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    Full Name
    Groupe de travail sur le contrôle et la gestion de l’écosystème
    Kochi, India
    Date/heure de début de réunion:
    Date/heure de fin de réunion:
    Dates limites de soumission
    lundi 19 juin 2023 à 09:00 Australie/Hobart (Document de groupe de travail)
    Rapport de la réunion:
    f-sc-42-a6.pdf (1.34 Mo)


      Numéro du document Titre Point(s) de l'ordre du jour
      Plus d'infos
      Élaborer des critères SMART, accompagnés de données de référence et de règles de décision, pour évaluer les AMP de la CCAMLR
      Délégation des États-Unis
      Plus d'infos
      Candidate SMART criteria, with baselines and decision rules, for the Ross Sea region Marine Protected Area
      G.M. Watters
      Plus d'infos
      Report on the annual Norwegian krill survey off the South Orkney Islands, 2023
      B.A. Krafft, R. Pedersen, G. Zhang, S. Menze, A. Rasmussen, H. Skaar, J. Dale, M. Biuw, C. Oosthuizen and A. Lowther
      Plus d'infos
      The impact of how the early life cycle is physically represented on the modelled transport and retention of Antarctic krill
      Z.T. Sylvester, M.S. Dinniman, K.S. Bernard, S.E. Thorpe, V. Pham, A.C. Williams and C.M. Brooks
      Plus d'infos
      CCAMLR’s revised krill fishery management approach in Subareas 48.1 to 48.4 as progressed from 2019 to 2022
      X. Zhao, M. Collins, G.M. Watters, P. Ziegler and the CCAMLR Secretariat
      Plus d'infos
      Spatial structuring in 0-group fish diversity in the Scotia Sea region of the Southern Ocean
      T. Dornan, T. Knutsen, B.A. Krafft, M. Kvalsund, A. Mateos-Rivera, G.A. Tarling, R. Wienerroither and S.L. Hill
      Plus d'infos
      Current krill sampling protocols followed by fishery observers undersample small krill and underestimate the proportion of juvenile krill caught
      D. Bahlburg, L. Hüppe and B. Meyer
      Plus d'infos
      Development of a Krill stock hypothesis (KSH) for CCAMLR Area 48 – Report of the online workshop of the SCAR Krill Expert Group (SKEG), 20 to 24 March 2023
      B. Meyer on behalf of the SKEG board and workshop participants
      Plus d'infos
      New Zealand research and monitoring in support of the Ross Sea region Marine Protected Area: 2022–2023 update
      M. Pinkerton, C.I.M. Adams, E. Behrens, J. Devine, R. Eisert, B. Finucci, A. Grüss, S. Halfter, I. Hawes, B. Moore, J. Mountjoy, E. Pardo, E. Robinson, N. Robinson, C. Stevens and D. Thompson
      Plus d'infos
      First observation of a skate egg case nursery in the Ross Sea
      B. Finucci, C. Chin, H.L. O’Neill, W.T. White and M.H. Pinkerton
      Plus d'infos
      Research vessel Tangaroa 2023 Ross Sea Antarctic voyage, 15 January – 23 February 2023
      J. Mountjoy and M. Pinkerton
      Plus d'infos
      Using the spatial population model (SPM) to assess the potential impacts of the Ross Sea region marine protected area for Antarctic toothfish (Dissostichus mawsoni)
      A. Grüss, M.H. Pinkerton, S. Mormede and J.A. Devine
      Plus d'infos
      On the issue of gear selectivity in relation to krill in the current CCAMLR topics
      S. Sergeev and S. Kasatkina
      Plus d'infos
      Comments on the management approach to krill fishery
      S. Kasatkina
      4.4.4, 5.3, 6
      Plus d'infos
      Intra- and interannual variability in seasonal sea ice and krill fishery in Subareas 48.1 and 48.2
      V. Shnar and S. Kasatkina
      Plus d'infos
      CCAMLR Marine Debris Monitoring Program, 2023
      CCAMLR Secretariat
      WG-EMM-2023/15 Rev. 1
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      Spatial distribution of the mesozooplankton community in the coastal polynyas of the Ross Sea region marine protected area (RSR MPA) during early summer
      S.-H. Kim, W. Son, J.-H. Kim and H.S. La
      Plus d'infos
      Preliminary steps for an atlas of macrozooplankton in the subantarctic Indian and in the South Indian Ocean
      P. Koubbi, M. Thellier, V. Djian, C. Merland and B. Leroy
      Plus d'infos
      Hydrologic regionalisation from Crozet to Kerguelen and subtropical southern Indian Ocean
      V. Djian, C. Cotté and P. Koubbi
      Plus d'infos
      Regionalisation of the physical and biogeochemical environment in the Southern Indian Ocean
      C. Merland, C. Azarian, F. d’Ovidio and C. Cotte
      Plus d'infos
      Atlas of mesopelagic fish in the sub-Antarctic Indian and in the South Indian Ocean
      P. Koubbi, V. Djian, M. Vacchi, C. L. Rintz, B. Leroy, A. Walters, B. Serandour, E. Tavernier and REPCCOAI scientists
      Plus d'infos
      Macrozooplankton from Crozet to Kerguelen and subtropical southern Indian Ocean
      V. Djian, C. Merland, M. Thellier, B. Leroy, C. Cotte, P. Koubbi and REPCCOAI scientists
      Plus d'infos
      Determining the distribution of Antarctic krill and krill-dependent predators at South Georgia (Subarea 48.3) during winter
      C. Liszka, S. Calderan, T. Dornan, S. Fielding, M. Goggins, J. Jackson, R. Leaper, P.A. Olson, N. Ratcliffe, K. Owen, R. Irvine and M.A. Collins
      6.1, 6.3
      Plus d'infos
      Observer sampling rates in the krill fishery
      CCAMLR Secretariat
      Plus d'infos
      Summary of CCAMLR Ecosystem Monitoring Program (CEMP) data holdings through the 2022/23 monitoring season
      CCAMLR Secretariat
      Plus d'infos
      Fish nest area in the southern Weddell Sea: Discussions and recommendations of CCAMLR-41 and a proposal for further action
      K. Teschke, R. Konijnenberg, P. Brtnik, L. Ghigliotti and M. Eléaume
      Plus d'infos
      British Antarctic Survey: Ecosystem Monitoring in Area 48 (2022/23)
      C. Waluda, S.E. Thorpe, T. Dornan, P. Hollyman, R. Saunders, A. Bennison, M. Dunn, J. Forcada, R.A. Phillips, N. Ratcliffe, G. Tarling and M.A. Collins
      5.1, 6.3, 5.2
      Plus d'infos
      Report of the second training course of Chilean scientific observers on the CCAMLR SISO Scheme
      F. Santa Cruz, L. Rebolledo, L. Krüger and C. Cárdenas
      Plus d'infos
      Tracking ecosystem changes in Western Antarctic Peninsula to inform CCAMLR decision-making: insights from the ongoing ecosystem monitoring programme in Ardley Island’s CEMP site
      A. Soutullo, A.L. Machado-Gaye and N. Zaldúa
      Plus d'infos
      Crash and learn? An evaluation of potential conservation threats to South Shetland Island Antarctic fur seals amidst precipitous population collapse
      D.J. Krause, R. Brownell, C.A. Bonin, S.M. Woodman, D. Shaftel and G.M. Watters
      Plus d'infos
      Baseline spatial data prior to the ecoregionalisation of the eastern sub-Antarctic region
      A.B. Makhado, J. Huggett, F. Dakwa, N. Mdluli, F. Shabangu, P. Koubbie, C. Cotté, F. d’Ovidio, V. Djian, E. Goberville, L. Izard, A. Kristiansen, B. Leroy, C. Merland, C. Ly Rintz, M. Thellier, D. Thibault, K. Delord, C. Bost, E. Tavernier, C. Azarian, K. Swadling, J. Melvin, J. Kitchener, L. Brokensha, M.-A. Lea and A. Walters
      Plus d'infos
      Towards higher predator ecoregionalisation of the pelagic zone in the sub-Antarctic and subtropical Indian Ocean
      R. Reisinger, A.B. Makhado, K. Delord, C. Bost and M.-A. Lea
      Plus d'infos
      Next results of oceanographic research carried out on Ukrainian longline vessels in the CCAMLR area at the season 2022/23
      V. Paramonov, L. Pshenichnov, R. Solod, A. Bazhan and P. Zabroda
      Plus d'infos
      Using two international synoptic surveys to test the predictive performance of krill habitat models in the Scotia Sea
      J. Freer, C. Liszka, S. Fielding, G. Tarling, S. Thorpe, S. Hill, B. Krafft and G. Macaulay
      Plus d'infos
      Evaluating sensitivity of the stock assessment tool for the Antarctic krill fishery to seasonal trends in natural and fishing mortality
      E.D. Johannessen, B.A. Krafft, C. Donovan, R. Wiff, B. Caneco and A. Lowther
      Plus d'infos
      Draft conservation measure for a Weddell Sea marine protected area – Phase 2
      Delegation of Norway
      Plus d'infos
      Seabirds assemblages, abundance and distribution in the African sector of the southern Indian Ocean
      A.B. Makhado, R. Reisinger, M. Masotla, S.M. Seakamela, F. Shabangu and F. Dakwa
      Plus d'infos
      Zooplankton communities near the Prince Edward Islands – recent progress from image analysis
      J.A. Huggett, N. Mdluli and D. Thibault
      Plus d'infos
      Searching spatial–temporal changes in intrinsic productivity of Antarctic krill (Euphausia superba) in a fishery management context
      M. Mardones, G. Watters and C. Cárdenas
      Plus d'infos
      Identifying prey capture events in chinstrap penguins using accelerometer data and deep learning
      S. Schoombie, L. Jeantet, M. Chimienti, G. Sutton, P. Pistorius, E. Dufourq, A. Lowther and C. Oosthuizen
      Plus d'infos
      Unreliable inferences about chinstrap penguin population trends: a statistical critique and reanalysis
      C. Oosthuizen, M. Christian, A. Makhado and M. Ngwenya
      Plus d'infos
      The CCAMLR Ecosystem Monitoring Program – discussion points for a one-day special focus topic
      C.M. Waluda, S.L. Hill and M.A. Collins
      Plus d'infos
      Monitoring Antarctic breeding flying seabirds with nest cameras – a consideration for extending CEMP
      L. Emmerson, A. Lashko, M. Salton and C. Southwell
      Plus d'infos
      Grym assessment parameters for Divisions 58.4.1 and 58.4.2 Euphausia superba populations
      D. Maschette, S. Wotherspoon, H. Murase and S. Kawaguchi
      Plus d'infos
      Land-based monitoring of Antarctic breeding seabirds for krill fisheries management across East Antarctica by the Australian Antarctic Program
      L. Emmerson, C. Southwell, S. Kawaguchi, N. Kelly and P. Ziegler
      Plus d'infos
      Assessing phylodiversity spatial patterns of Southern Ocean fauna for biodiversity conservation
      A. Kondratyeva and M. Eléaume
      Plus d'infos
      Scientific evidence in support of the draft conservation measure for a Weddell Sea marine protected area Phase 2
      Delegation of Norway
      Plus d'infos
      Applying the management strategy evaluation tool openMSE to the Antarctic krill fishery case
      E.D. Johannessen, B. Caneco, C. Donovan, R. Wiff and A. Lowther
      Plus d'infos
      Summary of the dedicated sighting survey under the Japanese Abundance and Stock structure Surveys in the Antarctic (JASS-A) in four austral summer seasons (2019/20–2022/23)
      T. Isoda, T. Katsumata, Y. Kim, H. Murase and K. Matsuoka
      Plus d'infos
      Improve the understanding of population connectivity of Antarctic krill in CCAMLR Area 48 through multidisciplinary research
      Y. Zhao, Y. Ying, X. Wang, K. Liu, X. Mu and X. Zhao
      Plus d'infos
      Large-scale pelagic acoustic ecoregionalisation in the eastern part of the sub-Antarctic region
      F.E. Dakwa, F. Shabangu, L. Izard and A.B. Makhado
      Plus d'infos
      First records of Chionodraco hamatus nesting at Silverfish Bay (Terra Nova Bay, Ross Sea)
      E. Carlig, D. Di Blasi, S. Canese, M. Vacchi, S. Grant and L. Ghigliotti
      Plus d'infos
      Comparison of the density and distribution of krill larvae during the summer seasons of 2019 and 2020 in contrast with salps densities in the Mar de la Flota/Bransfield Strait and Elephant Island surroundings
      E. Rombolá, M. Sierra, F. Capitanio, C. Franzosi, W. Carhuapoma Bernabé, B. Meyer, C. Reiss and E. Marschoff
      Plus d'infos
      Opportunities for IWC-CCAMLR collaboration to contribute to CCAMLR’s Revised Krill Fishery Management Approach
      N. Kelly, S. Parker, D. Maschette and C. Miller
      Plus d'infos
      Scientific use of the sailbuoy unmanned surface vehicle to monitor Antarctic krill
      S. Menze, G. Skaret and B.A. Krafft
      Plus d'infos
      Chilean operation in the Antarctic krill fishery, years 2021–2022
      P.M. Arana and R. Rolleri
      Plus d'infos
      Disentangling spatial and temporal patterns from multifrequency active acoustic data reveals pelagic structuring in the eastern sub-Antarctic region
      L. Izard, V. Djian, A. Kristiansen, E. Goberville and C. Cotté
      Plus d'infos
      Using CPR surveys to map distributions of trophically important subantarctic prey species
      K. Swadling, J. Huggett, L. Brokensha, E. Goberville, J. Melvin, J. Kitchener and P. Koubbi
      Plus d'infos
      Antarctic krill (Euphausia superba) catch weight estimated with a trawl-mounted echosounder during fishing
      B.A. Krafft, L.A. Krag, R. Pedersen, E. Ona and G. Macaulay
      Plus d'infos
      Distribution and biomass estimation of Antarctic krill (Euphausia superba) off the South Orkney Islands during 2011–2020
      G. Skaret, G.J. Macaulay, R. Pedersen, X. Wang, T.A. Klevjer, L.A. Krag and B.A. Krafft
      Plus d'infos
      Ross Sea Research Planning Meeting Oct 3–5 2022, University of Colorado Boulder
      S. Stammerjohn, C. Brooks, G. Ballard, A. DuVivier and M. LaRue
      Plus d'infos
      Sperm whales forage year-round in the Ross Sea region
      G. Giorli and M.H. Pinkerton
      Plus d'infos
      CRITTERBASE, a science-driven data warehouse for marine biota
      K. Teschke, C. Kraan, P. Kloss, H. Andresen, J. Beermann, D. Fiorentino, M. Gusky, M.L.S. Hansen, R. Konijnenberg, R. Koppe, H. Pehlke, D. Piepenburg, T. Sabbagh, A. Wrede, T. Brey and J. Dannheim
      Plus d'infos
      Decreasing Trends of Chinstrap Penguin Breeding Colonies in a Region of Major and Ongoing Rapid Environmental Changes Suggest Population Level Vulnerability
      L. Krüger
      Plus d'infos
      Contrasting environmental conditions precluded lower availability of Antarctic krill affecting breeding chinstrap penguins in the Antarctic Peninsula
      N. Salmerón, S. Belle, F. Santa Cruz, N. Alegria, J. Grohmann Finger, D. Corá, M.V. Petry, C. Hernández, C.A. Cárdenas and L. Krüger
      Plus d'infos
      Phenology-based adjustments improve population estimates of Antarctic breeding seabirds: the case of Cape petrels in East Antarctica
      K. Kliska, C. Southwell, M. Salton, R. Williams and L. Emmerson
      Plus d'infos
      Emerging evidence of resource limitation in an Antarctic seabird metapopulation after six decades of sustained population growth
      C. Southwell, S. Wotherspoon and L Emmerson
      Plus d'infos
      Environment-triggered demographic changes cascade and compound to propel a dramatic decline of an Antarctic seabird metapopulation
      L. Emmerson and C. Southwell
      Plus d'infos
      Casal2 assessment for Antarctic krill in Subarea 48.1: a pilot model
      D. Kinzey and G.M. Watters

      Ordre du jour

      Développer Commentaires | Développer Document | Réduire

      1     Introduction
      1.1     Opening of the meeting
      1.2     Adoption of the agenda
      2     Review Terms of Reference and workplan

      The Working Group will review the Terms of Reference (See SC-CAMLR-41, Annex 10 and the workplan set out in SC-CAMLR-41, Table 7).

      3     Krill fishery
      3.2     Scientific observation
      3.3     CPUE and spatial dynamics
      3.4     Fishing vessel surveys
      4.1     WG-ASAM advice and considerations on the krill management strategy (biomass survey designs, methods to use fishing fleets as monitoring platforms, data collection)
      4.2     WG-SAM advice and considerations on the krill management strategy (development of integrated stock assessment for krill)
      4.3     Develop methods to estimate biomass for krill
      4.3.1     Data collection needs (SISO (recognising Observer Workshop), vessels)
      4.3.2     Biomass estimation methods (Grym parameters for krill stock model)
      4.4     Develop stock assessments to implement decision rules for krill for subarea 48.1
      4.4.1     Synthesis of krill recruitment
      4.4.3     Biomass estimates
      4.4.4     Krill spatial overlap analysis
      4.5     Symposium on holistic approach to management in Subarea 48.1

      The Working Group will provide comment on the development of a symposium to progress holistic approach to management in Subarea 48.1 following discussion in the e-group (CAMLR-41, paragraph 4.18).

      5     Ecosystem monitoring and observation
      WG-EMM-2023/33 Next results of oceanographic research carried out on Ukrainian longline vessels in the CCAMLR area at the season 2022/23
      V. Paramonov, L. Pshenichnov, R. Solod, A. Bazhan and P. Zabroda
      WG-EMM-2023/40 Identifying prey capture events in chinstrap penguins using accelerometer data and deep learning
      S. Schoombie, L. Jeantet, M. Chimienti, G. Sutton, P. Pistorius, E. Dufourq, A. Lowther and C. Oosthuizen
      WG-EMM-2023/41 Unreliable inferences about chinstrap penguin population trends: a statistical critique and reanalysis
      C. Oosthuizen, M. Christian, A. Makhado and M. Ngwenya
      WG-EMM-2023/53 Comparison of the density and distribution of krill larvae during the summer seasons of 2019 and 2020 in contrast with salps densities in the Mar de la Flota/Bransfield Strait and Elephant Island surroundings
      E. Rombolá, M. Sierra, F. Capitanio, C. Franzosi, W. Carhuapoma Bernabé, B. Meyer, C. Reiss and E. Marschoff
      WG-EMM-2023/54 Opportunities for IWC-CCAMLR collaboration to contribute to CCAMLR’s Revised Krill Fishery Management Approach
      N. Kelly, S. Parker, D. Maschette and C. Miller
      WG-EMM-2023/P04 Sperm whales forage year-round in the Ross Sea region
      G. Giorli and M.H. Pinkerton
      WG-EMM-2023/P06 Decreasing Trends of Chinstrap Penguin Breeding Colonies in a Region of Major and Ongoing Rapid Environmental Changes Suggest Population Level Vulnerability
      L. Krüger
      WG-EMM-2023/P07 Contrasting environmental conditions precluded lower availability of Antarctic krill affecting breeding chinstrap penguins in the Antarctic Peninsula
      N. Salmerón, S. Belle, F. Santa Cruz, N. Alegria, J. Grohmann Finger, D. Corá, M.V. Petry, C. Hernández, C.A. Cárdenas and L. Krüger
      WG-EMM-2023/P08 Phenology-based adjustments improve population estimates of Antarctic breeding seabirds: the case of Cape petrels in East Antarctica
      K. Kliska, C. Southwell, M. Salton, R. Williams and L. Emmerson
      WG-EMM-2023/P09 Emerging evidence of resource limitation in an Antarctic seabird metapopulation after six decades of sustained population growth
      C. Southwell, S. Wotherspoon and L Emmerson
      WG-EMM-2023/P10 Environment-triggered demographic changes cascade and compound to propel a dramatic decline of an Antarctic seabird metapopulation
      L. Emmerson and C. Southwell
      5.1     CEMP monitoring (1-day focus topic)

      We will have a one-day special focus topic on CEMP (week 1) to begin a staged approach that aims to revise CEMP in a timely manner to complement the development of the krill management approach (SC-CAMLR-41 paragraphs 3.40 and 3.41).

      5.2     Other monitoring data (marine debris)
      5.3     Review of CCAMLR research and monitoring design and implementation
      6     Krill-based ecosystem interactions
      6.1     Krill biology, ecology and population dynamics
      WG-EMM-2023/22 Determining the distribution of Antarctic krill and krill-dependent predators at South Georgia (Subarea 48.3) during winter
      C. Liszka, S. Calderan, T. Dornan, S. Fielding, M. Goggins, J. Jackson, R. Leaper, P.A. Olson, N. Ratcliffe, K. Owen, R. Irvine and M.A. Collins
      WG-EMM-2023/34 Using two international synoptic surveys to test the predictive performance of krill habitat models in the Scotia Sea
      J. Freer, C. Liszka, S. Fielding, G. Tarling, S. Thorpe, S. Hill, B. Krafft and G. Macaulay
      6.2     Krill life-history parameters and population models
      6.3     Krill predator biology, ecology and population dynamics
      WG-EMM-2023/22 Determining the distribution of Antarctic krill and krill-dependent predators at South Georgia (Subarea 48.3) during winter
      C. Liszka, S. Calderan, T. Dornan, S. Fielding, M. Goggins, J. Jackson, R. Leaper, P.A. Olson, N. Ratcliffe, K. Owen, R. Irvine and M.A. Collins
      WG-EMM-2023/26 British Antarctic Survey: Ecosystem Monitoring in Area 48 (2022/23)
      C. Waluda, S.E. Thorpe, T. Dornan, P. Hollyman, R. Saunders, A. Bennison, M. Dunn, J. Forcada, R.A. Phillips, N. Ratcliffe, G. Tarling and M.A. Collins
      WG-EMM-2023/30 Crash and learn? An evaluation of potential conservation threats to South Shetland Island Antarctic fur seals amidst precipitous population collapse
      D.J. Krause, R. Brownell, C.A. Bonin, S.M. Woodman, D. Shaftel and G.M. Watters
      WG-EMM-2023/49 Summary of the dedicated sighting survey under the Japanese Abundance and Stock structure Surveys in the Antarctic (JASS-A) in four austral summer seasons (2019/20–2022/23)
      T. Isoda, T. Katsumata, Y. Kim, H. Murase and K. Matsuoka
      7.1     Data analysis supporting spatial management approaches in CCAMLR
      WG-EMM-2023/04 Spatial structuring in 0-group fish diversity in the Scotia Sea region of the Southern Ocean
      T. Dornan, T. Knutsen, B.A. Krafft, M. Kvalsund, A. Mateos-Rivera, G.A. Tarling, R. Wienerroither and S.L. Hill
      WG-EMM-2023/10 Using the spatial population model (SPM) to assess the potential impacts of the Ross Sea region marine protected area for Antarctic toothfish (Dissostichus mawsoni)
      A. Grüss, M.H. Pinkerton, S. Mormede and J.A. Devine
      WG-EMM-2023/16 Preliminary steps for an atlas of macrozooplankton in the subantarctic Indian and in the South Indian Ocean
      P. Koubbi, M. Thellier, V. Djian, C. Merland and B. Leroy
      WG-EMM-2023/17 Hydrologic regionalisation from Crozet to Kerguelen and subtropical southern Indian Ocean
      V. Djian, C. Cotté and P. Koubbi
      WG-EMM-2023/18 Regionalisation of the physical and biogeochemical environment in the Southern Indian Ocean
      C. Merland, C. Azarian, F. d’Ovidio and C. Cotte
      WG-EMM-2023/20 Atlas of mesopelagic fish in the sub-Antarctic Indian and in the South Indian Ocean
      P. Koubbi, V. Djian, M. Vacchi, C. L. Rintz, B. Leroy, A. Walters, B. Serandour, E. Tavernier and REPCCOAI scientists
      WG-EMM-2023/21 Macrozooplankton from Crozet to Kerguelen and subtropical southern Indian Ocean
      V. Djian, C. Merland, M. Thellier, B. Leroy, C. Cotte, P. Koubbi and REPCCOAI scientists
      WG-EMM-2023/31 Baseline spatial data prior to the ecoregionalisation of the eastern sub-Antarctic region
      A.B. Makhado, J. Huggett, F. Dakwa, N. Mdluli, F. Shabangu, P. Koubbie, C. Cotté, F. d’Ovidio, V. Djian, E. Goberville, L. Izard, A. Kristiansen, B. Leroy, C. Merland, C. Ly Rintz, M. Thellier, D. Thibault, K. Delord, C. Bost, E. Tavernier, C. Azarian, K. Swadling, J. Melvin, J. Kitchener, L. Brokensha, M.-A. Lea and A. Walters
      WG-EMM-2023/32 Towards higher predator ecoregionalisation of the pelagic zone in the sub-Antarctic and subtropical Indian Ocean
      R. Reisinger, A.B. Makhado, K. Delord, C. Bost and M.-A. Lea
      WG-EMM-2023/37 Seabirds assemblages, abundance and distribution in the African sector of the southern Indian Ocean
      A.B. Makhado, R. Reisinger, M. Masotla, S.M. Seakamela, F. Shabangu and F. Dakwa
      WG-EMM-2023/38 Zooplankton communities near the Prince Edward Islands – recent progress from image analysis
      J.A. Huggett, N. Mdluli and D. Thibault
      WG-EMM-2023/46 Assessing phylodiversity spatial patterns of Southern Ocean fauna for biodiversity conservation
      A. Kondratyeva and M. Eléaume
      WG-EMM-2023/51 Large-scale pelagic acoustic ecoregionalisation in the eastern part of the sub-Antarctic region
      F.E. Dakwa, F. Shabangu, L. Izard and A.B. Makhado
      WG-EMM-2023/57 Disentangling spatial and temporal patterns from multifrequency active acoustic data reveals pelagic structuring in the eastern sub-Antarctic region
      L. Izard, V. Djian, A. Kristiansen, E. Goberville and C. Cotté
      WG-EMM-2023/58 Using CPR surveys to map distributions of trophically important subantarctic prey species
      K. Swadling, J. Huggett, L. Brokensha, E. Goberville, J. Melvin, J. Kitchener and P. Koubbi
      WG-EMM-2023/P01 Antarctic krill (Euphausia superba) catch weight estimated with a trawl-mounted echosounder during fishing
      B.A. Krafft, L.A. Krag, R. Pedersen, E. Ona and G. Macaulay
      7.2     Integration of existing measures in spatial management approaches
      7.3     Research and monitoring plans for MPAs
      CCAMLR-SM-III/12 Élaborer des critères SMART, accompagnés de données de référence et de règles de décision, pour évaluer les AMP de la CCAMLR
      Délégation des États-Unis
      CCAMLR-SM-III/BG/01 Candidate SMART criteria, with baselines and decision rules, for the Ross Sea region Marine Protected Area
      G.M. Watters
      WG-EMM-2023/07 New Zealand research and monitoring in support of the Ross Sea region Marine Protected Area: 2022–2023 update
      M. Pinkerton, C.I.M. Adams, E. Behrens, J. Devine, R. Eisert, B. Finucci, A. Grüss, S. Halfter, I. Hawes, B. Moore, J. Mountjoy, E. Pardo, E. Robinson, N. Robinson, C. Stevens and D. Thompson
      WG-EMM-2023/15 Rev. 1 Spatial distribution of the mesozooplankton community in the coastal polynyas of the Ross Sea region marine protected area (RSR MPA) during early summer
      S.-H. Kim, W. Son, J.-H. Kim and H.S. La
      WG-EMM-2023/P03 Ross Sea Research Planning Meeting Oct 3–5 2022, University of Colorado Boulder
      S. Stammerjohn, C. Brooks, G. Ballard, A. DuVivier and M. LaRue
      WG-EMM-2023/P05 CRITTERBASE, a science-driven data warehouse for marine biota
      K. Teschke, C. Kraan, P. Kloss, H. Andresen, J. Beermann, D. Fiorentino, M. Gusky, M.L.S. Hansen, R. Konijnenberg, R. Koppe, H. Pehlke, D. Piepenburg, T. Sabbagh, A. Wrede, T. Brey and J. Dannheim
      7.4     VME data and spatial planning approaches
      WG-EMM-2023/08 First observation of a skate egg case nursery in the Ross Sea
      B. Finucci, C. Chin, H.L. O’Neill, W.T. White and M.H. Pinkerton
      WG-EMM-2023/25 Fish nest area in the southern Weddell Sea: Discussions and recommendations of CCAMLR-41 and a proposal for further action
      K. Teschke, R. Konijnenberg, P. Brtnik, L. Ghigliotti and M. Eléaume
      WG-EMM-2023/52 First records of Chionodraco hamatus nesting at Silverfish Bay (Terra Nova Bay, Ross Sea)
      E. Carlig, D. Di Blasi, S. Canese, M. Vacchi, S. Grant and L. Ghigliotti
      8     Climate change and associated research and monitoring
      9     Other business
      10     Future work

      The Working Group will consider the workplan in SC-CAMLR-41, Table 9, and identify any reprioritisation or revision for discussion by the Scientific Committee.

      11     Advice to the Scientific Committee and its working groups
      12     Adoption of the report and close of the meeting.