Numéro du document:
Soumis par:
Claire Christian
Approuvé par:
Claire Christian
Point(s) de l'ordre du jour
ASOC encourages the Scientific Committee and Commission to continue the good faith discusssions that began during the Harmonisation Symposium at CCAMLR-43. This paper summarizes ASOCs priorities for both the D1 MPA and krill fisheries management. For the D1 MPA, ASOC recommends:
- Inclusion of key foraging grounds in the Gerlache Strait and Bransfield Strait in the General Protection Zone of the MPA
- Adoption of the entire proposed MPA at once (including the GPZ around South Orkney Islands in 48.2)
- Inclusion of critical fin whale foraging grounds around Elephant Island in the GPZ
- Period of MPA designation is permanent in line with international best practice
For krill fisheries management, ASOC recommends:
- Maintenance of the the trigger level of 620,000 tonnes for Area 48 until smaller management units are defined for each of Subarea 48.1, 48.2, 48.3 and 48.4. New catch limits and distributions can be adopted for individual subareas but should not exceed 620,000 tonnes total across Area 48.
- Spatially disperses fishing catch and effort across smaller spatial scales, ensuring that catch limits are set using the most precautionary methodology (particularly in data poor regions like the Gerlache Strait).
- Implements an effective monitoring system within the next year, that includes an updated CEMP that includes cetaceans, that provides indicators of negative impacts from fishing operations on predators, and that can support an adaptive fisheries management approach.
- Strengthens compliance measures for bycatch mitigation, port inspection, transshipment and VMS reporting to maintain high fisheries compliance standards
- Includes an agreed evaluation procedure to adapt fisheries management in response to negative predator or climatic indicators.