      G. Robson, P. Hollyman and C. Darby
      WG-FSA-18/34 Proposed continuation of a multi-Member longline survey on Antarctic toothfish (Dissostichus mawsoni) in Statistical Subarea 48.6 in 2018/19 by Japan, South Africa and Spain
      Delegations of Japan, South Africa and Spain
      WG-FSA-18/35 Preliminary results from the second year of a three-year survey into the connectivity of toothfish species in Subareas 48.2 and 48.4 – update to WG-SAM-18/30
      G. Robson, M. Söffker, E. MacLeod and P. Hollyman
      WG-FSA-18/45 Spatial distribution and population structure of juvenile Antarctic toothfish (Dissostichus mawsoni) in the South Shetland Islands (Subarea 48.1)
      M. La Mesa, E. Riginella and C.D. Jones
      WG-FSA-18/49 Rev. 1 Progress report on the research for Dissostichus spp. in Subarea 48.2 by the Ukraine in 2015-2018 and notification of research in 2019
      Delegation of Ukraine
      WG-FSA-18/52 Subarea 48.2 research and research proposals for 2019 – overview
      G. Robson, L. Pshenichnov, D. Marichev and C. Darby
      WG-FSA-18/66 Towards further development of stock assessment of stock abundance for Subarea 48.6 taking into account the developments since 2012 – a discussion paper
      Delegations of Japan and South Africa
      WG-FSA-18/71 Annual report of research fishing operations at Subarea 48.6 in the 2017/18 fishing season
      Delegations of Japan and South Africa
      WG-FSA-18/72 Preliminary results of stock estimation for D. mawsoni using CASAL in the research block 48.6_2
      T. Okuda
      WG-FSA-18/75 Otolith chemistry reveals local population structure of Antarctic toothfish (Dissostichus mawsoni) within the CCAMLR Subarea 48.6
      L. Wei, G.P. Zhu, S. Somhlaba, X.Y. Yu and M. Duan
      WG-SAM-18/33 Rev. 1 Annex to WS-DmPH-18 report: Towards the development of a stock hypothesis for Antarctic toothfish (Dissostichus mawsoni) in Area 48
      M. Söffker, A. Riley, M. Belchier, K. Teschke, H. Pehlke, S. Somhlaba, J. Graham, T. Namba, C.D. van der Lingen, T. Okuda, C. Darby, O.T. Albert, O.A. Bergstad, P. Brtnik, J. Caccavo, A. Capurro, C. Dorey, L. Ghigliotti, S. Hain, C. Jones, S. Kasatkina, M. La Mesa, D. Marichev, E. Molloy, C. Papetti, L. Pshenichnov, K. Reid, M.M. Santos and D. Welsford
      4.2.2     Dissostichus spp. Area 58
      SC-CAMLR-XXXVII/BG/23 Efficiency of the multi-year research programs for the Dissostichus species exploratory fishery: comments on the multi-Member research in the East Antarctic (Division 58.4.1)
      Delegation of the Russian Federation
      WG-FSA-18/22 Depth and temperature preferences of Antarctica toothfish (Dissostichus mawsoni) from a pilot popup satellite archival tag study in the Mawson Sea
      C.H. Lam, S.-G. Choi, E. Kim, S. Chung, J. Lee and D.H. An
      WG-FSA-18/24 Diet composition and feeding strategy of Antarctic toothfish, Dissostichus mawsoni in the research blocks 58 and 88 for the exploratory longline fishery in 2014–2018 of Korea
      G.W. Baeck, S.-G. Choi, S. Chung and D.H. An
      WG-FSA-18/44 Revised continuation proposal of a multi-Member longline survey on Patagonian toothfish (Dissostichus eleginoides) in Division 58.4.4b in 2018/19 by Japan and France
      Delegations of Japan and France
      WG-FSA-18/50 Annual report of research fishing operations at Division 58.4.3a in the 2017/18 fishing season
      Delegations of France and Japan
      WG-FSA-18/54 Rev. 1 Update of ongoing work on age and growth of Antarctic toothfish (Dissostichus mawsoni) from Division 58.4.1 by Australia and Spain
      L.J. López-Abellán, M.T.G. Santamaría, R. Sarralde, S. Barreiro, B. Farmer and T. Barnes
      WG-FSA-18/58 Rev. 1 Report on Dissostichus mawsoni exploratory fishery research in East Antarctica (Divisions 58.4.1 and 58.4.2) between the 2011/12 and 2017/18 fishing seasons
      P. Yates and P. Ziegler
      WG-FSA-18/59 Proposal for multi-Member research on the Dissostichus mawsoni exploratory fishery in East Antarctica (Divisions 58.4.1 and 58.4.2) from 2018/19 to 2021/22
      Delegations of Australia, France, Japan, Republic of Korea and Spain
      WG-FSA-18/60 Analyses of illegal, unreported and unregulated (IUU) fishing activities in Divisions 58.4.1 during the 2013/14 season and 58.4.3b during the 2014/15 season
      Delegation of Australia and CCAMLR Secretariat
      WG-FSA-18/61 Revised continuation proposal of multi-Member research on Patagonian toothfish (Dissostichus eleginoides) exploratory fishery in 2018/19 in Division 58.4.3a by France and Japan
      Delegations of France and Japan
      WG-FSA-18/65 Reproductive ecology of Antarctic toothfish, Dissostichus mawsoni (Norman, 1937) (Actinopterygii: Nototheniidae), in the Antarctic waters (SSRUs 58 and 88)
      J.-W. Kim, S.-G. Choi, S. Chung and D.H. An
      WG-FSA-18/67 Annual report of research fishing operations at Division 58.4.4b in the 2017/18 fishing season
      Delegations of Japan and France
      4.2.3     D. mawsoni Area 88
      SC-CAMLR-XXXVI/20 Plan de recherche et de suivi de l'aire marine protégée de la région de la mer de Ross
      A. Dunn, M. Vacchi et G. Watters (responsables)
      WG-FSA-18/03 Finding of a tag on toothfish from the stomach of Dissostichus mawsoni
      L. Pshenichnov and P. Zabroda
      WG-FSA-18/07 Managing the Ross Sea toothfish fisheries – A response to the consultation responses (COMM CIRC 18/39)
      CCAMLR Secretariat
      WG-FSA-18/15 Measurement of capacity in CCAMLR exploratory fisheries in Subareas 88.1 and 88.2: Secretariat update 2018
      CCAMLR Secretariat
      WG-FSA-18/16 Rev. 1 Research proposal for Dissostichus spp. in Subarea 88.3 by Ukraine in 2019
      Delegation of Ukraine
      WG-FSA-18/21 Trophic niche of the Antarctic toothfish caught in SSRU 88.3 as inferred from fatty acids and stable isotopes
      C.-K. Kang, S.-G. Choi, H.Y. Kang, Y.-J. Lee, S. Chung and D.H. An
      WG-FSA-18/36 Summary of the toothfish fishery and tagging program in the Amundsen Sea region (SSRUs 882C–H) to 2017/18
      S. Mormede and S. Parker
      WG-FSA-18/37 Progress towards an assessment of Antarctic toothfish (Dissostichus mawsoni) in Subarea 88.2 SSRUs 882C–H for the years 2002/03 to 2017/18 using a two-area model
      S. Mormede and S. Parker
      WG-FSA-18/40 Proposal for a winter longline survey of Antarctic toothfish in the northern region of Subareas 88.1 and 88.2
      Delegation of New Zealand
      WG-FSA-18/41 Proposal to continue the time series of research surveys to monitor abundance of Antarctic toothfish in the southern Ross Sea, 2018–2022
      S.M. Hanchet, K. Large, S.J. Parker, S. Mormede and A. Dunn
      WG-FSA-18/42 Revised joint research proposal for Dissostichus spp. in Subarea 88.3 by Korea and New Zealand
      Delegations of the Republic of Korea and New Zealand
      WG-FSA-18/46 Summary of the toothfish fishery and tagging program in the Ross Sea region (Subarea 88.1 and SSRUs 882A–B) through 2017/18
      S. Mormede and S. Parker
      WG-FSA-18/62 Baited Remote Underwater Video (BRUV) system to monitor Antarctic toothfish distribution and abundance: pilot study results and future design
      D. Di Blasi, S. Canese, E. Carlig, L. Ghigliotti, S.J. Parker and M. Vacchi
      4.2.4     Other fisheries research
      WG-FSA-18/04 Brief report on the results of oceanological work of Ukrainian vessels in the CCAMLR area in the season 2017/18
      V. Paramonov and L. Pshenichnov
      WG-FSA-18/05 Hydroacoustic data obtained around Elephant Island and South Orkney Islands during austral summer 2018
      N.A. Alegría and P.M. Arana
      WG-FSA-18/19 Mesozooplankton distribution and community structure in the Pacific and Atlantic sectors of the Southern Ocean during austral summer 2017/18: a pilot study conducted from Ukrainian longliners
      E.A. Pakhomov, L.K. Pshenichnov, A. Krot, V. Paramonov, I. Slypkо and P. Zabroda
      WG-FSA-18/32 Rev. 1 Research program on study of life cycle, species composition, biology and resource potential of craboids (Anomura, Decapoda) in the Pacific Ocean Antarctic Area in 2018–2021 by the Russian Federation
      Delegation of the Russian Federation
      WG-FSA-18/33 Rev. 1 Research program to examine the life cycle and resource potential of Dissostichus species in the Special Research Zone within the Ross Sea region marine protected area (RSRMPA) in 2018–2027
      Delegation of the Russian Federation
      WG-FSA-18/39 Research results from the SPRFMO exploratory fishing program for Antarctic toothfish 2016 and 2017
      J.M. Fenaughty, M. Cryer and A. Dunn
      WG-FSA-18/47 A comparative morphometric analysis of sagittal otoliths of three icefishes (Channichthyidae) in Antarctic waters
      G. Plaza, C. Rodríguez-Valentino and P.M. Arana
      WG-FSA-18/53 Rev. 1 Information about tagged Patagonian toothfish (Dissostichus eleginoides) tagged in the CCAMLR Convention Area and recovered in the SIOFA management area by two Spanish vessels in 2017/18
      R. Sarralde and S. Barreiro
      WG-FSA-18/64 Progress update on Antarctic toothfish inter-connectivity project
      D. Maschette, A. Polanowsk, B. Deagle, D.C. Welsford and P. Ziegler
      5     Scheme of International Scientific Observation
      6     Non-target catch and ecosystem impacts of fishing
      6.1.2     Risk assessment methods for finfish by-catch
      6.3     Invertebrate by-catch and vulnerable marine ecosystems (VMEs)
      7     Future work
      7.1     Organisation of intersessional activities
      7.2     Notifications of other scientific research
      8     Other business
      WG-FSA-18/08 Rev. 1 Informing the Working Group on Fish Stock Assessment about the revisions of the WSMPA proposal
      S. Hain, K. Teschke, H. Pehlke and T. Brey on behalf of the German Weddell Sea MPA project team
      WG-FSA-18/29 New C2 form project
      N. Gasco, C. Chazeau, A. Martin, P. Pruvost, C. Péron and G. Duhamel
      WG-FSA-18/43 A new method to produce high resolution maps of effort and catches in longline fisheries
      N. Gasco, C. Péron, C. Chazeau, A. Martin, P. Pruvost and G. Duhamel
      WG-FSA-18/P01 New Antarctic deep-sea weird leech (Hirudinida: Piscicolidae): morphological features and phylogenetic relationships
      A. Utevsky and S. Utevsky
      9     Advice to Scientific Committee
      10     Adoption of the report and close of the meeting