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Updated biological parameters of Dissostichus mawsoni at Subarea 48.6

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Numéro du document:
T. Okuda and R. Sarralde Vizuete
Soumis par:
Takehiro Okuda (Japon)
Approuvé par:
Doro Forck (Secrétariat de la CCAMLR)
Point(s) de l'ordre du jour

To achieve the milestone “Updating biological parameters for the population, suitable for inclusion in CASAL: Age Length Key (ALK), growth curves, maturity ogives” (SC-CAMLR-37 Report, para 3.130), this paper represents the updated length-weight relationship, growth curve, ALK, and maturity ogives as biological parameters of Dissostichus mawsoni at Subarea 48.6 up to the 2017/18 fishing season collected from a collaborative research program among Japan, South Africa, and Spain.

Due to the lack of sufficient aging data, it is not possible at present to calculate annual and sex-specific growth curve, ALK, and maturity ogive. Continuing both data collection and otolith aging will lead to the implementation of CASAL stock assessment with rich biological information.