Schedule for the Thirty-fourth Meetings of the Commission and the Scientific Committee
Reports of SCIC and SCAF are attached to the Commission report as Annexes 6 and 7 respectively.
Meeting Documents
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The meeting will open at 0900h on Monday, 19 October 2015.
The Chair of the Commission (Mr Dmitry Gonchar, Russia) will welcome delegates from CCAMLR Members as well as observers from CCAMLR Acceding States. The Chair will also welcome observers from non-Contracting Parties and international organisations invited in accordance with the decision taken last year (CCAMLR-XXXIII, paragraphs 12.4 to 12.8) and further considerations in COMM CIRCs 15/42 and 15/xx.
The Chair will introduce Her Excellency, Professor, the Honourable Kate Warner, Governor of Tasmania, who will address the meeting.
Directly following the opening of the meeting, the Chair will deal with procedural matters before adjourning the Commission to allow the Scientific Committee to reconvene and SCAF and SCIC to carry out their work.
The Preliminary Agenda for the Thirty-fourth Meeting of the Commission was prepared and distributed in accordance with Rule 15 of the Commission’s Rules of Procedure. A Provisional Agenda, taking account of Members’ additions and comments on the Preliminary Agenda, was distributed on 4 September 2015 in accordance with Rule 17 of the Rules of Procedure.
The Chair will report on intersessional activities.
Discussion under Agenda Item 3 will be guided by the Chair of the Standing Committee on Implementation and Compliance (SCIC) who will provide a report to the Commission in relation to the matters considered under this agenda item. SCIC will take into account advice provided by the Scientific Committee in respect of these items as required.
In accordance with Conservation Measure (CM) 10-10, paragraph 3(i), SCIC shall consider the Summary CCAMLR Compliance Report taking into account any additional information received, including in accordance with paragraph 1(iii).
SCIC shall adopt by consensus, an annual Provisional CCAMLR Compliance Report that shall record any findings of non-compliance and issues identified with conservation measure implementation. This report shall include an assessment of compliance status, in accordance with Annex 10-10/B, as well as recommendations to the Commission in accordance with CM 10-10, paragraph 3(iii).
The Commission shall consider the Provisional CCAMLR Compliance Report and adopt a CCAMLR Compliance Report.
SCIC will consider the Secretariat’s summary on the implementation and operation of the CDS in 2014/15.
SCIC will consider the report of the CDS Implementation Panel regarding intersessional work undertaken to progress the recommendations of the Independent Review of CCAMLR’s CDS.………………….
SCIC will review the implementation and operation of the System of Inspection and consider any proposals received for the improvement of the System.
SCIC will consider the Secretariat’s summary on the implementation and operation of the VMS in 2014/15, including the implementation of new VMS software.
SCIC will consider any matters arising under the Arrangement between the Secretariat and competent Maritime Rescue Coordination Centre (MRCC) to release VMS data held by the Secretariat to support search and rescue activities undertaken by the MRCCs.
SCIC will consider the recommendations of the VMS Technical Working Group that provides recommendations for the adoption of minimum standards for ALCs and the revision of Conservation Measure 10-04.
SCIC will consider proposals for the revision of conservation measures in force and proposals for the adoption of new conservation measures.
In accordance with Conservation Measure (CM) 10-10, paragraph 5, SCIC will consider the effectiveness of CM 10-10 in evaluating and addressing non-compliance, and report to the Commission on its findings and recommendations for improving the conservation measure.
SCIC will consider information from Contracting Parties, non-Contracting Parties, the Secretariat and the Scientific Committee and its working groups on IUU fishing activity and trends in the Convention Area for 2014/15.
SCIC will review reports submitted by non-Contracting Parties on measures taken to exercise effective control over their flagged vessels included on the NCP-IUU Vessel List in 2014.
SCIC will consider the Provisional NCP-IUU Vessel List and the Provisional CP-IUU Vessel List for 2015 and any additional information provided in relation to vessels included in the lists.
Following consideration of any information and evidence provided by Contracting Parties or non-Contracting Parties pertaining to vessels included on the NCP-IUU Vessel List adopted in 2014, SCIC will recommend to the Commission if any vessels should be removed from the list.
SCIC shall, by consensus, adopt a Proposed NCP-IUU Vessel List and a Proposed CP-IUU Vessel List which shall be provided to the Commission for approval.
The Chair of the Scientific Committee will report as appropriate, on the Scheme of International Scientific Observation (SISO) and exchange any information on matters of relevance for SCIC to consider.
Discussion under Agenda Item 4 will be guided by the Chair of the Standing Committee on Administration and Finance (SCAF) who will provide a report to the Commission in relation to the matters considered under this agenda item.
Consistent with Financial Regulation 11.1, a full audit of the 2014 Financial Statements was completed in early 2015. The Financial Statements, together with the associated Audit Report, will be reviewed by SCAF and presented for acceptance by the Commission. In this regard, note should also be taken of COMM CIRC 15/35.
SCAF will recommend an auditor for the 2015 and 2016 financial statements.
The Executive Secretary will present his annual report. The report will summarise the implementation of activities and tasks described in the 2015–2018 Strategic Plan undertaken during the 2014/15 intersessional period (CCAMLR-XXXI, Annex 7, paragraph 3). The report will include matters relating to the Staffing and Salary Strategy for the Secretariat.
The Secretariat, as convener of an open-ended informal correspondence group appointed by the Commission (CCAMLR-XXXI, Annex 7, paragraph 13), will present a progress report on intersessional consultations that concerned further work to evaluate possible income-generating and cost-saving options (CCAMLR-XXXIII, Annex 7, paragraphs 14 and 15).
The status of the 2015 budget will be presented for review.
A draft budget for 2016 will be presented. This will be used to prepare a recommended budget for 2016. The advice to the Commission will take into account SCAF’s discussions on financial and administrative issues as well as advice from the Scientific Committee and SCIC Chairs.
As part of its budgetary considerations, SCAF will review any income and expenditure proposals for any of the Special and other Funds.
The Committee will present a forecast budget for 2017 to the Commission for information purposes only.
The Chair of the Scientific Committee will introduce the report of the Thirty-fourth Meeting of the Scientific Committee containing advice and recommendations to the Commission in accordance with the Convention’s objectives.
In addition to a summary of catches in 2014/15 and management advice for 2015/16, the Commission will consider the advice and recommendations of the Scientific Committee in relation to harvesting of krill and fish as well as any proposals for new fisheries.
Data reported for the current season, as well as any updates to the notifications for krill fisheries in the 2015/16 season will be presented. Members will be invited to inform the Commission of updated information relating to those notifications, as well as any relevant developments and trends in krill fisheries in the Convention Area. The Chair of the Scientific Committee will report on issues including progress towards development of feedback management for the krill fishery, catch monitoring, including the estimation of green weight and other advice related to the krill fishery.
Data and related information for the current season will be presented. Members will be invited to inform the Commission of recent developments and trends in finfish fisheries in the Convention Area. The Chair of the Scientific Committee will report on the results of assessments of fish resources, noting that 2015 is an assessment year with respect to biennial assessments for Dissostichus spp.
Fishing activities in exploratory fisheries in the 2014/15 season and notifications for new and exploratory fisheries in the 2015/16 season will be reviewed taking into account the advice of the Scientific Committee. The results of the Scientific Committee’s review of research in data-poor exploratory fisheries, and research conducted under Conservation Measure 24-01 on Dissostichus spp. will be reported.
The Chair of the Scientific Committee will report on its consideration of the incidental mortality of seabirds and marine mammals arising from fisheries.
The Scientific Committee will provide advice on progress in the implementation of Conservation Measures 22-05, 22-06, 22-07, 22-08 and 22-09 and other matters pertaining to CCAMLR’s actions in respect of bottom fishing and vulnerable marine ecosystems.
The Chair of the Scientific Committee will report on scientific analysis relevant to the implementation of a representative system of marine protected areas in the CAMLR Convention Area.
The Scientific Committee will provide advice on the science required to inform management responses to climate change (SC-CAMLR-XXVII, paragraphs 8.1 to 8.10 and CCAMLR-XXIX, paragraph 13.8).
The Scientific Committee will provide advice on scientific research conducted in 2014/15 under Conservation Measure (CM) 24-01 (Application of conservation measures to scientific research). The Scientific Committee will advise on proposals submitted under CM 24-01 to ensure all research proposed for 2015/16 is consistent with the intended purpose of the measure.
The Commission will receive advice from the Scientific Committee in relation to the CCAMLR General Science Capacity Fund and the CCAMLR Scientific Scholarship Scheme (CCAMLR-XXX, paragraphs 15.2 and 15.6 to 15.8).
The Chair of the Scientific Committee will also report on progress with the implementation of the recommendations of the CCAMLR SISO Review (SC-CAMLR-XXXII, paragraphs 7.9 and 7.10) and the implementation of the CCAMLR Observer Training Program Accreditation Process (COTPAS).
In accordance with Rule 16 of the Rules of Procedure of the Commission, Australia proposed this supplementary agenda item for CCAMLR-XXXIV. An explanatory memorandum accompanied the transmission of the Provisional Agenda to Members of the Commission.
The Commission will review conservation measures in force in light of the advice received under Agenda Item 3 and from the Scientific Committee in relation to experiences in implementing measures in 2014/15.
Conservation measures and resolutions not already addressed in the course of the Commission’s deliberations under other agenda items will be discussed under this subitem.
Since 1996 the Commission has agreed that specific reflection on the objectives of the Convention continues to be an important requisite of each annual meeting. The Commission will consider any progress made with respect to the various strategic discussions at previous meetings of the Commission and review proposals submitted for discussion under this item. The Commission has tasked the Secretariat with providing a progress report on matters (papers, activities and actions) arising from the Performance Review Report (CCAMLR-XXIX, paragraph 15.7 and First CCAMLR Performance Review). In addition, CCAMLR-XXXIII proposed that a summary report of a symposium to mark CCAMLR’s 35th anniversary be presented to CCAMLR-XXXIV (paragraph 8.8) and accepted the offer of the EU to prepare draft terms of reference for a second performance review (paragraph 8.15). Both matters will be considered under this item.
The Executive Secretary represented CCAMLR at the Thirty-eighth Antarctic Treaty Consultative Party Meeting (ATCM XXXVIII, 1 to 10 June 2015, Sofia, Bulgaria). He will provide a report on the meeting.
The Commission will consider the Scientific Committee’s advice on assessment of any draft management plans for protected areas with a marine area component proposed under the Environmental Protocol to the Antarctic Treaty and submitted to CCAMLR for approval.
Future cooperation between CCAMLR and other parts of the Antarctic Treaty System will be discussed along with participation in the meetings of the ATCM and CEP in 2016.
The CCAMLR Observer to SCAR and the SCAR Observer to CCAMLR will be invited to report briefly on recent SCAR initiatives of interest to CCAMLR.
The Scientific Committee’s consideration of the options for future cooperation with SCAR will be discussed.
The following international organisations have been invited to attend CCAMLR-XXXIV as observers: ACAP, CCSBT, CEP, CITES, COMNAP, FAO, IATTC, ICCAT, IOC, IUCN, IWC, RPOA-IUU, SCAR, SCOR, SEAFO, SIOFA, SPRFMO, UNEP and WCPFC.
The following non-governmental organisations have also been invited to attend CCAMLR-XXXIV: ARK, ASOC and COLTO.
Their reports will have been tabled. Representatives of these and other organisations present at the meeting will be invited to present key items from their reports. A maximum of five minutes will be allocated to each such report. The reports from the CEP and SCAR Observers will have been received by the Scientific Committee.
Reports from CCAMLR representatives at the 2014/15 meetings of various international organisations (CCAMLR-XXXII, paragraph 9.17) will be received.
The Commission will review any further developments regarding cooperation between CCAMLR and CCSBT, CCAMLR and WCPFC and potential cooperation between CCAMLR and SPRFMO.
Taking into account discussion arising under Agenda Item 4.4.2, the advice of the Scientific Committee and other budgetary-related matters agreed during the meeting, the Commission will adopt a budget for 2016 and a forecast budget for 2017.
The following appointments require the consideration of the Commission at CCAMLR-XXXIV:
- Vice-Chair of the Commission
CCAMLR-XXXII (paragraph 12.1) elected the USA to continue as the Vice-Chair of the Commission until the conclusion of the meeting in 2015.
- Chair of SCAF
In August 2015, the Republic of Korea advised that it would be unable to provide a Chair for SCAF for CCAMLR-XXXIV (COMM CIRC 15/80). As a result, SCAF will be required to elect a Chair for an initial term of two years.
Since 1994 the Commission has addressed the invitation of observers to its next meeting under this agenda item (CCAMLR-XIII, paragraph 13.7). Acceding States, non-Contracting Parties and international organisations to be invited to CCAMLR-XXXV will be identified.
The date and duration of the Thirty-fifth Meeting of the Commission will be decided.
The report of the Thirty-fourth Meeting will be considered and adopted.
The meeting is scheduled to close at 1600 h on Friday, 30 October 2015.