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    Moving forward, not backward, with krill fishery management

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    Submitted by ASOC
    Представлено (имя):
    Ms Claire Christian (АСОК)
    Утверждено (имя):
    Ms Claire Christian (АСОК)

    2021 is a critical year for the management of the Antarctic krill fishery, which is expanding even as climate impacts on krill habitat increase. CCAMLR must continue its efforts to complete the agreed krill work plan and develop a new science-based CM to replace 51-07 as soon as possible, but meanwhile must prevent a situation this year in which 51-07 lapses completely. ASOC therefore recommends that:


    • SC-CAMLR completes the krill work plan agreed in 2019 —including the biomass estimate, stock assessment, and risk assessment, and CCAMLR subsequently agrees on a new, improved conservation measure replacing CM 51-07.
    • CCAMLR renews CM 51-07 if a new CM cannot be agreed this year, so that the SC can complete the agreed krill work plan and formulate a new CM.
    • CCAMLR avoids the complete lapse of CM 51-07 as reversion to management under CM 51-01 alone would be irresponsible given that the combined impacts on the ecosystem of climate change and concentrated fishing are already of concern.