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Commercial and Scientific Observer Tagging Manual Finfish Fisheries Version 2024

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Numéro du document:
Williamson, M and C. Heinecken
Soumis par:
Melanie Williamson (Afrique du Sud)
Approuvé par:
Sobahle Somhlaba (Afrique du Sud)

To support CCAMLR Members and their vessel crew and observers in implementing the tagging program, the CCAMLR Secretariat, in consultation with the Scientific Committee and its working groups, have revised and updated the original Toothfish and Skate Tagging Instructions (2013) transforming it into a manual format to better define best practice and guidance for tagging fish. This manual aims to standardise the tagging and recapture procedures for finfish fisheries operating in CCAMLR and should be provided to the vessel crew and observers prior to sailing. The manual is structured to outline Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs), followed by the reference criteria for best practice