CCAMLR-XV/01 Подробнее |
Provisional agenda for the Fifteenth Meeting of the Commission for the Conservation of Antarctic Marine Living Resources |
CCAMLR-XV/02 Подробнее |
Annotated provisional agenda for the Fifteenth Meeting of the Commission for the Conservation of Antarctic Marine Living Resources |
CCAMLR-XV/03 Подробнее |
Examination of the audited financial statements for 1995 Исполнительный секретарь |
CCAMLR-XV/04 Подробнее |
Review of the 1996 budget, draft 1997 budget and forecast 1998 budget Исполнительный секретарь |
CCAMLR-XV/05 Подробнее |
Dissemination of CCAMLR publications Секретариат |
CCAMLR-XV/06 Подробнее |
Review of formula for calculating Members’ contributions Секретариат |
CCAMLR-XV/07 Подробнее |
Notification of the intention of the Republic of Korea and the United Kingdom to initiate a new fishery |
CCAMLR-XV/08 Rev. 1 Подробнее |
Notification of New Zealand’s intention to initiate a new fishery |
CCAMLR-XV/09 Подробнее |
Notification of Australia’s intention to initiate a new fishery |
CCAMLR-XV/10 Rev. 1 Подробнее |
Notification of Norway’s intention to initiate a new fishery |
CCAMLR-XV/11 Подробнее |
Notification of South Africa’s intention to initiate new fisheries |
CCAMLR-XV/12 Rev. 1 Подробнее |
The relevance to CCAMLR of the UN Agreement relating to the Conservation and Management of Straddling Fish Stocks and Highly Migratory Fish Stocks |
CCAMLR-XV/13 Подробнее |
A proposal for publication of a seabird identification manual |
CCAMLR-XV/14 Подробнее |
Specially Protected Areas (SPAs) and Sites of Special Scientific Interest (SSSIs) comprising a marine area |
CCAMLR-XV/15 Подробнее |
Publication of CCAMLR Science Исполнительный секретарь |
CCAMLR-XV/16 Rev. 1 Подробнее |
Summary of inspections Секретариат |
CCAMLR-XV/17 Подробнее |
The Kyoto Declaration and Plan of Action on the Sustainable Contribution of Fisheries to Food Security Секретариат |
CCAMLR-XV/18 Подробнее |
Report on illegal fishing |
CCAMLR-XV/19 Подробнее |
Redefining the boundary between Divisions 58.5.1 and 58.5.2 |
CCAMLR-XV/20 Rev. 1 Подробнее |
Proposed management audit of the CCAMLR Secretariat |
CCAMLR-XV/21 Подробнее |
Summary of the report presented by the Chilean Delegation to the XV CCAMLR Meeting
‘Consideration of the implementation of the objective of the Convention: problems and alternative solutions’ |
CCAMLR-XV/22 Подробнее |
Considerations on the fulfilment of CCAMLR’S objective: problems and solution alternatives - Chile and CCAMLR |
CCAMLR-XV/23 Подробнее |
Report of the Standing Committee on Observation and Inspection (SCOI) |
CCAMLR-XV/24 Подробнее |
Communication policy to non-Member States related to irregular fishing with regard to CCAMLR rules: proposed resolution by the Chairman (CCAMLR-XV/23, paragraph 1.49) |
CCAMLR-XV/25 Подробнее |
Proposed vessel notification and vessel monitoring systems: legal basis |
CCAMLR-XV/26 Подробнее |
Report of the Standing Committee on Administration and Finance (SCAF) |
CCAMLR-XV/27 Подробнее |
Consideration of the implementation of the objective of the Convention: problems and alternative solutions. Brief report |
CCAMLR-XV/BG/03 Подробнее |
Report of the CCAMLR Observer at the 35th South Pacific Conference, Noumea, New Caledonia (26 and 27 October 1995) CCAMLR Observer (France) |
CCAMLR-XV/BG/04 Подробнее |
Beach debris survey - Main Bay, Bird Island, South Georgia 1994/95 Delegation of the United Kingdom
The fifth year of survey of beach debris at Main Bay, Bird Island reported a 3-fold increase in overall debris levels (725 items reported in 1994/95 compared with 225 items in 1993/94). Debris accumulated throughout the summer accounted for 33% of the total (three times the summer proportion in 1993/94). Of the 67% of debris occurring during the winter, 43 % occurred during July. Nylon line, Read More
Представлено (имя):
Admin Admin (Секретариат АНТКОМ)
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CCAMLR-XV/BG/05 Подробнее |
Marine debris surveys at Bird Island, South Georgia 1990 to 1995 Delegation of the United Kingdom
The Antarctic marine environment has relatively few direct sources of man-made marine debris; however, there is concern over the dangers posed to wildlife by increasing amounts of such debris. Between 1990 and 1995 beached debris was monitored at Bird Island, South Georgia. This was part of a programme developed by the Commission for the Conservation of Antarctic Marine Living Resources ( Read More
Представлено (имя):
Admin Admin (Секретариат АНТКОМ)
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CCAMLR-XV/BG/06 Подробнее |
Report on assessment and avoidance of incidental mortality in the Convention Area 1995/96 United Kingdom |
CCAMLR-XV/BG/07 Подробнее |
Statement by the CCAMLR Observer at the XXth ATCM Executive Secretary |
CCAMLR-XV/BG/08 Подробнее |
Report of the CCAMLR Observer at the XXth ATCM Executive Secretary |
CCAMLR-XV/BG/09 Подробнее |
Report of the 48th Annual Meeting of the IWC CCAMLR Observer (United Kingdom) |
CCAMLR-XV/BG/1 Rev. 1 Подробнее |
List of documents |
CCAMLR-XV/BG/10 Rev. 1 Подробнее |
IUCN resolution on seabird by-catch in longline fisheries Submitted by IUCN |
CCAMLR-XV/BG/11 Подробнее |
Report on assessment and avoidance of incidental mortality in the Convention Area 1995/96 South Africa |
CCAMLR-XV/BG/12 Подробнее |
Report on assessment and avoidance of incidental mortality in the Convention Area 1995/96 Japan |
CCAMLR-XV/BG/13 Подробнее |
Report on assessment and avoidance of incidental mortality in the Convention Area 1995/96 Republic of Korea |
CCAMLR-XV/BG/14 Подробнее |
Report of the Fourteenth Annual Meeting of the International Commission for the Conservation of Atlantic Tunas (ICCAT) CCAMLR Observer (Spain) |
CCAMLR-XV/BG/15 Подробнее |
Procedures to deal with draft atcm management plans for Antarctic Specially Managed and Specially Protected Areas Secretariat |
CCAMLR-XV/BG/16 Подробнее |
Beach litter survey - Signy Island, South Orkney Islands 1995/96 Delegation of the United Kingdom
A beach litter survey was carried out on Signy Island, South Orkney Islands during the 1995/96 austral summer. Similar surveys have been conducted during the previous five summers. Debris was cleared from three study beaches, Foca Cove, Cummings Cove and Starfish Cove, in January and February 1996 and items were identified. counted, weighed and any clues regarding their origin noted. No other Read More
Представлено (имя):
Admin Admin (Секретариат АНТКОМ)
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CCAMLR-XV/BG/17 Подробнее |
Implementation of conservation measures in 1995/96 Secretariat |
CCAMLR-XV/BG/18 Подробнее |
South African fishing vessel monitoring system Delegation of South Africa |
CCAMLR-XV/BG/19 Подробнее |
Satellite monitoring systems - outline of investigations conducted on the introduction of VMS in South Africa Delegation of South Africa |
CCAMLR-XV/BG/2 Rev. 1 Подробнее |
List of participants |
CCAMLR-XV/BG/20 Подробнее |
Expression of interest from the Republic of Namibia in participating in the work of CCAMLR Secretariat |
CCAMLR-XV/BG/21 Подробнее |
Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission (of UNESCO), Twenty-ninth Session of the Executive Council, Paris, 24 September - 4 October 1996: executive summary |
CCAMLR-XV/BG/22 Подробнее |
Pilot project satellite monitoring in fishery - final report Delegation of Germany |
CCAMLR-XV/BG/23 Подробнее |
Vacant |
CCAMLR-XV/BG/24 Подробнее |
Information note on the establishment of a satellite-based vessel monitoring system Delegation of the European Community |
CCAMLR-XV/BG/25 Подробнее |
Calendar of international meetings 1996/97 Secretariat |
CCAMLR-XV/BG/26 Подробнее |
Report on assessment and avoidance of incidental mortality in the Convention Area 1995/96 United States of America |
CCAMLR-XV/BG/27 Подробнее |
Monitoring results of marine debris at Cape Shirreff, Livingston Island during the 1995/96 Antarctic season Delegation of Chile
The principal results of the monitoring survey on marine debris carried out at Cape Shirreff, Livingston Island, during the Antarctic season 1995/96 is given.
During the present survey a total of 4 251 articles with a total weight of 65.8 kg were obtained. As occurred in previous seasons, the plastic was the principal item (4 015 pieces) with a 94.45%; followed by glass (147 pieces), 3. Read More
Представлено (имя):
Admin Admin (Секретариат АНТКОМ)
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CCAMLR-XV/BG/28 Подробнее |
Report on assessment and avoidance of incidental mortality in the Convention Area 1995/96 Australia
This paper summarises the activities undertaken by Australia in the Convention Area during the year to 30 June 1996 related to the assessment and avoidance of incidental mortality due to marine debris and fishing operations
Представлено (имя):
Admin Admin (Секретариат АНТКОМ)
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CCAMLR-XV/BG/29 Подробнее |
Report on assessment and avoidance of incidental mortality in the Convention Area 1995/96 Brazil |
CCAMLR-XV/BG/30 Подробнее |
Summary of current conservation measures regulating fisheries and data reporting - 1995/96 season Secretariat |
CCAMLR-XV/BG/31 Подробнее |
Report of the World Conservation Union (IUCN) Submitted by IUCN |
CCAMLR-XV/BG/32 Подробнее |
Report of the Antarctic and Southern Ocean Coalition (ASOC) Submitted by ASOC |
CCAMLR-XV/MA/01 Подробнее |
Report of Member’s activities in the Convention Area 1995/96 New Zealand |
CCAMLR-XV/MA/02 Подробнее |
Report of Member’s activities in the Convention Area 1995/96 Norway |
CCAMLR-XV/MA/03 Подробнее |
Report of Member’s activities in the Convention Area 1995/96 South Africa |
CCAMLR-XV/MA/04 Подробнее |
Report of Member’s activities in the Convention Area 1995/96 Chile |
CCAMLR-XV/MA/05 Подробнее |
Report of Member’s activities in the Convention Area 1995/96 Russia |
CCAMLR-XV/MA/06 Подробнее |
Report of Member’s activities in the Convention Area 1995/96 France |
CCAMLR-XV/MA/07 Подробнее |
Report of Member’s activities in the Convention Area 1995/96 Poland |
CCAMLR-XV/MA/08 Подробнее |
Report of Member’s activities in the Convention Area 1995/96 Germany |
CCAMLR-XV/MA/09 Подробнее |
Report of Member’s activities in the Convention Area 1995/96 Ukraine |
CCAMLR-XV/MA/10 Подробнее |
Report of Member’s activities in the Convention Area 1995/96 Republic of Korea |
CCAMLR-XV/MA/11 Подробнее |
Report of Member’s activities in the Convention Area 1995/96 United Kingdom |
CCAMLR-XV/MA/12 Подробнее |
Report of Member’s activities in the Convention Area 1995/96 Sweden |
CCAMLR-XV/MA/13 Подробнее |
Report of Member’s activities in the Convention Area 1995/96 Australia |
CCAMLR-XV/MA/14 Подробнее |
Report of Member’s activities in the Convention Area 1995/96 United States of America |
CCAMLR-XV/MA/15 Подробнее |
Report of Member’s activities in the Convention Area 1995/96 Japan |
CCAMLR-XV/MA/16 Подробнее |
Report of Member’s activities in the Convention Area 1995/96 Argentina |
CCAMLR-XV/MA/17 Подробнее |
Report of Member’s activities in the Convention Area 1995/96 Spain |
CCAMLR-XV/MA/18 Подробнее |
Report of Member’s activities in the Convention Area 1995/96 Brazil |
CCAMLR-XV/MA/19 Подробнее |
Report of Member’s activities in the Convention Area 1995/96 Italy |